What if?

Theoretically… You summon Beleth,Sitri,Sallos,Dantalion,Zepar and Roseri to get “a certain person” to feel a certain way. What’s the outcome of sending 6 spirits after a person.


I feel like this is the equivalent of using a cruise missile to get rid of a bothersome fly :joy:
I actually don’t know. I kind of feel going to this extreme would cause some kind of back fire


Each one would be for a different reason and assigned a certain task. And you ask no harm to come to yourself.


Sounds like some wires may get crossed if one of these can handle the whole task.


If directed very narrowly towards specific ends, i can see it working, going from chance meeting, to lust to eventual long term relationship goal.

I can also see this level of manipulation causing more madness in the target than making them feel the same way. In matters of love it doesn’t take much to tip the scale from interest to fatal attraction levels of crazy.


The “fly” is actually a Dragon. So you send a an elite force to…well ya know

Beleth the King has backup

Define-fatal attraction of crazy

You would need to clarify this cause our definitions are likely different in extremes. Cause the only way this fits for me is if that person is an experienced practitioner. In which case they would have their own defences, spiritual allies of their own ect. In which case this may not work out in any expected since.


in reference to the movie, we’re talking about the kind of stalker who cooks your pets crazy


I’ve heard of some spirits getting… for lack of a better word, offended when you ask different spirits to do the same task. If you explained it was to blast this person with magick :thinking: they may understand… I think explaining and asking the spirits if it’s cool with them would be the best way. If they all said yes, then it sounds like this “certain person” will be eating out of the palm of your hand. :pray:


im not sure. i dont think those entities have quite the same powers…as some focus more on real love, while others on lust…so they may not even work together. But if they did, i imagine it wouldnt work the way one would expect. Theres even a chance it doesnt work at all. You would have to assess why the caster feels that the reality of him and his target being together is so far-fetched…that it requires a collection of histories most revered and worshiped gods to make it a reality. Theres a good chance that the caster lacks confidence in the magick, so hes throwing in multiple entities in order to compensate for that


The caster has confidence but wants to nuke the target with a giant love bomb. The effects should at least work 1 out of 6 of the spirits. And they are all love/list demons under a long leading the way…

The practioner wishes she was eating something

Well they might get offended that you’re doubting em, idk just my upg

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I don’t think the person has spiritual allies they are not into that. Maybe a ancestor.

i dont believe magick will necessarily work in such a linear way…at least not always. i dont think adding more spirits will make the target undress at the sight of the caster the moment they locked eyes or something…if that is what youre implying. Whats more likely to happen imo is that the target avoids being in the same space as the caster because the target feels uncomfortable around him…leaving the caster with nothinh

What??? The whole reason we practice magic is for change or personal reasons. I don’t understand how it could go so badly if you focus each spirit on emotions mind body.

yes…but what you need to understand is magick is simply a tool…not a collection of dragon balls that will grant you your every wish. The nazis learned that the hard way. If you want to have success with magick, you have to be smart about it, and think before ýou leap. For example…have you ever thought about the scenario where the target gets so enthralled by the sight of the caster (because he sent so many demons on her)…that instead of doing what he hoped she would…she feels super unworthy and unconfident in front of him, which triggers her shyness and causes her to flee the tension versus staying in it? Thats one very viable result of trying to sick so many demons on one target to get them to act the way you want.


Shyness never crossed “The casters” mind… Fucking blows

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