Weekend Project :)

This is an idea I use myself, thought I’d share - Thursday I set a weekend project (that means I have one ordinary business day to do any necessary prep).

This weekend, your project (should you choose to accept it of course! :smiley: ) is to identify the ONE practical thing that keeps making a piece of magickal work more hassle than it needs to be, brainstorm a practical “good enough” solution, and have it FIXED by Monday.

For example, you’ve read the newsletter The 7 Steps For Using Spirit Sigils To Get Anything You Want and now you want to get started - but you don’t have any paper, not sure about using the back of an envelope, and what about pens?

So, this weekend, pick up or set aside a reliable black marker that’s not too thick or thin; make a small box or plain tray to keep paper in; cut or tear to size some paper, ready, and put it in your box or tray, along with the pen you chose - maybe put some personal symbols of good luck round the outside of the box or tray, fix some charms on, whatever will make it look and feel special.

Cereal boxes are handy for this, turned inside-out and maybe covered with pictures, and a standard piece of letter-sized/A4 paper folded carefully in 4 then torn is a useful size for doing sigils, A.O. Spare style or demonic.

Black magician’s best toolkit!

Or, if you don’t have an altar space yet, look into buying a plain tea tray or a wooden chopping board, painting it black and marking it with (for example) an inverted pentagram, and keeping the whole lot in a black pillowcase if secrecy is important. It won’t rival the Temples you see the villains do black masses in the movies, but it’s YOURS and it provides a focal point for your magick.

Or if you don’t yet meditate, get a piece of string and either tie 27 knots in it plus one much larger one, or place 27 beads or buttons - which don’t need to be the same size, shape, nor must you wait until you can get some made of sacred yackatacka wood from Mount Mahoosive! - anything that will thread onto on the string, just leave a few inches free for them to slide across.

Then, again, finish that with a large knot to mark the end, and decide that once a day, eyes closed, you’re going to sit passing the knots, beads or whatever through your hands while repeating the word “RELAX” - or “AUM,” or maybe a short mantra or affirmation.

This is something you could start tomorrow, getting the string/beads, and by Monday you’ll be all set up to be the kind of person who meditates daily… how’s that for a weekend’s result? :smiley:

Stuff like that, anyway - a simple project that uses common sense and a bit of planning, to make something you’ve been putting off a lot simpler in future. Strategy beats willpower, and making something easier for yourself will make it more harmonious and more likely to become part of your everyday existence…

Or, y’know, watch some TV and play some games and whatever, and wake up Monday no further along than you were last week… your choice. :stuck_out_tongue:

My own project this weekend is to make what LOOKS like a standard memory box - photo under the glass lid, items inside, painted matt black with some “stars” (aka pentagrams!) for Varnaxis - having a good quality physical link’s going to make channelling and the other work we have planned much easier, whereas NOT having it, well, that’s just another thing to help me put stuff off!

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Alright, this is a great idea. I really need to clear my guest room back out and reset my altar. I’ve felt unsettled having it down, what with company and all. Think I’ll put together a meditation bead chain, too! I could use the “me” time.

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It has recently been pointed out to me that I should actually start writing this stuff down.

Because it just so happens,I’ve been using BALG posts,and random scraps of paper to write down some of my most bizarre experiences,while I’m holding all of this information in my head.

You’d be surprised at the number of sigils and names I have memorized.

So,I have no idea what I should do about this.

Actually writing it down in a notebook seems like a good start.My handwriting is so atrocious,no one would be able to read any of it.However,I always have so much thoughts to write down about this,and if I ever transcribe what the spirits tell to me then I’d have to be writing really fast.

There is only one spirit that I know who can speak slowly enough for me to write stuff down,and she is so interesting and involving that I kind of have to talk to her and not write anything down.

Plus,my hand really hurts when I write fast,and I’m much more comfortable typing on a keyboard(note,NOT my phone),and can even do it with my eyes closed and unbelievably fast.

So…I should be doing this on my computer?In a word document?

Well,I dislike typing stuff in Microsoft Word,because Word isn’t always nice to me.Plus,I won’t ALWAYS have my laptop.Sometimes I’ll need to type from my PC,like I’m typing this.

So…I should get a private blog to type this stuff in?That seems legit.I already have one,and should make it private.But it is still in electronic form,and can be hacked and accessed.I don’t want anyone finding out some of the things that I do.The aforementioned entity that talks slow?Even telling someone her name might get me in trouble with creatures that you really DO NOT want to mess with.

Plus I don’t know how to make the blog private.

Another interesting idea was to record myself,either with video or just audio,on my phone or some camera or something.However,setting all that stuff up,to make videos,or audio-recordings,the kind that only I would be able to access seems like a poor idea.

Not to mention my thoughts may not be nearly as fluid,and I’d stuter,go back,type stuff out,etc. which really makes this a poor idea as well.

So…what to do?

Also,as for prayer beads,here’s an interesting idea.

A tespih,or misbaha is a traditionally Muslim prayer bead.I’m pretty sure you can buy one,or a rosary.

Then,simply call up a bunch of demons and consecrate that,blasphemously,to conduct the currents of darkness,and not light.To conduct the powers of YOU,and not God.

