I had a dream today, and I would like to know if it signifies anything.
I had a lucid-ish dream that I saw my deceased dog and she was in the woods in my backyard where I used to play as a child. I turned into a dog too because I like to shapeshift in my dream and dogs are my favourite. I followed her and she showed me this occult book and I was a bit hesitant, but I looked a bit closer to see what it said.
It showed a sigil that almost looks like a weird form of a crossroads with the letters “R” and “L” being big, and there was a letter “C” in there but it wasn’t big or important. Next to the sigil showed a pretty young woman holding some flowers or herbs in a basket, and behind her was a doe. It said that I was that lady/doe and she was a spirit that liked to help young men (I like to help everyone unless they’re rude) and in order to get my help you can see me roaming alone in the woods as either a young woman or a doe. Usually doe. They would have to ask me to change to a woman.
My dog made a hint, and I felt this hint, that finding and “embracing” this information is the answer to my question.
I woke up and I don’t know how to feel. It could be just a dream but what would any of you do? Does it mean anything or is it just a weird lucid dream? What would happen if I used the sigil and summoned myself lol
Don’t know, but it seems very straightforward as dreams go. I would try it and see what you get. It seems your best lead for having someone that can answer questions right now. 
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Truthfully, it seems that no harm is meant. Be careful, set your protections and find out.
Be well, soror.
As Above, So Below
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I feel like the deceased dog may be hinting that this is an aspect of yourself you’ve forgotten or suppressed. (I e. It’s “dead”)
The dog is acting as a bit of a familiar in this dream leading you to the book.
Interestingly, there’s the phrase “dogs are a man’s best friend”
That makes more interesting that you also shapeshift into a dog within the dream.
The lady/doe with basket of herbs seems to be saying that there’s a big nature element involved I would guess.
The herbs could be hinting at folk healing and medicine maybe.
The image brings up a sense of gentleness in my mind when I contemplate it.
I think it’s definitely worth exploring.
I think you should try shamanic journeying or pathworking it to see what happens.
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Thank you, I never thought this!
I am thinking of doing the ritual around the same time in the dream, in the same spot I saw the book. However, I don’t really know what coloured candle to use. I don’t have a white candle sadly.
My feeling is to use green.
Follow your intuition though
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Funny, I was thinking green too!
Small update for anyone reading-
Today a friend of mine at work thought of me and picked flowers or dandelions for me… and these were the same flowers from the dream!
I sadly did not get a chance to summon the sigil that I saw yet due to conflicting work schedules and lack of privacy.
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