Hi I am jini.
I am a teenager and recently discovered about magic, witchcraft and Lucifer.
I actually need help from lucifer for my career so that’s why I invoked him last day.
I drew his sigil and stared at it while chanting his enn for more than 100 times. Since I am new so my astral senses are not working. I just after doing this asked for help from him and gave him dark chocolate as offering. I am not sure if he was present there or not and if he was there then is he willing to help me or not.
If anyone could confirm or answer my question then I will be really grateful.
Pardon my english. Its not my native language.
Thank you.
Its often said that if the ritual is done with genuine intentions, that the demon will hear you. It does sound like you did that, so I would consider it a success.
But more importantly than what I think is what you think and feel. Do you feel like it was successful or not? Why do you feel this way?
You can ask yourself these questions and especially if youre new its quite possible that doubts will crop up. If they do you can investigate those and try to clear them up.
Again, sounds like you did everything right, good job
Thank you for the reply
I read few posts here where people said that they felt a warm or cold presence or heard something. But in my case I didn’t felt anything like this. But yeah I had a belief that lord Lucifer will definitely come and listen to me. When I asked for help after chanting his enn, I just said it like he was sitting right in front of me. I somewhere feel that he was there but I didn’t feel any sign of presence, that’s why I am not sure.
Btw should I call him daily to ask for help or weekly or should I stop and wait for a sign?
This thread also applies to you, you should check it out:
Thank you💓
Thank you
My pleasure
Yea its possible to feel something, but it doesnt have ti happen in the beginning. Over time you will become more aware of these things and will begin to notice them. Not noticing them isnt a bad sign, it might just mean that you arent aware of these feelings yet.
Also, you mentioned
which I think is most important. A strong belief is very similar to these feelings imo.
So about the help with your career I wouldnt do another ritual. He (presumably) heard you and will (presumably) help you achieve that goal (thiugh it might be a long road ahead, depending on where you are and where you want to go).
However if youre in general intrested in Lucifer or other demons you could meditate in their honor or pray to them or give them offerings or learn more about them.
Ok. Thank you so much for the reply