What Magick is possible with a wand I’m thinking of creating one but I have no idea what is even possible with it but I have read something about energy can using a wand improve my energy manipulation?
With a wand you can use it too direct the flow of engery the same can be done with your finger, it use a tool in watch allow the user to create ritual seal or sigils or symbols with visualizations of engery and controling the flow engery
Ok I know what seals and sigils are but further than that nothing what are the capabilities of sigils and seals and what like does it have a use for my plans why I want to know the capabilities of the magick is simple I want to know if spending my precious and limited time on learning it
It would a good tool to be able to unitized, there capabilities and limits are only on the person. Mind of what they can or can’t do,
For example you can make sigil to help focus you engery on goal what ever it may be like get a job or gain new friends or this or that the possibility of how sigils and seal can be use are endless there are many ways to make them personally I just channel mine
You can look into the seal of the antiveres probably the most powerful seal to date
The capability of magic and thous the limits of is solo what the person believe it can or can’t do magic it self is about the person will of what they need to change in the universe
Well wand can be used to boost your magick if you’re a beginner, it help to cast spells mor accurate, but when your body got hung of magick , you’ll eventually become bone generator, what I mean about it that your bones will make your own magick power for you
Can I use something else instead of a wand I want to make a wand but I don’t have the inspiration for making one this idea is a month in the works because of lack of inspiration
A wand could really just be anything, anything you can use to focus your engery on a center point, you can use your finger and will work just as a wand would, you can even just make one solo in your mind and will work just as well it is important to remember that you don’t need any rituals tool, that the tools need you for them to work bur you youself don’t need them at all for any kind of magic
This will be useful
Wands are simply tools to direct subtle energies… thats it really lol.
Are you having a or more wand/wands any interesting facts about wands? I’ve read somewhere that a wand gets a personality I don’t know if it’s true but it sounds pretty interesting
Any thing to do or something while making a wand or helpful tips?
Any physical tool can be infused with your own will and should any ritual tool should die and be reborn in the will of the user, for wands I think it best to make them yourself