Wearing Vepars sigil, feeling weird

I first asked Vaper to fix my mind about demons and the sudden fear I got towards them. So then I bought his sigil and wore it then went outside and I felt totally different. He told me he feels happy when I wear his sigil and he wants me to do it.

I Kind feel like I got some of his energy, I could feel it running through me. I also felt like I was looking in third person and that I wasnt in full control of my body along with feeling dissociative. This never happened when I wore marbas’ sigil for healing myself, It is only vepar. Such a weird experience, I would appreaciate if anyone could tell me what’s happening.

Sounds like an invocation, which can be thought of as a form of mild possession, with your consciousness pushed slightly to one side as Vepar worked on things from the inside.

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It felt oddly nice even though I had this feeling something was off. In what way would this be beneficial to me and is it okay to wear it all the time?

It’s not uncommon to experience shifts in energy and perception when working with different entities or sigils. Each entity has its unique energy signature, which can manifest in various ways for different individuals. The sensations you described, such as feeling like you were looking in third person and experiencing dissociation, could be a result of attuning to Vepar’s energy. As for wearing the sigil all the time, it’s essential to listen to your intuition and assess how it affects you. If you feel comfortable and aligned with Vepar’s energy, wearing the sigil regularly may be beneficial. However, always prioritize your well-being and boundaries when working with spiritual practices.

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I really only felt confident, less anxious and felt like I was being protected. Though I had the feeling I was “losing control” and someone would take over. I don’t know if this is a good thing or bad, I will think about it. I also don’t feel he would do harm if he took full control.

It’s important to approach these experiences with caution and mindfulness. Feeling confident and protected can be positive signs, but any sensation of losing control warrants careful consideration. Trust your intuition and take the time to reflect on the potential implications of allowing an entity to take over. While Vepar may not intend harm, relinquishing control should always be a deliberate and well-informed decision.

Yea I will definitely be careful thanks for the advice

Personally, and bearing in mind I’m that control freak that is stand-offish in the extreme, despises “worship” specifically because of it’s intention for the practitioner to give their power away and generally errs on the side of individualism and self reliance, I wouldn’t want to have my energy influenced like this for any longer than was necessary to achieve the result.

I’ve been possessed like this, unintentionally: I had suicidal thoughts, the entity came in, fixed my wiring and the feeling of being a passenger in my own body wore off gently over the course of several hours.

I’d do it again, yes, I’m grateful and it was super interesting and informative, but not seek it out because I believe I should now use the learning from watching the energy change to be more responsible as a sovereign spirit in my own right and do that for myself next time, if there’s a next time. I need to meditate on the experience to find out what really happened and how to replicate it to get the most out of it ( not easy as a lot was harkening as deep levels of being I’m hardly aware of, but that’s the challenge).

So, me being me, I’d ask myself if doing what feels good, just because it feels good, is really the same thing as what’s the best way to leverage this life experience to maximise its potential.


Hello, i would like to share a very similar experience i’m currently going through. I’m as confused as you.
I went through something traumatic last Thursday, i slept if off and when i woke up i experienced extreme depersonalization/diassociation. The last 5 days were the worst days of my life as i would freak out whenever i saw my hands/my reflection. I went hysterical a couple of times and considered getting hospitalized. Until yesterday, i had a dream that i chose to work with Vepar. I woke up 100% okay and not dissociative anymore.
For the record, i have never worked with Vepar, nor considered it. I have not even been practicing for a couple of months. I have no medical record of mental illness prior to this, never experienced diassociation, mental episodes, possession or any state like this before.
I am extremely confused and don’t know what to do.

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Mine lasted for 30-40 minutes, It also felt highly beneficial to me and I will ask of vepar to do it again. Did you ask anything of Vepar? Maybe he’s doing it for that, I know he possessed me because I asked for a reduction in anxiety and it seems to have worked.

In those 30 or so minutes he possessed me I felt the least anxiety in my life and the most confident too. If you don’t want him to do it again, just tell him. Setting boundaries and speaking to a demon is probably the best way to solve things.

I didn’t know he existed before that dream.

Why do you believe its vepar?

He reached out to me through my dream. I dreamt his exact name, number and invocation keys.

Then he wants a relationship with you. It good to reach out as he treats those he likes very well. Great demon.