What happens After Death?

What happens to us after death? What do we become?
What do we keep from when we were alive and what do we get rid of?

Also where can we go other than heaven and hell?


In my opinion what happens after death is either reincarnation into the many different planes and realms (astral excluded) or return to the realm or plane your soul is from if you so choose to. However, if you follow a particular faith you give those Gods control to some degree over where you go. Myself I hope to go to the Norse realms, or the etheric plane. However, I worship or look up to no entity but I do consider it more of certain equal standings.


It’s in your hands. You either become a wanderer or reincarnate; if you are an ascended being then you can be whatever you want to be.

That depends on you, how you lived your life here on Earth.

This is zero. This figure of speech has caused and brought many confusion to peoples mind. But when you get there you shall see what’s called heaven and hell. It’s not as Religious people preach it.

Like, when someone die you can summon forth their Spirit. So if they are in hell suffering punishment as religion teaches why would they come? Or they are gonna take permission from the Spirit punishing them, “Excuse me, please, I need to answer to that call I would be right back.”? Or if they are in what’s defined as Heaven…?

It’s all religion thing. Heaven and Hell isn’t what they teach. The words or terms alone are mere figure of Speech. The planets and the stars are what exist. What they call heaven.

And when a dead person found himself among evil and wicked Spirits, and his past life on Earth is hunting him, they would say to those who summon them that they are in hell. Even that, it’s the knowledge they have gained here on earth regarding heaven and hell that would make them give such reply, “I’m in Hell”.


Just try it and tell us the results :upside_down_face::upside_down_face::upside_down_face:


Death will be whatever you believe it to be in the deepest of your core. At least that’s what I believe. Through the years when working with spirits who are stuck between the veil, oftentimes these were atheists that believed death would be the end of all and they are confused on where to go.


Indeed. For some, the earthly memory or knowledge will still be very intact. So that belief still in them.


Don’t go into the light.



What do you want to happen?


My poor great grandfather :frowning:
I heard he might be stuck with a bunch of hoodlums now in a mass grave under a certain building. People are too scared to dig it up and free the souls of those thrown in there during the war, because some of them have turned into sth very bad.
And in Vietnamese culture the spirits tend to be very attached to their body/grave, if you’re wondering. It’s very important to find lost graves and give them proper burials of what’s left. Families would work with telepaths and channelers for years, using necromancy to ask the spirits etc…in order to get it done.


Take a look on the information of apocryphal gospel of (maria magdalena). There is information about 4 step that the spirit/soul has to pass after death, that’s she learn from Jesus. And the church conserve that information. Also take a look on the studies of Raymond moody, Doctor Elisabeth kubler rose, and Brian weiss.


Sorry to hear that.

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I was told reincarnation by Archangel Azrael.


They aren’t afterlives. They’re astral planes where angels and demons reside.

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My godform told me the same thing


In fact, what he said is far more than that,but his words are incomprehensible.and the rest is only reincarnation.Finally, he said that it is meaningless.

And after a few days, I read this:

"Virtuous man, all worlds begin and end, are born and perish, have a before and after, exist and do not exist, coalesce and disperse, arise and cease. Thoughts follow one another in succession, going and coming in a ceaseless circle.“


Some demons/ angels were humans were they not? Like Metatron when god took Enoch in after death. Does this mean that there’s an incarnation of everyone of them right now?

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Nothing. It’ll be like dreamless sleep where you won’t even know it’s happening.

This is all in our heads. Maybe aliens are real.

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There isn’t any evidence to support that. Also, Abrahamic texts aren’t exactly the most reliable when it comes to factual information.

If there was, they wouldn’t be interacting with us. They’d be off living their lives as humans.

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I’m pretty sure @C.Kendall is an incarnation of Lucifer desu

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Yeah, and I’m Abaddon incarnate! :joy:

Seriously though, Kendall has interacted with Lucifer many times. Wouldn’t he have said something by now?

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