Weird experience

such a thing happened to me
with the help of stones I found a way to answer my questions, a kind of divination with smaller stones and patterns appeared to me that I could recognize my answer
it worked for me for 1 day and then I dreamed about some entity who was dressed in white and looked like some light blond man with short hair but his voice was female, and he told me that I shouldn’t do it anymore, because someone else has a problem with me doing it
and when I asked him who he was
so his shape changed and he looked gray skin like some man with a short black beard, then he changed again and said he was just a practitioner like me
then he whispered something in my ear in some other language and since then the divination has not been working for me
can anyone tell me who or what it could be ?

Someone who needs to mind his own business, or some kind of guilt complex bubbling up from your subconscious.

Banish and cleanse, and set up proper wards and shields, because that kind of interference is not OK. Nothing should be able to dick with you if you ward your sleeping area.

Personally I’d be very annoyed and looking to evoke that think and give it a piece of my mind. It wouldn’t be doing it again in a hurry.

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