What are your thoughts on Spirit Abuse?

When alot of people new to magick start practicing the Goetia or evocation in general the door gets slammed in thier face quite abit it seems like.

Thatā€™s the phase I am in right now. Iā€™ve been trying almost everything but nothing seems to work. Iā€™m not giving up though.

For me Iā€™m going to do it the way I learned how that I know actually works.

Thatā€™s what matters. If you are getting results, keep at what you are doing.


I tjhink thereā€™s a kind of slanted J-curve - moderate first results/contact (which seems quite surprising to people who are not used to it or expecting anything), then a dip into feeling frustrated, lost, was it all a delusion, then if they keep going, incremental, erratic, quantum leaps, not steady slogging progress.

Very good analogy. Thatā€™s how I am experiencing it right now. Iā€™m at the bottom of that J. I have felt something before, Belialā€™s undeniable presence on multiple occasions, but now I feel like he abandoned me and none of the spirits want to work with me.


People that abuse spirits need to be recycled :recycle:


In the thread named parasite 101, they discuss markings. I donā€™t it is the causation in this particular case. But it could be interesting for you to investigate.


Iā€™ll take a look at it now. Thanks.

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I can attest to my dabbling with evocation before, and yes, there is that initial rush of excitement and then the dip, and some, like me, throw their hands up in the air by frustration. But there are signs that spirits, even god(s) want to work with you.I would agree, trust and respect are a two way street, and both parties should honor that. Or using spirits like a paper towel, to cleanup messes and then discarding or burning them, that could leave a bad taste in their mouth, Im sure.


The view @BlazRa mentioned is a common one, and I believe has even appeared in BALG newsletters (not citing those as infallible, just a reasonable source for people beginning this journey, who then end up on BALGā€™s forum). Attacking and demeaning people instead of sharing information just encourages the human tendency to defend a belief, instead of evolving it. :woman_shrugging:

Furthermore, BunƩ is almost certainly Wadjet, a goddess, and others have found correlations with the demon Aamon and the Kemetic deity Amun/Amun-Ra.

We donā€™t know what the Egyptians or Aztecs or Celts or Romans called them, let alone the Australian Aborigines & Pacific Island peoples, Raphael told me heā€™s known by other names, and likely as a ā€œgodā€ as opoposed to the monotheistic idea of angels as a tier below ā€œGod.ā€

So, the idea all ancient gods were turned into demons is a bit shaky, but there are very definitely some instances where it seems likely or has been reported often enough to no longer be UPG, as well as similar beings, or forces, becoming known by different names later on, and added to a more simplistic binary concept of angelic/demonic.


Common doesnā€™t mean accurate, thereā€™s 0 evidence that all the goetia were ā€œelder godsā€ besides people piggybacking off JoS information which they themselves took from another. Itā€™s not demeaning itā€™s keeping it blunt that the argument is silly and it is, I stated what I said because I do not care to have the argument over and over again about a topic thatā€™s literally ā€œjust trust me broā€ I believe some demons may be fragments of certain Gods as Azazel has been noted to be a fragment of Shamash with enough research that can be found but does that mean Azazel is the God shamash? No, rather he was fragmented from that God.

I didnā€™t say angels were in every culture I stated only one culture and that was the Canaanite, angels in Hindu were part of the concept of devas as they were not considered angels but demigods or ancestors that took the common role as ā€œguardian angelsā€


Arenā€™t Elder Gods from Mortal Kombat? :thinking:


Research? Lol all religions are in existence to control the masses keep them obedient and to make them obey the powers-that-be
they have very little to do with truth of the spirits if you want to know about the spirits talk to them directly donā€™t come at me with research of what a bunch of former Kings and tyrants said.

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If all you can do is combat the topic of research with opinionated fallacy then I rather not as I stated earlier repeat this argument, because to be blunt with you, thereā€™s no real interest here to discuss this with you.

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Iā€™ll let you in on a method I use with the spirits thatā€™s given me very positive results. Iā€™ve covered this at length in my balg journal. The concept is called a meet and greet with a spirit.

You find a spirit that your drawn to and plan on working with in the future and you evoke them just meet them for the first time. You will have already researched what kinds of gifts or offerings they enjoy and will have prepared them for the spirits arrival. When you evoke the spirit explain youā€™ve called it because you want to know it and befriend it. Introduce yourself so the spirit knows who you are. You can even ask the spirit about more of itā€™s abilities than what the grimoires listed. Also ask if itā€™s interested in working with you in the future on projects ( it will most certainly be agreeable usually).

Now you know the spirit. When you wish to work with them youā€™ve already built some rapport.

This is one technique that Iā€™ve used to great success and I hope it helps you too.


I wanted to say this yesterday but ran out of time and energy. Yes Iā€™m in complete agreement that a mentor at that stage of development is crucial. It can really be the difference between frustration and failure and learning and success.

If one doesnā€™t have access to a physical mentor there are spirits that can do an amazing job too.


Itā€™s a diverse mix.

Some of the Goetics are the spirits of deceased human royalty, but I am forbidden from elaborating on this any further. Others are demons who were born in the etheric, but really demon (daemon) is just a generic umbrella term for any intermediate spirit or demi-god, which the ancient Greeks viewed as ā€œspirit teachersā€ or ā€œspirit guidesā€ without any negative or ā€œevilā€ connotations. Others are fallen JCI angels, and others still (such as Astaroth/Astarte/Ishtar) are/were gods/goddesses. At least one (Asmodeus) is a djinn.

I wouldnā€™t abuse the spirits of my deceased grandparents, so abusing a wise old Goetic would be foolish. But I also donā€™t use magick to harm humans, animals, spirits, or any conscious being other than parasites. I find that my most ideal way to live life is to avoid conflict altogether, and this means that if someone wrongs me, instead of cursing them back I wish them well, disown them (sometimes with the help of spirits), and move on with my life. Destructive people end up self-destructing on their own eventually. Best to just keep a distance from problems, drama, and conflict.

