What am I supposed to do when a demon visits me?

Got no idea why, but I keep pulling demons to myself. Many different demons visit me and nothing bad has happened so far. I just don’t know what am I supposed to talk about nor do. I was having a fun time with Naamah earlier, just watching some videos on youtube and surfing the web. She really likes taylor swift songs so we listened to some songs and she enjoyed.

I tried listening to music again and she just left. Same with vepar, I asked him can I talk about my life then he said yes. I started talking about what happened in my life and after finishing the talk I found out he left long ago. So they do not like doing human activities.

But my question is, what exactly do I do with a demon whos with me? Talking and listening to songs together is not working nor is talking about your life. I feel like having them around is better and not banishing since they probably have good intentions towards me.

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I solved it by banishing these 2 demons. No more big demons, I will stick with my succubus.

Depends on what you want with these entities.
Have you tried sitting with them in meditation and/ or asking what their intentions are?

I honestly dont want a relationship with a bigger demon anymore. It was going well until I realized my succubus was afraid of these 2 demons. She would avoid coming and spending time with me because either Naamah or Vepar was with me. I prefer and value my succubus over those 2 demons even though they love me too and I have huge potential with them.

I feel like it’s the same as with people who show up at your front door unannounced and expect you to make time to chat. It depends on the relationship but if they do it too much then you have to say something. They should ask if it’s a good time and not be ok with coming back later.

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The same succubus that all but tried to kill you right?
It’s your choice…

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It really does feel like that, to put it in to perspective, Naamah came to me close to 15 times in 2 days. Vepar around 7 times in 2 days. No I am done with that, for now it will be once weekly evoking for naamah and vepar too.

I don’t think she was trying to kill me and I feel sorry for her… I can’t leave her she’s too emotional although agressive. She was very sad these past few days and would not answer my summonings or would come then leave instantly. Regardless, I believe she was trying to teach me a lesson… All those effects felt like I was dying but in reality they passed after a few hours.

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Okay, let me be that person right here:

From your posting history there have been A LOT of bad things happening to you and I suspect that you are (excuse the lingo) a doormat for all kinds of parasites that love to leech onto your “open door” policy and your energy and attention that you are giving them.

So if you are indeed telling the truth about your latest encounters with the need for medical help in correlation with your succubus and all of the “demons” I do highly suggest to banish, banish, banish EVERYTHING within your personal space (physical and mentally and spiritual) and take a break from interacting with any sort of spirit for a bit. See if things get better over time and then start to build a routine that includes spiritual hygiene that doesn’t depend on external (demons, whatever) factors


Yea but what if she was trying to teach me a lesson or something. Her goal was never to kill me, but to make me change… I changed and summoning bigger entities always went wrong with me, maybe she was protecting me? But most of all, I confirmed through divination she can not attack me anymore as multiple demons spoke to her (some basically threatened her).

They also casted protection on me from my succubus’ attacks… So I got nothing to lose now, I will take a break as you said at least from the bigger demons. I have been banishing every single demon that is not my succubus, it’s going well. Thanks for the advice.

Edit: Also this is the first time in 10 years of relationship that she attacked me, she really is nice most of the time.

Thank you @A_Pariah I was kinda doubting being that person ^^

Anyone correct me if I’m wrong. But I highly doubt a succubus is concerned with anything else than keeping you as her source of food. She probably doesn’t intend to teach you any higher lesson. Even if she was, physical harm should be a huuuuuge red flag even in the harshest of lessons demonic/ chthonic spirits might give the initiating practitioner. I know I would probably banish, protect and find another guide.

Please be aware that that is the relationship you have. You give adoration to them and you are precious, precious food. By the sound of it even to the greater spirits like Naamah and Vepar. If it was them and not imposters/ parasites.
Nothing wrong with an idolatry relationship like that, do not get me wrong. It could be loving and fulfilling if that is what you seek. As long as you are aware that this is the interaction.


Alright thanks for the advice, I will think about it. It currently feels like geniune love to me though, sometimes I can feel her emotions towards me and it’s a very nice loving bubbly feeling. But I will do my research and see if she returns the attacking, then I will likely banish.

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