What are the benefits of working with Belial?

I’ve been working with Belial for a while now. I love working with Him. He’s incredible. I asked Him to help me with the Stock Market, recently. He helped me get the money to start working on it. I did ask Belial to help me start. He did his part. Now I’m trying to figure it out. Lol. Any tips would be great.



I’m late to this post, but I’d like to answer, because the answer to your question is an obvious one, which is probably why it appears as though no one has answered you yet.

In honesty, yes, contacting the same spirit on a daily basis, asking for things is a bit much…too much, in fact. You’ve got to think of this in the same way that another person would feel if you hit them up asking for things all of the time. It makes them feel used, you come off as too dependent, and it becomes annoying because others have things to do than to tend to your needs everyday. The things that you may have asked Belial for, on a daily basis I might add, were more than likely things that you could’ve and probably should’ve tried to obtain for, or do yourself. Spirits, though they can be effective in how they help us with one thing or another, are not servants and are not there at our disposal. No one should be contacted everyday for random things; no one should be contacted everyday for anything unless you two have an agreement to communicate and work together daily, based on what your situation is and if it requires that you two give that much direct attention to each other, and there shouldn’t be so many things that you could possibly need from a spirit to give or do for you on a daily basis. Stop being dependent and fixated on one spirit and learn to work on things for yourself in the mundane world, and leave them be when they instruct you to do so.

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Closing post as this is 4 years old, the OP has not been seen since Jan 2022 and it seems to be sliding off topic.