Weight loss

They say to be careful with using Magick for weight loss. You can end up losing a limb or developing a disease that achieves the weight loss you desire. With that being said is there a safe spell to achieve results in a healthy way?
Also, before someone says just eat healthy and exercise. That is so much easier said than done. I have an eating disorder. Overeating to be exact. I can eat an entire large pizza. I just want to find something that helps me achieve balance in this area. Any suggestions?


do magic to power up your metabolism, then do lots of exercise


Since an eating disorder is a mental health issue, you can always work with healing related entities.
I suggest Archangel Raphael of course, since I’ve had so many good experiences with him.
He’s well known to be a healer of the mind, working with him can help you eradicate the root of your problem.


I agree with @anon10524665 you need to work on the root causes and it would have a ripple effect…


Fist, what Helena said. Second, word what you want RIGHT. Do not go for “I want to loss weight” but for “I want a healthy weight” and “I want to be more muscular” (this is better, since muscle weights more than fat, and it is more about how you feel and look that the exact numbers of your body’s weight).

The exersize is something you shouldn’t neglect. Simply put, the rush you get after working out is too damn awesome to ignore… and has a million other benefits, so lift, pure and simple, lift. Find the time, after the third week you won’t want to stop. Because IT IS good, feels good, makes you look good. A little pain and some time sacrifice is well worth everything you get.

All that being said, we’re always here to support you. I declare myself your cheerleader. Now if you’ll excuse me, I think I need appropiate clothes for the deed.


Thank you for saying that!!

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When you say work with archangel Raphael how so? Is there a specific prayer or ritual? Is there a book on the how to’s on working with angels?
And you are right about it being a mental health issue. I’m bipolar on top of it! So, I think that amplifies the problem!

They have sigils, just like demons:

I’ve used both of them.


All my literature is german :grimacing:
But basically it is not much different from invoking a demon.

Raphael is a healer of body and mind. In my experience, he does not like to treat symptoms, he checks your body, your mind, your soul, and wants to heal what’s causing your problem. It is not an easy journey, but it’s worth it.


I definitely do need healing! Any demons that help with healing? I don’t know if I will work with one but I do wonder if they help in that area.

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What is this rush of which you speak? Most workouts just leave me struggling to breathe (lung problems), dizzy (vestibular disorder), and in pain (too many knee and back injuries to list). If anyone can come up with a workout that doesn’t mess with my lungs, inner ear, back, or joints, I swear I will sing their praises for the rest of my life.

Well, after the shower I can feel the endorphines, and that’s cool.

Non-magical possible solution: do you have severe depression or ADHD? I have both and was diagnosed with the latter as an adult. I struggled with overeating because my brain was so lacking in dopamine, I felt compelled to keep going. Got diagnosed and when on a stimulant and SSRI combo, I don’t really struggle with overeating anymore.

Zegan? Or Zagan?

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Marbas can definitely help you

I am new to this and I wanted to make sure that there was no Zegan. Because when I googled it something else came up. Until I replaced the e with an a I got the demon you were talking about. It’s all good though. I just didn’t want to make a mistake and call on a different demon and get my head chopped off for disturbing it. :grin:

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V.k. has a nice rite on his website A Rite to Amaymon & Moloch for Weight Loss – V.K. Jehannum

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Thanks so much!!

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Archangels of Magick by Damon Brand has great rituals to work with Archangel Raphael, as well as the other Archangels. Perhaps Archangel Michael can also give you more willpower.