My shrooms went missing an no one could of got to them I don’t even have many friends anymore… I didn’t even envoke a spirit or any type of deity….when I had woke I looked over at my Amish fireplace heater thing an it was going but then I had seen smoke rise from it an it took the shape of some thing with human features on the chest and body but the bottom was still a shroud of smoke rising I thought it was burning so I hopped up to check it but then realizind what I had really just saw…I was completely sober at the time an was planning on taking some that evening but couldn’t : / Does this thing like shrooms or did I it just not want me to have them an why show itself I’m super cereal…this probably isn’t the place for this but yeah
Hello @Highland, your off topic post was moved here, so others can assist you without derailing the other thread.
Also, please take a moment to post an introduction, as that is a requirement of the forum.
You need to do your intro, as QueenMustang suggested.
Sounds like you at the mushrooms.
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