I’ve often heard of the crossroads referenced to an astral plane- I understand that part but I’ve also heard of it referred to as a physical place as well.what would a physical worldly crossroads consist of?
Um…exactly what the name implies. It is where two roads cross each other.
If you have ever been in a car at a four-way stop, you’ve been at a crossroads.
Crossroad rituals are great, and nearly always benign; I’ve never encountered a malicious spirit at one, or the dead either for that matter. Two crossed roads under a full moon in a remote location is perfect, but walking paths and bike trails work too.
You do realise that malicious spirits can also be summoned to the cross roads?
Certainly. I was just saying I’ve never encountered them there. A summons is a different matter, but I get your point.
There’s a malicious spirit that lives at a crossroad close to my home. Many people have died there due to car accidents. I almost got hit by a truck while crossing one morning. DID NOT SEE IT AT ALL until I felt something grabbed me by the collar and yanked me back just as the truck passed infront of me.
An author of magic once gave his personal explanation of the crossroad, writing of the “astronomical cross” (+) and “operative cross” (x), over the magical circle.
In Celtic lore all ‘in-between’ places are magical and can allow the unseen to pass into this world. Lintels and crossroads in particular - it’s an area where the boundaries between the worlds are thin.
Popular in hoodoo. And every african country has a different god for a crossroad in magic… and you never stop hearing about crossroads, sometimes I find a really good spell, and I’m like, please, dont let this end at a crossroads that I can never drive through, or look back at again -because I’m running out of deserted cross roads
If were talking Hekatean Crossroad its where three roads meet. There is also a four way crossroad that is used by hoodoo i think.
WOW! Sometimes the simplest answer… I really had no idea it literally meant like mundane crossroads. I was thinking certain physical locations that have a natural spiritual significance- such as an oak tree as they say.
Physical crossroads do have magickal significance in many traditions though.