After committing this act of profanity,charge it with your own energy.Optionally,drench it in blood or sexual fluids and/or bind a spirit of a more sinister nature into the once tespih.

If you want,get a completely back thread,and remove all the beads,deface each one of them with something like Norse runes,demonic sigils,or even some alien symbols that start roaming through your head,and tie them all there.

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^ That’s an excellent idea!

I’ll reply about the blog thing etc probably tomorrow, I’ve been awake since 3am, walking about in the blustering cold and wind and I’m in that tired and grouchy state where I want to just snarl at people and curl up in front of the fireplace. And eat cheese melties…

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[quote=“Lady Eva, post:5, topic:6787”]^ That’s an excellent idea!

I’ll reply about the blog thing etc probably tomorrow, I’ve been awake since 3am, walking about in the blustering cold and wind and I’m in that tired and grouchy state where I want to just snarl at people and curl up in front of the fireplace. And eat cheese melties…[/quote]
I feel ya.

(Read:It’s been super cold here and I hate it and the days seem to only last 6 hours or so. I went to bed at around the time when you woke up maybe a bit later and decided to immediately get to work. I’m not sure how to do this schoolwork correctly and I haven’t done anything productive about it all day even though I’ve spent three hours trying to write the lab report. Not to mention I still have to prepare other things and study for several tests. It’s that time of the year where if a car hits me I’d thank the kind stranger.)

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Here’s my thought on record keeping of this kind, Arcane. The way you decide to put pen to paper so to speak, should resonate with you. If you are technologically oriented, word files, etc., are a good call. Myself for example, I am extremely aesthetically minded and tactile oriented. I want to be drawn to what’s around me. I like to find what I am using to be pleasing to the eye and pleasurable to the touch. Digital formats don’t do it for me.

I use leather journals with cotton or linen pages, because those materials make me happy. I don’t have the best handwriting in the world, but I take my time, write slowly, and project intent into what I write.

I think projecting in this matter, for any modality you choose to record with, makes your records meaningful to you, and that’s what’s really important.

I tried to capture the texture of the pages, but my camera doesn’t do them justice.

(PS ~ Love the prayer bead idea. Made me smile.)

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If you want a private blog, find an open source blog, I think WordPress is open source. Then set up a server like apache, on localhost. Then host the blog on your laptop. People won’t be able to a access the server application outside your lan.

After a little googling, xampp seems like a easy thing to achive this, with it you can run wordpress locally on your machine without internet.

Google things like, wordpress offline locally or offline blog.

To Reyna: I love your magickal notebook, it’s so cool :slight_smile:

[quote=“Arcane, post:4, topic:6787”]Also,as for prayer beads,here’s an interesting idea.

A tespih,or misbaha is a traditionally Muslim prayer bead.I’m pretty sure you can buy one,or a rosary.

Then,simply call up a bunch of demons and consecrate that,blasphemously,to conduct the currents of darkness,and not light.To conduct the powers of YOU,and not God.

After committing this act of profanity,charge it with your own energy.Optionally,drench it in blood or sexual fluids and/or bind a spirit of a more sinister nature into the once tespih.

If you want,get a completely back thread,and remove all the beads,deface each one of them with something like Norse runes,demonic sigils,or even some alien symbols that start roaming through your head,and tie them all there.[/quote]

I’m not sure about Muslim prayer beads, but a rosary is only sacred if it’s been blessed by a priest or a bishop. It’s not really profane to pray Satanic prayers on one.

Here is something to keep in mind.

Catholic Beads are HALF the amount of TIBETAN MALA BEAD NECKLACES. When one says a praye or Mantra one does one mantra per bead. The Tibetan number of beads Numerogically narrow down to to the Number 9 when reduced down. You can create your own 108 prayer beads and bless them under whatever you practice

60 (the amount of beads on a rosary) isn’t half of 108.

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Actually I grew up in a Catholic atmosphere and regularly attended =) even though I have never been religious or believed. It is in fact 59 beads.

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59 is not half of 108… it is half of 118…

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Lol my bad. But it is still 59. They are strikingly very close though and dont need to be exact. You do a prayer mantra multiple times to establish a trance and transmit power in ritual.

Its been a long time since Ive been to catholic church and even involved in their practice even though I wasnt catholic. You have 54+5 additional beads (corrections).

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You could just section the 5 extra ones off and do 2 sets with the remaining but, yes I agree, I do not think it has to be exact either, unless you are trying to follow something to the letter like for devotional purposes. The whole idea and premise behind such is to get into that trance state. I rather like the idea of using a rosary lol

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I literally have a Rosary next to my bed. I’m counting the beads right now. There’s 60.

You have 5 for the initial prayers, then you have five sets of 11 beads for the mysteries. 60 beads, one crucifix, one rosary.

That said, I cannot believe that I am having this kind of conversation on a forum filled with people who summon demons.

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That made me chuckle (:

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So, my Project this weekend: go through my old journals and map out themes I spot, try to discover any recurring patterns and trends… anyone else got any plans for this weekend? :slight_smile:

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Yes I do, I’m going to meditate and do some channeling with Azazel.

Same here. I have been spending time Divining different trends and their Paths…and have noticed where some of them even merge to form a 3rd pattern. In most cases this was somethint I had forgotten (not in the casual sense. Forgot as in Re-capturing Future Memory