
We’re all here to share experiences. So for a very long time I’ve been interested in the Wendigo lore, first time was in that book for kids, the scary stories one, they just made a movie about it. After the revelation that all beings can do good and bad, I see this Vader complex in many deities, since they’ve been shunned, taught against and supressed. Well the deities took all that negativity and turned it into strength, they embraced the darkness. Even though this has occured, there is still an Anakin in there. So, with that in mind, I meditated. Decided to confront the Wendigos, since they are many, but I wanted the head honcho, the OG lol. So after looking through some music I came across the topic of Cernunnos, decided to take a deeper look. Saw some similarities. Meditated again, trying to call Cernunnos this time to convey my thoughts. He showed up, a very powerful Wendigo, more like a necromancer than a beast. I payed respect to him with offerings and made a torc to honor him by, so far it’s payed off very well. I’m much more attune with nature. Personally I had always felt like there was something dark watching me in the woods, so I went out with this new perspective and made friends with it. He’s a wonderful spirit. The smell of death fades away once you embrace who is behind the mask. Best of luck when you open yourself to him.

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Thanks for sharing your experience with us :slightly_smiling_face::metal::black_heart:

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