When I was doing research about succubus I had a weird lucid dream where was just doing what ever then I got seemingly transported to this room that look something between a dining room and a classroom there was a women dress formal like a teacher she had pale skin that all I really remember about her but she surounded by children they all look about 9-13 years old.
At the time I was holding with someone standing before the women then she said “get ready for.” I miss the last part.moments later I feel this unbelievable force holding me down the guy with me get pin to the ground instantly. I’m standing on my knees willing myself to get up hearing my own innervoice tell me can’t submit. Soon I’m stand tall and face the women the force stops she clap her hand in celebration lookin impress. Then I wake up. Don’t know what make of this dream but that force hold me down felt too real. I wonder if anyone has any thoughts on this.
The vision you are in school seeing children and a teacher signifies feelings of inadequacy and insecurities and you are seeking guidance. It may relate to anxieties or concerns about your performance and abilities. This might relate to childhood insecurities that have not been resolved.
Being held down by the force of the teacher indicates you may have issues with authority and resent people who are in control. Being held down by force can express your fear of being dominated and want to defend your values, or beliefs. Violent visions show anger and frustration. Or an urge to hurt someone perhaps the administrator who criticized you in front of your co-workers.
I’m going with yes it was a test and yes you passed, based on the symbolism (which I agree was about authority and testing your mettle). Belial did something similar with me, and has confirmed it was him, not “just” a dream: Rosier goetic ritual - #9 by Lady_Eva
Edit to add, “that which is within is like that which is without” is a common theme in magick, so that interpretation @lawclerk posted can also fit very well. I know that’s annoying, blurred boundaries about what’s “real” (meaning external) and what originates with you, but I have found these things to be true.
I can almost guarantee that if I have a dream about a spirit or theme, people on this forum will be talking about them when I next log-in or I will have a run of PMs for whom the spirit is the answer to questions. Things that that tip some people over the edge. 
I tried to cover some of that in this topic: Common Experiences Among Magicians
Thanks for the intpertaion its actually pretty accurate about was going on with my life. I trying to do better but it been rather hard.
Thanks for the insight. I’m going to try to figure who the spirit was
Thanks for the insights great links as well with the final touch. We all have lessons to learn as life is the real test, whether we pass that test is up to us.