According to my researches they are tall white aliens spiritually developed, I don’t know why they look like monsters when summoned, is it because the curses monotheism put on them?
Demons, and most spirits, can appear in whatever form they desire. Don’t rely on descriptions in books, on sites, or even other people’s accounts. Have an open mind and allow them to appear as they want to you.
yes but what is the real shape?
I’m guessing they can appear as normal people, like your description, as an animal, or a giant powerful red horned humanoid they’re stereotypically depicted as if they wanted to.
Well My Cambion Husband looks like he’s a dragon kin except he doesn’t have wings or horns. That’s his real form. Some look completely different actually but may have animal features or some look ethereal. But some prefer to look human and take different forms, they can be experimental with their appearances.
If you consider them as power/energy/vibrations from their realm of existence then when they get summoned to our material world they (must) take a certain shape according to their purpose/vibration+include humans being indoctrinated how angels look and how “demons” look.
But as a true magician you are able to ask them to take any shape/form as you see fit.
No wonder you keep seeing info on BALG forum that for some practicioners a certain spirit is male or female.
What is your real shape? Form is only important to us because we are so dependent on our physical eyes. Spirits are not physical beings, so they have no “real shape”. If you ever get out of body and explore yourself from that perspective, you will find you have no “real shape”, either. As said before, spirits (including humans) can appear in whatever form they want.
I have seen both demons and angels as geometric shapes, and was given the impression that that is their actual form, and what we see when we call upon them is merely what they clothe themselves in so our minds can perceive them without difficulty.
If you really want to get down to the truth of it all, it is that demons really have no form, but are created at the quantum level in every moment.
In the words of Azazel from The Book of Azazel:
“All things are formed from one primordial nothingness, not at some point in the distant past, but in each moment. Every moment that you consider me, I come into being.”
“I have appeared to men as they have considered me.”
"Reality is far from objective. Can you name a single thing that exists independent of your observation? Such
a thing does not exist. When you and I meet, you and I come into existence. Until that point, there is no you, there is no I. You exist only in your relation to that which surrounds you. Your very physical form is held together, as mine is in this smoke, by the pressure inside of your skin meeting the pressure outside of your skin, and both forces holding you in one piece. This is a type and a shadow of the whole of existence. Only through the application of various forces of pressure does anything exist. You have learned to master some of
these pressure systems, and can apply them to summoning something forth from nothingness to speak
to you.
You ask if I am real? I am as real as the world around you, which is not real at all."
no i think they do! they can transform into any shape but they have origin shape!
Absolutely true😊
I agree
Is that really how he expressed himself to
You? That’s really remarkable. Not what I pictured in my head at all, I normally picture demons to look scary. Have you guys ever experienced meeting any demons or angels in dreams ? Do you think it was just a regular dream or
Do you think they intervened in your mind on purpose ?
They’re incorporeal beings, they can take any form they feel is pleasing to you
It’s my theory that demons actually don’t take a physical shape or form in our dimension (in their own dimension, they may very well be invisible), but they can make you hallucinate (way more vividly than something like acid hallucinations, which you know are hallucinations) and/or cause you to perceive them however you (or they) desire. Your preconceived images of ow they “should” look may affect this as well. For example, if you have the classical, Goetic image of how a certain demon appears, they may appear to you in that form because that’s what your mind is expecting to see them as. I think what you project emotionally/expectation wise, and so on, may also influence this(expect a monster while projecting fear, you may see a “classic, church demon” form. Expect a beautiful, angelic looking being to appear, add the knowledge that, lets use Crown Prince Lucifer for the sake of example, the demon is not evil (quite the opposite, in fact) and wouldn’t harm you (unless maybe you really offend them without heartfelt apology), and that may very well be what you see.
Beautiful images. I like the middle one in particular very dreamy.