In my teens and twenties I thought black magic, Satanism, and all that jazz was cool, but eventually lost interest in it and moved more toward Buddhism. All that edgy ā€œHot Topic occultismā€ shit that the kids are into nowadays is a far cry from the reality of demons and magick. In my experience, the Goetics are more likely to respect blue collar workers who toil their asses off for a living, keep to themselves, and are of humble, honest, and respectable moral character.

The funny thing is that many of the magicians who have the most success or the best relations with these spirits are often Jews or Christians, and not so much self-described Satanists. Most demons seem to respect the wise, gentlemanly Freemason types more than young folks who havenā€™t discovered themselves or fully matured yet. Theyā€™ll help guide some of them to make good life choices, sure, but others theyā€™ll test to see how theyā€™d handle power.

Ha Satan? The accuser? I used to go around saying stuff like that to people, but nowadays itā€™s like saying ā€œHail Judge Judyā€ to me. Doesnā€™t really have much meaning outside of a symbol for rebellion against authority, but even then, as magick and occult knowledge is thrust out into the open and is undergoing rapid advancement, the idea of Satanism as a cultural reaction against oppressive religious laws and customs is quickly dying, but thatā€™s largely in part due to the modern worldā€™s shift toward a more secular, atheistic rule of law which denies the existence of spirits altogether.

Iā€™ve never once heard a demon mention Satan, Satanism, or anything realated to it. Most of them, including angels, really donā€™t seem to give a shit about religion either way. Curiously, though, one particular Goetic spirit that Iā€™m very good friends with is actually a devout Christian, which further goes to show that the Hollywood and pop culture stereotypes of demons as ā€œdarkā€ or ā€œevilā€ entities is complete nonsense. I wonā€™t go into further details since they value their privacy and have trusted me not to disclose our private conversations, but nevertheless, I second the notion to treat spirits like ā€œanother dudeā€ or another living, breathing, human being. At the end of the day, we are spirits too.

One can utilize a voice of command and formal rituals without being abusive or arrogant. Mike Bee, for example, is a gentleman on this forum who demonstrates proper, professional conduct with spirits, and I feel a lot of young/new magicians would benefit from following his code of conduct.

But thatā€™s enough of my yapping for today.


Boy isnā€™t that the truth.

Good post my friend.


Thank you. Iā€™ve tried this approach before, after my experiences with Belial.

I never did get the presence I felt with Belial though so I thought they didnā€™t work.

I read on BALG that I need to work on my astral senses so then-after I spent some time doing just that and working on meditating and opening my third eye. Needless to say the only results I got in that regard was massive headaches.

Iā€™m not giving up though. Iā€™m trying to work with Shax alone for now. I will try this method in my next envocation.

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Sounds good man donā€™t give up, your building bridges and roads to the 72 this pays big dividends in time.

Another thought I had for you was this. I evoked Prince Orobas and asked him to work on my clair audience and now Iā€™m able to hear spirits pretty well. You might look into it. Prince Orobas is a divination and dignities spirit par excellence.

Best wishes

PS the headaches are a pretty normal sign of development. Keep it up. :+1:


Thanks again. Iā€™ve never thought of contacting Prince Orobas but I will look into him since I definitely need to work on these senses.



I think we all feel that way sometimes - to keep things constructive, I just did a post about this, here: The Wise One Adrift, In A Sea Of Ignorance? šŸ¤”


I think that people can in specific cases be abusive towards spirits, however this is an event that very rarely, if ever at all, happens. I believe the DarkestKnight nailed it in their reply:

The entities that we call on all have the ability to know our thoughts and can sus out our energy out like an Infernal Bloodhound, so if you approach them with the intent to be abusive towards them itā€™s not even remotely the same as when it comes to human on human as they canā€™t be as blindsided by the intent. And personally I feel, especially when dealing with not only higher up demons like Kings but ones that are known to have nasty tempers when angered like Belial or Asmodeus for example, they donā€™t strike me as ones to just let that behavior slide or have a ā€œlet bygones be bygonesā€ mentality. Approach them with that kinda intent and the repercussions for it will not only be swift but it will very, very quickly make you wish you hadnā€™t.

And as far as the methodology with which you use to call upon them, again, DarkestKnight + UnseelieDiabolus said it best:

One thing that I would like to touch on is your sources though, admittedly I have only briefly read through the responses however none have seemed to mention where you are pulling this information from. The link about the article regarding spirit abuse uses a lot of strong, emotional language regarding the Solomonic method of summoning however it feels very much that itā€™s written from the summoners perspective of the ā€œright + wrong wayā€ to go about it with essentially no input from the spirits that they have summoned on weather or not they see it as abuse.

Another thing that I would like to touch base on is the website in question that you have pulled that article from, I have read through some of their other pieces - until I couldnā€™t really stomach reading anymore. They reuse the same points, almost word for word, in every article that I had read which isnā€™t what I had found issue with but what I found issue with was essentially the almost blatant anti-Semitism that they very thinly disguise under the cloak of Satanism. Itā€™s almost, dare I say, hypocritical to bash Christianity for their abhorrent practices and beliefs while putting for example the ā€œSSā€ beliefs on what looks like a pedestal for the sole fact that they had occultists in their regime. They are spreading hate on Christianity (seemingly for the sole reason to hate it) while, what looks like, promoting a movement that was founded and operated in hatred and in hatred alone.

If youā€™re going to cite sources maybe vet them out, deep dive into the messages that they are spreading and really see if it aligns not only with your core values but consider if the message being shared is rooted in factual information rather than being rooted solely in the emotions of the author.