What can Angelic power do?

And have you or anyone else ever worked with ones higher self ? I hear that can be just as powerful than working with an angel/demon

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Haniel/Anael is one.


Grace of God, Venus :slight_smile:
They call her/him a Fallen Angel too.


Guess who sets the intend in a spell to the universe. Itā€™s your higher self.

NAP (New Avatar Power) concentrates on Angelic power and power of your higher self (intend)


funny thing about angelsā€¦ they do the same shit demons doā€¦ just with a hoity toity attitude the whole timeā€¦


A lot of spirit can do the same thing in a material level,like bring money,bring love etc.

but the core level of power is what they are,being an angel means they serve light and they are sweared beings to serve the order of the universe and the divine laws of light,like create and watchover things in existence,having the knowladge of this we can learn what true power beyond material they have on their possesion.

taking this as a general question,with no focus to any angel but focusing on spiritual species,here their powers.

  • guide you through spiritual evolution and path - they can teach you chakra and light body activation

  • Activation of the Light Body,The Soul - they can teach you how to activate your soul and how to use the powers of existence and light

  • Become A Living Angel - Through Transfiguration and if requested they can open of path of spiritual evolution to become a child of light,a living angel,here you can learn how to use the power of existence to serve others and existence,be a guiding light into light.

and so much more,i personally dont work with angels,but these are some good things to consider if you are a light magick practioner.


I like that, yes


The simple answer is that angels and by proxy competent angelic magicians are capable of anything and everything which doesnā€™t contravene Divine Will.

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Not really. Theyā€™ll help even if it does.

They only pay lip service to that sort of thing if you expect them to.

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Really? If entities only ever do what any joe blow occultist expects them to, what pray tell would then be the point of summoning the damn things, rather than merely introspecting and then settling on a course to become your greatest anime fursona version or whatever?

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Whatever the individual angel put their practice in over the years. Just as any other beings. However, there are some things that are limited to racial traits, angels are beings of elemental light, and demons of elemental darkness, shadow people elemental darkness, fire elementals, etc. To name a few. However, angels can program their energy just as anyone else can. Angels in my opinion cannot create like a God can, but they can do things akin to their racial abilities, but racial abilities are small in comparison to just being competent enough to program your energy.


My UPG is they do it because they want to work with humans, but because humans are scared of them (usually) so they try to make themselves seem more approachable.

Make no mistake: just because they try to be approachable, it doesnā€™t mean they are any less ā€œhardcoreā€ or ā€œbadassā€ than demons are. Theyā€™re warriors first and foremost and not to be taken lightly.


The term warriors presupposes a war. If angels in your estimation are fighting for something other than Divine Will, that would be the relevant UPG claim to state.

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I find that many have fluffy idea of angels, or that angels are more than simply their race. Angels like any race of beings fight for their own ideals, or if theyā€™re under a Deity or such will fight at the command of said Deity/Entity.

Most cases angels at least in the fluffy idea are seen as ā€œbeings of pure light who commands the cosmos to help humanity to love one anotherā€ type fluffy. Imo angels only tie to commanding the cosmos is the associations humans wish to give them over some planets or stars.


Translation: Since they predate the systems one might consider Divine Will, they are not beholden to such things unless you allow the possibility for them to loophole their way out of doing what you ask by accepting that any Divine Will matters above even your own Sovereignty.

Do I have the gist of what you said there?


How do you do that?

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Those two angels are from EAā€™s Kingdoms of Flame, so you would just evoke them and ask.

You did not understand. God is building your character by giving you burdens. That is how you make someone strong, not by keeping them all cuddled up, full of wine, porn and TV and complacent. This is how weak men are built. Through adversity we become stronger and better. That is why God loves you.


Angels donā€™t do things demons do and they can my relationships

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