Weight loss

Losing weight is harder as people age, overeat due to stress, don’t track foods they eat & calories to know what they’re eating (more calories eaten than burned means weight gained & no weight lost even though some “think” they’re eating better but not tracking to see how many calories are actually in the foods they eat), have kids, get injuries, depressed (life happens to us all), and more.

How is magic even going to help if someone has a thyroid issue for instance? Seeing a doctor or someone physically and not relying solely on magic is all I’m saying.

Yes use magic, but also go to a clinic or doctor for physical insight. A relationship or love spell isn’t a body that gets bigger due to several factors. They’re not an analogy or comparison. Only doing a spell for weight loss and crossing your fingers when meds and treatments are available to actually get measurable results is ignoring things that could quickly help.

We’re still physical creatures with bodies, brains, and hormones that can be affected by treatments and science. Anyways good luck to anyone.

Most people are unattractive because of terrible choices they make and they are to arrogant to change themselves despite some small changes will give them more success. Losing weight can be difficult because it takes a lot of discipline. The person can have different addictions such as sugar, junk food etc.

You’ll have to wait and see.

One thing you have to realize, though, is that the BMI is NOT a barometer of good health. It is inaccurate and only takes into consideration height, weight, and age, not your actual physical condition. Bodybuilders, for example, tend to have a high BMI due to the amount of muscle they carry, and actually fall into the obese category but no one would say they’re fat.

That’s why I recommended not using the BMI in your spell. You want to lose weight and be healthy but the classic example of using magick to lose weight is getting very sick to drop the pounds.

Figured I should address this as someone has quoted it above. I would point out that the perspective that eating disorders are entirely a mental health issue is not strictly correct. It is a factor to a greater or lesser degree depending on the disorder and the person.
For example, anorexia has a strong genetic underpinning and a range of other physiological characteristics effect not only the likelihood of developing it but also how it develops and its prognosis.

I would disregard BMI in your request altogether. It is an atrocious indicator of body fat volume. It only considers height and weight.

Personally, I would probably adjust this slightly. Some weight factors include muscle mass and bone density.
If its fat loss you’re after (im presuming here) maybe something like “Help me to shed excess body fat in a safe and healthy manner”.

Depending on what the issues are I have no doubt it can be of huge help. For example, if the person lacks motivation to exercise or make other lifestyle changes, such processes can definitely be of help.

BMI is not 100% accurate but it gives a picture whatever I’m overweight or not. True that muscles are heavier than fat but when I know I don’t go to fitness so much there is a high chance that I’m overweight when I’m over my normal BMI.

Do the spirit not know that’s what my intention is?

Correction, muscle is denser than fat. What that means is 200 pounds of fat will help you float, while 200 lbs of muscle will help you sink. However, the “heaviness” is still 200 lbs regardless.

Do you know what your intention is? You seem to be more worried about your BMI than losing weight in a healthy way. You phrased your original question as “I demand to lose weight so I have normal BMI” but you never defined what exactly a “normal” BMI is, so if you don’t know, then the spirit won’t know either.

Personally, I have found it easier to use spirits to supplement my physical strategies for body changes than to depend on them exclusively.

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So what will happen now? Do the spirit operate in blind that I will end losing so much weight that it becomes dangerous?

I know what the normal BMI is and that my BMI is beyond the normal which indicates that I’m overweight. I know it’s not completely accurate but I have no reason to believe that my BMI beyond normal is because I have muscles as a result of my fitness as I have not been into fitness for a longer period of time. I could be wrong of course but because I assumed that it was the case I based my pepetion on that, so I was thinking that the spirit would know what I meant with it.

Can I perform a new ritual with the spirit that clean it up so to speak?


What I would do is set a specific bodyweight and then tell the spirit to help you reach it. Drop the whole BMI thing and just go with straight numbers. That way there is no ambiguity and it is easier to know when you reach it. It’s like the difference between specifically asking for $600 and just saying, “Bring me some money.”

I just said “I demand that I weight what I shall weight to be healthy”.

That’s pretty vague. Without more specificity, how would the spirit know what you need to weigh to be healthy?

How about something specific that covers off health and safety caveats. Like “Help me to lose xx KG of excess body fat in a safe and healthy way”

Do the spirit not know me already when I have contacted it?

I would say no, not because they can’t read your mind, but because YOU need to set clear intent. If you are clear what it looks like “to be healthy” that helps. I you’ve left that open then the intent is vague and cloudy and it’s unlikely to direct the energy well.

Try making a list of health markers that you would want to meet, Like say, be able to see your abs, have 12% bodyfat, or be able to run 5 km at 10 km/hr (or 3 miles at 6 mph ish), or lift a certain weight/rep ratio.
Put that into your mind as you do the working, and imagine how you would feel if that goal was true now. That will make it super clear what you mean and what you are manifesting.