What do you do after you become cynical?

Imagine you Thanos snapped away everyone who is doing worse than you? Well, you aren’t any better, therefore it doesn’t matter. In fact now you are on the bottom of the leader boards.


Discipline is what got me in this mess in the first place. If I was a little more flighty and neurotic I wouldn’t have agreed to such bad deals in hope of something better tomorrow just because of the life long propaganda reel telling me to believe that.

The negative thoughts are the barrier between me and the next scam.

The Next Scam!

I have the huge task of building a fresh portfolio from scratch because the stuff I have is too old and out of date and my references gone bad. I like Fiverr’s TOS more.

That is a violation of Upwork’s TOS, but I don’t care.

Care to do a write up on that? I already decided in another similar thread that I needed to do a “psychological retcon”. I would love to see a video of ashes putting itself back together and unburning itself.

Care to shut your wise ass? Keep wallowing yourself in self pity. Enjoy yourself and stay like this forever.

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Oflameo, You seem to taking what I say and twisting it to be cynical as you seem to be looking to avoid it. I don’t know the challenges you face and I didn’t understand your Thanos reference to my comment.

Also you mention how discipline got you into your current, problem. I think if you reflect on that statement you will realize you are wrong, (maybe Im wrong) You may be a disciplined worker but not so much when it comes to collecting your payments. Imagine how shitty your life would be without any discipline at all. I think you need to do a self analysis and see what is and what isn’t working, then make the necessary adjustments and act.

I can tell you are frustrated and you probably have every right to be but that state of frustration and anger will be of no asset to you unless you can transform those emotions to drive you even further to push through the BS.

When I get fucked or something bad happens I don’t react like I once would.
Words from me or anyone else likely won’t help you in your current state.
Try to meditate and think how can you get out of this certain circumstance rather than (why is this happening, Not saying you are saying that )

Think on solutions rather than problems, and even know it is extremely difficult when your fed up, frustrated and stressed, focus on a few things you are grateful for.

I’m no wise man but I know what has helped me. Good luck to you and remember this, when you change your mindset and perspective you change your life.

Take care and best wishes

Reminds me of the movie gladiator when Marcus areulius is telling his son Comadus that he should rise from the ashes of his pathetic life. I love that movie! “Are you not Entertained!” gives me the chills :grinning:

Disagree, when you expect good things to happen to you then they tend to do. Same if you focus on the negatives all the time. Thats just my take

@13lueGemini Take your shitty metaphors and flush them down the toilet where they belong. Your goldfish is hungry.

@knowledgeseeker You seem to be operating under the premise that if I thought happier thoughts all of my problems would poof away. I tried cognitive behavior therapy which operates under the same premise, and it didn’t work. The best thing about the premise is that it has the implicit assumption of user error so when it goes wrong the technique can’t possibly be a bad one in any case.

At this point I really cant tell if you are trolling for attention, or are really in a bad spot right now. The cynical man will find every reason and possible way something might not work. The optimistic man realizes you only need just one way to make something work and your set.

I’m not taking about positive thinking although it helps, I gave a couple of recommendations and you disregard them without considering them from my interpretation. Reprogram your mind is entirely different than positive thinking.

I mean no disprespect but you seem to be suffering from a victim mentality mindset. I used to operate very similarly. Everything was everyone else’s fault but my own.

Until you reprogram your mindset and get into alignment with what you want and how your going to achieve it you will likely continue to act this way

The challenges in life can either make us bitter or better, and you my friend are very bitter.
Work on yourself harder than your job, Take some personal time away. Do something because what your doing now clearly isn’t working.

I’ve been through many dark times and have dealt with many negative people and circumstances. I continue to rise not because I am any better than anyone else but because I have changed my mindset.

Find out why you are doing the things your doing and find creative solutions around the problems you now face. One thing I remember from sports but never grasped fully until recently is control what you can control.

I’m current 99.9% sure I have covid since my roommates positive,(and Im sick) But I refuse to let fear, or negativity dictate my actions. Whats done is done. I feel crappy and am still writing this because I like to help people. And if you truly want help you must be willing to face your demons and get back on track.
How you determine how you act in any given set of circumstances will reveal you’re true character. You get to decide who you want to show up in this world as.

Best of luck to you

If possible it is 100% both. I am in a bad spot, but I can’t take tired old clichés seriously when the person using them is not willing or able to explain it, has nothing at stake, and pretty much casting it like a magic spell that is to mute me and make me work and wait for noting.

Just because I take responsibility does not necessarily mean I have the ability or authority to fix it. Worked many jobs where I had responsibility without authority. I pretty much had to do social math to figure out what actions would get me in the least amount of trouble because trouble is always coming.

I don’t know how to do that. I think am trying to buy affection because I can’t make my own.

