What happens After Death?

I have …

Breadcrumbs :joy:.

My view on the topic of god-forms is that an some individual’s have many incarnations over time. So this begs the question what was our incarnation before coming to this earth.

EA Koetting has mentioned this in the soul travel course when visiting the casual plane.
So a human being can have been another human being and on and on. Before that they could have been a god, demon, etc.

Trace it further back we are emanations of the light of the realm of extroverted soul (formative plane).


In many Grimoires and books demons have been stated saying.

“We walk among you”.

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This is probably goin to be a long answer and full of my own experiments and research so strap in.

Plenty of things: from remaining stranded in purgatory and being extremely confused to going to a realm unknown to anyone but those that inhabit it.

I’ve been looking into this for the past couple of years. The answer that I have still doesn’t satisfy me but it’s the best i have. Basically anything you make yourself to be. Some people say you reincarnate, I came to the conclusion that a soul comes back around 9 times. Why this number i have no clue. The general ‘rule’ seems to be: you have something you haven’t learned yet you come back. By the end of the 9 cycles you are expected to have learned what you should’ve and to have made a decision regarding your purpose after death. Were you a warrior all your lives and had a special connection to Odin? Chances are you might end up in Valhalla and prepare for Ragnarok. Were you doing Lucifer’s bidding all your lives? Chances are you’re going to ‘hell’ and turn into some kind of demon . If you mixed relations with entities that are indeed different i have no clue, maybe you get to choose where you go. What seems to be clear so far is that as long as you get too attached to ‘simple’ concepts you might turn into something not exactly admirable, basically a soul with one purpose and one purpose only that is susceptible to being turned into some kind of thrall. As examples i’d say something like soldier demons that don’t really know how to do anything but fight and submit to a stronger opponent. I’d see the same kind of thing happening to a nymphomaniac, turning into a succubus/incubus. Although incubi and succubi are more advanced than mere demon cannon fodder i hope the point gets across. If you don’t aspire to anything after you die while you’re alive, you become what you were most anchored in, in life in a way.

However, if some kind of action is taken towards becoming something after death it’s hard to say exactly what would happen, you could earn your place in the realm you reach by the time you die so this still takes looking into.

Strong convictions and emotions seem to keep as well as some memories the entity deems important. You’ll have human spirits that can still remember their lovers from life, or kids or parents ect. Or perhaps they remember and are desperately looking for a heirloom they had. But what forms the entities keeps. Traumas, happy times if there ever were any, relations with other entities or beings perhaps.

As far as I know, inconceivable amounts of realms. Valhalla, Hel and many other still unknown realms remain valid possibilities.

But then again, take this with a grain or a bag or two of salt. I don’t even know what I don’t know so this could be just as well a bunch of bullshit.


What Happens After We Die.

Okay where to begin …

The source of all creation, the heart of the eternal as it’s often referred to. Is almost like the bing bang theory, a critical mass which builds as pure light and sound.

As this expanded/exploded.
The further the liquid ocean of light and power moved further away from the source it took on form.

In the formative plane, the plane of extroverted soul, the highest god-plane. This is manifest as a ocean of liquid light and sound.

It goes through then the abyss (Outter Darkness) the plane which is absolutely isolated.
As it this moves further way it formed as consciousness, thereby creating the mental plane, higher and lower.

This emanation goes further down, creating the casual plane the realm of memory. The light still keeps flowing downwards then this forms as energy and spirit creating the astral plane.

Now it moves further away it becomes the physical plane, the realm of flesh and substance.
So we are emanations of that grand omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent force.

Ergo we are the microcosmic holographic condensed version of the total macrocosm.
That’s why many say all of existence dwells within. You are the result of that liquid light, taking on a individual free willed formation.

Over time you’re form shifted, you were first a being of total power, absolute Godhood unfettered. Next you became consciousness, then you developed memory, connecting to the memory of all that is and will be.

Then you took of the form of spirit and energy, then you descend down the ladder to become flesh. Tapping into that power, tapping into you’re true nature ascending to the highest spiritual state possible. Which is to be God.

Then through the anti-transmigration process, we bring that back to earth. Sealing it within our flesh, also this is why most spirits envy us.

We are the only beings that have a body in all realms, and exist in all planes simultaneously.
You’re thoughts and perception and belief may create a certain vibration within you before death.

Carrying you to the afterlife you believe in.
On the other hand, the ascended magician will often say “Fuck That” I want to be everywhere.

Like me I’ll go Valhalla Monday, Heaven Tuesday, Drugaskan Wednesday, Hell on Thursday, Travel the universe and other planets Friday, Dimension travel Saturday so on.

Also you’ll be ascended right, so you’ll anchor yourself to the fabric which is interwoven into all things. You will it and it’ll happen.


Pleb question but what this?

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Hmm…I wonder about that, DMT is released during death. Aliens are just about as real as Demons and Angels IMO.
Also theres this.
Image result for today we call them demons
If you think back to ancient Egypt those gods could´ve well been aliens who´s to say we´ed know the difference if they can magickally manifest all things instantly!

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The defination of extraterrestrial.

So if the angels live in heaven they are extraterrestrial cause they are not from earth o the demons that are fallen angels, my opinion.


Yeah the DMT is responsible for near-death-experiences. Shit, the entire concept of afterlives might just be a bizarre DMT trip.

Aliens seems more likely since they fit our physical world’s paradigm more–the “advanced civilization from far away galaxy” thing makes sense.

Everybody else (ghouls, goblins) is either from somewhere else completely, or steep in contridictory lore of which no one can seem to come to a general consensus. Makes a lot of this shit questionable.

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From what I understand, reincarnation, but that is not important for the vast majority of you.

Just live your life, and don’t ask questions which answers you will not be able to comprehend anyway.


Imo, reincarnation. I’ve had some experiences I can honestly only describe as very brief looks at a past life. Between this life and the next though, not sure.


No one should bother to pursue that part of their path. Ignore it all.


Indeed, it is pretty pointless to ask what happens after death.

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@Cawfee, I would like to ask whats your reason for asking.

As you can already tell, for as many people as there are on the earth you will get an equal of number of different responses. In reality all anyone can offer you is their truth but it’s not your truth.

This is a question that you will 100% get an answer to hopefully later rater than sooner. I’m still curious what prompted the question.

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The Emerald tablets of Thoth the Atlantean give a pretty good rundown of this.


I just started to look into that. I was particularly interested in “Key of Time”, I’ll be sure to read the Keys of life and death.


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That’s what I believe that humans after death if they don’t want to reincarnate something or someone(s) however you believe it to be, personally I believe there’s a few creators of angels, as well as demons and one could become one of those beings. I don’t believe you can just will yourself to become one however, but you get the gist. As for the enoch to metatron, that idea is from ascension that the “ascended masters” were humans who ascended to become angels in some way, shape, or form, who have some form of control over the 7 divine rays.

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In my personal believe is that when we leave our bodies when it dies, you either reincarnate or you stay in the astral realm i maybe wrong. I don’t plan to reincarnate, those who didn’t free themselves are going to be lost due to the false knowledge they were taught. Not every soul that is in a human body aren’t human which some of us aren’t.

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Wish someone dead would just come back and tell us. Fucking pricks.


There are only two option for me is one to be transported into world where there are magic/ techologies, civilizations, factions, guilds, adventures, humans, and demi human living among one another, pretty like all those transported into another world anime/manga, or two be reborn into the Infernal Empire under Lilith faction, as ones of her children

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It’s not just demons, demons aren’t the only one that reside in hell