What does your higher self appear to you as?

I think I just had an internal diaglouge with my higher self and I got a portrait glimpse of him sort of. I was really mad and he was trying to calm me down and explain to me that there’s a time and place for anger like that.

Thing is he looks scary. I saw a wolfs head with kind of a mange and he looked like he was out of a horror movie. Maybe he has a darker personality like me ( not trying to be an edgelord here). Dunno. I always have had a connection to and love for wolves for some reason.

Anyone speak to their higher self ? Did they appear to you as anything ?

Maybe I was imiginaing it ? Lol


I did a meditation once to meet my higher self, and she appeared as a woman who looked between the ages of 23-25, dark brown boarding on black hair. I compare her to Snow White haha, only with longer hair and more grown up looking.


She appears usually with dark hair and brown eyes. She looks like a normal human, the only difference is that she’s a very high vibrational being.


My personal relationship and experiences led me to true belief in not only myself as gain of balance But my twin flame and my above an below these décented ones attached sence birth are for good reason are like decented masters, Aleister Crowley , Tesla has and many others thru time had there attachments for obviousnreasons . Mine thru life was a curse till awakening. Mythology has comparisons to this theory that they relate just cause there dark doesn’t mean there bad

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I meditated on ny higher self but I believe that he/she blocked me from any communication cause I fell asleep immediately.

You might have different view point to accessing these realms, like myself it’s kinda like a blind fold like an opposite. It’s a true with your self subconsciously into continuous clearing. Varys on how u manifest your different chakra vibration or combinations … it’s a technique that personalized on a natural I guess , be hard to teach that way but definitely possible

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A good way to practice would spontaneous actions like first thought process no thinking at all or emotions that change your intuition way of thinking … your voice and actions come from intuition level and your brain and body sence and feel to balance and feed the information

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Depends. Sometimes, he’s a raven or crow. Sometimes a coyote. Sometimes a worm. Even a vulture.

He’s a shapeshifter. So it’s hard to answer this. :slight_smile:


So he likely understands what I’m explaining but on a raven / crow level

Don’t have one. What I am is what the omniverse gets.

My higher self talks while I’m sleeping.
I mean it talks astrally through me.
I have a bit memory of that.
My higher self has knowledge and abilities
I can’t use. Anybody an idea how to connect
truly with one’s higher self? I want to become
my higher self.

I show myself so many different versions there’s no placement on one :man_shrugging:t3:

can a higher self be of the opposite sex?

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Dunno about your higher self necessarily but you certainly could access your opposite-sex anima or animus, if you subscribe to Jungian psychology.

Also check out this post:


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Thanks a lot.

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Yes, it can. The HS has nothing to do with your incarnated gender.


Thank you!
sometimes in dreams I have a male body. and the reflection in the mirror or shop window would be masculine.


Absolutely yes in my opinion, I have male and female.

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Thank you!

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Mine appears very non human. Blue skinned with rams horns and wings. Also a tail and hooves. Holds a stave and a sword.

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