What does it mean for Crows, Vultures, and Hawks to always follow you?

I am fairly new to this path, but have noticed that for the past 3 years, I am CONTINUALLY followed and bothered anytime I go outside by black Crows, Vultures, and Hawks, which circle in the sky above me, and also follow my car from above. It has gotten to the point that it really bothers me. They also congregate in my yard (crows) and squawk loudly. What could be the meaning behind this? I get the feeling they are trying to tell me something, but I have NO idea what that could be.

Any ideas? Thanks


This could all be coincidence and have no spiritual symbolism. Have you conducted any rituals in the last three years, asking for a sign or divinstion? If the answer is no, it probably has no meaning. Ravens or crows are common birds of pray and it is not that unusal to see them in many residential areas.

However in animal symbolism, crows and ravens are often interchangeabl, and are associated with symbolism of bad luck or negative omens to come.

From what your saying if you keep seeing crows around contantly it might mean spiritually that you need to pay extra attention as a sign or answer to a ritual request. The power sign of this bird brings mysticism. Crows are usually associated with a dark omen and death in mythology. It is all how you choose to interpret their meaning.


Synchronicity strikes again.

I had a similar situation with crows today and was just going to make a topic about it. Recently, I was told by Belial to “watch for crows”. Nothing happened until today as I was at the dog park with my parents’ dog. Some of them were flying very low and close enough for me to get a good look at them. Granted they flew past me, but I found it odd that they would get this close because there were a lot of dogs in the area and not a lot of things that crows would eat (at least, where I was standing).

I wonder if the cause is similar to yours. Or, like @lawclerk said, it could be a dark omen or nothing at all.


Interesting. Ravens are an omen of doom many times over. I have had black Ravens crashing in front of me, stone dead! How is that for a sign? That same afternoon i was informed the restaurant i was working for was going out of business, I then become ill for over two weeks with extreme nausea.


You should take a look at this, very interestin:

Ravens are frequently associated with prophecy. In the Bible, ravens feed Elijah while he is in the wilderness. In Greco-Roman mythology, the he Ravens are associated with Apollo, and act as his messenger. In Nordic mythology, ravens are associated with Odin and act as his messengers. In the Pacific Northwest Native American Traditions, the Raven does double duty as creator and trickster, it was a common practice of the Kwakwaka’wakw Tribe to expose the placenta of newborns to be eaten by crows with the hopes that the child develops prophetic abilities.


Thanks for your reply. The birds have been constantly following me since I have been doing wealth rituals, and since I have been trying to win the lottery using magick, and as crazy as it sounds, it seems that the birds are getting bigger! They started off being common black crows, but I have seen vultures, ravens, black hawks, and some now some huge black birds that I have NO idea what they are, they are so big! What you said makes sense, that they are somehow trying to get my attention, or that I should pay attention to something. I just have to figure out what that is. I thought for a while that they were a symbol of impending doom, but I usually have really good luck.



As crazy as this sounds, my raven experience is very similar to the one shown in the movie “Damien Omen II”, where the ravens watch and follow someone (thankfully they haven’t attacked yet!). It is very spooky, and the birds are getting bigger! They started off as common crows, now they are mostly Ravens, but on some days, they are much bigger birds, like huge black hawks or even larger birds that follow my car from above (and me if I am outside). They even circled my head once when I was in a cemetery. It has baffled and totally freaked me out at times. There HAS to be some meaning in all of this! I think they are trying to tell us something…


Do you perhaps walk with a shambling gait? Posses an overall sickly visage?
Joking aside, I’d caution you against ascribing meaning to event so easily. Once we start to notice something, it becomes easy to spot it everywhere. I would advise you to continue with your magic and perhaps contact some entities associated with said birds.


From a lot of things I’ve dug through over the years, there’s a tribe of natives that regard ravens as carrying souls. Usually one is enough for a single person, but those of great power or importance have more arrive(example being a strong chief was crucified and the sky was black with ravens for 3 days as they were gathering and collecting him). In my experience I associate Mammon with Vultures and rather large Hawks or Eagles. Could be you have a Patron looking for you, or you know youre SOL and about to die. Good luck with either


I agree crows can be psychopomps
They always seem to show up to remind me to look past the veil and remember to view life from a magickal perspective. To look into the void.

I even refer to crows as “my buddies” on a social media platform because they are always hanging out.

One time I had the privilege to see more than a murder of crows. It was more like a tribunal. Hundreds of crows in the trees gathered to judge a crow that fucked up. Don’t know what their laws are,but they kicked the crow out of their “tribe.” It was sight to behold!

When I was very ill, crows used to demand my attention. So many crow stories from that time in my life.They even beat the hell out of a cat to bring me a gift. Yes, I saw it through the window because they wouldn’t shut up until I looked. Then they went off on the cat to win a wishbone. They brought the wishbone to me.

It was a special gift.
Not sure about the other birds,but crows can be a good thing.
A good omen. Even familiars.

They are truly “my buddies.”:blush:



I wish they had a laugh emoji instead of just a heart!:rofl:


Really though its the only way to look at it. Seems like a journey is about to happen. Its either a journey of growth or its 6 feet under. Theres no way to tell which right now so all I can say is good luck and buckle yourself in


Sounds like your patron deity has heard your request for wealth but haven’t hit the lottery with repeated castings for prosperity won’t be acceded to with all the signs of negativity it could mean you need to start all over.

I would ask for divination and knowledge that way you can develop a system to gain wealth using your own mind and skills using your rituals as a tutor to point you in the right direction as opposed to just dropping hundred dollar bundles on your doorstep. If you do follow through with a knowledge to succeed ritual I will bet that the black crows will decrease considerably and good luck and omens will follow.

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I think I might have some clue as to what they are TRYING to tell me (which just occurred to me today due to another situation)…In all my readings about rituals, magick, etc., I think you are SUPPOSE to do a ritual, and THEN put it OUT of your mind and FORGET it, in order to obtain the best results, but with the wealth / lottery spells / castings that I have been doing, I have literally been OBSESSING over it, and thinking of basically nothing else (What can I say, I have OCD)…I am now trying my BEST to put it all out of my mind as much as I can and see if that helps.


For me I had a synchronicity of 3 crows that seemed to be where I couldn’t miss them. One crow sat in the middle of the road and acted like it wasn’t going to move. Another landed near me and just walked about its own business. And the last and most jarring one was when I came home at 10pm and this crow sitting on a light poll looked at me and cawed real loud. This was all in a matter of a week.

This was an omen in the truest sense. And the synchronicity ended up saving my life.


I think you posted on the wrong thread. xD

Oh shit! You’re right! Whoops.

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So in regards to the crows, I’ve been bumping into friendly old people (mostly men). From that, I’m guessing Odin might manifest soon.

But now geese and sparrows have been acting strange in addition to crows. They’re getting rather close and have been staring at me

What about you, @giftedintn? Any developments?

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Hi Prophet,
I have been practicing detachment, and trying not to think about what I had previously been obsessing over, and have recently been doing some Damon Brand Wealth castings, and went out today and…guess what? NO BIRDS! Maybe by doing what I was suppose to do in regards to Magick by doing the castings and then forgetting it, maybe THAT was what the crows and vultures were trying to tell me, though it will take several more outings with no bird sightings to prove it to me.