Way to remove the connection with the deity?

there is a way to remove the connection with the deity ? who wants to work with you but, you don’t want to
the reason is that I’m not in the mood for his difficult nature
and things he wants and I don’t and he keeps coming back with what he wants and plus I don’t enjoy his tests and obstacles

I had this with Hecate, and just telling her no wasn’t cutting it, so I banished her and that did it. Same banishing as you’d use on any entity you don’t want around, use your favorite.

If you don’t have a regular banishing technique get one BEFORE you summon any more, it’s not a good idea to be allowing things into your life without knowing how to get rid of them first, think of it like a safety net.


I tried that, he let me have time for a while and then he appeared again with the same thing

Then I would attack it with extreme prejudice. It’s acting like a common or garden Earth-based parasite so treat it like it deserves and set it on fire. They never come back after you try to actively kill them.

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I can try it…
only the last time I told him that I was my own god
he basically gave me bad nightmares and finally I heard a rather loud male laugh from him
then I definitely threw away the things that were on his altars
then when I called him I bought new things
he told me to help myself
and he kept asking himself why I’m calling him or if I want to throw him out again
and when I said to myself that I will try it myself
what am I actually doing, he tries to meddle in my affairs
for example, I want to get rid of something,it works for me for a few days so ,he gives it back to me

Yeah nobody needs the mind games, and it’s too bad he’s not above this bullshit. There’s so many other entities to work with, there’s no reason to stay stuck in this kind of relationship - I would just chalk it up to experience, draw a line under it and walk away, and shove him out the door as needed.

I would caveat: that’s very me, I’m not the type to stay and try to work through a broken relationship that isn’t working out, I will make a clean break and never look back. It works for me but not everyone has my low tolerance for drama and are more social.

So it’s up to you but I’d go on the warpath and make an example of him, not least because knowing that the activity does get noticed on the astral, it sets expectations on whether other entities should try to mess with you. That means you can get fewer issues in the future.

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yes, but the problem is that I have a problem with Lucifer

It doesn’t matter. You said why yourself:

This is true and correct. You are equals. So work it as you would if any other human being did this: you can be mature about it but make it clear. Ok there was confusion and you thought you could repair the relationship, but his behaviour has proven you cannot work together and if he does not leave and stay gone you will take steps to make him.

You won’t hurt him, what you do is set the energy very clearly that there is a barrier that they cannot cross and he will leave, possibly in a huff but that’s too bad he should have paid attention and been the better man in the first place. Set your mind and will very clearly and firmly that he will not come back because he can’t.

Then state to the universe, loudly, firmly and with your authority, that you repeal, cancel and make null and void any and all contracts, agreement, pacts implied or otherwise, you also cancel and void any backups or reinstatement clauses and you are sovereign and no entity may interact with you or your works without your express and conscious permission.


Thanks, I’ll do it :purple_heart:

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