I don’t know what that means.

@knowledgeseeker I just thought of something. What if a set of circumstances reveal that my true character is spiteful?

Note: did not read every comment in thread word for word.
Short answer? Enjoy life. Lol
I kid, but not entirely. Ones life is usually melded out of their experiences. 1/3+ of my life was built almost entirely out of trauma. My view of life is not that of someone else’s. Some people will tell you to try and change yourself entirely then others will tell you to embrace who you are. Personally you have to find what works for you & who you deal with. If it’s just you you’re pretty much at your own disposal to choose. If you have people the cynicism is negatively affecting (whom you care about) you have to decide how to help yourself enough to make your mutually shared life experience more positive. In work situations etc. I’m very much a master of the mask & a fake it til you make it philosophy, because it’s a job. I’m very much a “been burned, people do not get chances anymore” individual. I have to try HARD to leave room for people to make mistakes. Even at past 40 years old it’s a work in progress. My dad was very much the way I am, that apple didn’t fall far from the tree.

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Look at what pocket dragged in.

Man I used to be the most negative person in the world but I’m when I faced my own mortality head on and really came to grips that i am going to die someday and all my fears are nothing becaue we will all be gone in a flash it drastically changed my perspective on fear and made me start chasing my dreams. The best advice I can give you is reprogram your mind with positive motivational messages daily, I used to be an addict, I’m not in recovery I’ve recovered, I’d say start doing the lbrp daily and maybe even twice daily. It really helps with your emotions as well as may others benefits, I typically don’t banish but invoke during this ritual, I’ve only learned recently that it’s actually a very powerful ritual and from my own experience over the short time I’ve been doing I’ve notice a big change. I use Damien Echols high Magic’s directions

Knowing I’m going to die has never been a surprise to me. I chased my dreams from the start, but they been derailed by long cons. I don’t trust positive motivational messages because they are probably lies. I been in modes where I lived specifically because lotheful people didn’t want me to. Although I can’t reprogram myself with untrustworthy motivational messages, I can reprogram myself with good feelings. For me, some pain enhances the pleasure, so I prefer things like sour and spicy food.

My biggest problems are my distrust of people, and my misplaced pride which made me think I could work around it with trickery.

@Anassa would egocentric people benefit from being embarrassed from time to time? Most literature I read try to use a true self, false self dichotomy, but it is nonsense when I try to model it with my thoughts. I may try drawing it out to see if it just as nonsensical when I see it on my screen. It doesn’t mean embarrassment couldn’t have a benefit.

Maybe start focusing on yourself instead of others?

I can still be bothered about what others might think of me, but I still do my job and doing the best I can. I know my capabilities in specific areas, what I’m good at and less good at.

When I know I’m right, I stand up for myself and spit out facts and reasons to my right and their wrongs. If I didn’t do that, who knows what path I could have been tossed to.

If you want whats best for you, you have to be three steps ahead of others. Pull your own strings, instead of letting others do it for you.

How do I pull my own strings?

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By not getting bothered by other people around you.

Can you give me some examples of people who do that since I don’t understand what you mean?

From personal experience I say it’s utter BS that it’s about thinking happier thoughts :thought_balloon:

However, I do say it’s about changing your perception to whichever way you wanna see things

It’s freedom to give less than 2 fucks to expected norms, perhaps ‘happier’ thoughts to you means entirely different to what it might mean as an accepted societal norm of what makes one happy

Don’t bother trying to program yourself to anyone else’s dance - CBT would not have worked with me if I went with what my therapist might suggest every time. But we all fall down the hole of thinking someone else knows better- sure, they knew how to teach me CBT but they didn’t know my core values - that was on me to explore

No need to fit in if wierd or cynical makes you happy

If it doesn’t… change your perception to something that does align with YOU

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It sounds like boundaries between what you are willing and not willing to do need to be established. It changes from person to person based on relationship and will always need to be reevaluated, but it can be a healthy start. Asking the same question for yourself can help establish the boundaries with others, especially if there is conflict between the two.

It is not going to make life peaches and cream for you, but it can help to prevent you from burning out, as well as identify who is worth paying attention to or not based on how they react to telling them no.

If you are looking for a spirit to help with this, Ba’al was a big help for me to figure it out.

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Sorry. Me again.

They are called Banishing rituals because that’s what they do - they banish.
They can be used to banish all sorts of things - like spiritual entities, energies, bad habits, inappropriate attitudes, fuckwits, etc. They can be and are used as protective forcefields.

Give a form to your “cynicism”. See it with your mind’s eye. Then banish that fucker to the four quarters.

P.s. You might also use the search function for Elhaz and give energy collection a go. If you want that energy for yourself, fold your outstretched arms across your chest.

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