Want to see your living soul inside of you? - Be scanned and Scan back! (No tarot or channeling please)

There’s a need to be cautious because I see a war zone being created because of these two groups of beings. One may act or seems to give an impulsive or unpredictable energy and the second group will be more cautious and structure in his approach. I think they may affect your sacral chakra and your throat chakra too Positively. But you may need to control that tension either with your solar plexus or your third eye to have a bigger picture of the situation.

Your 1st chakra is very good and bright
Your sacral chakra not that good ( feeling here they will help you with your finances too)

Your solar chakra is good too but not as bright as the last time I scanned you.

Your green chakra is very very strong and I see stability and power of calmness

Your throat chakra a bit weaker than the others because your sacral and throat are not harmonious to each other. I think you may have something about your speech ( maybe a deep rock voice)

The third eye is healthy and active

Your crown chakra seems to be crystalized

Yes overall analysis seems to resonate with me. I struggle with communication but don’t give a fuck so it’s doesn’t really affect me. Didn’t understand about the peacock and reptilians

The aura golden yes

Yeah @nohearth but I didn’t understand


My biggest problem right now is that I want to be sure that I’m receiving the right information when I do spiritual work, and I don’t want to feel like I could be proven wrong.

I have been working on this, but it’s been hard. The reason why I feel this way is because I don’t feel like I have an external way to verify it or maybe I could be wrong? It’s been this way for a while.

I’ve asked multiple people, but I don’t feel it yet.

@Epsilon_The_Imperial Anyone can spin anything anyway Epsilon, so you’ll never be out of danger of being proven wrong. You desire an absolute assurance that in the past you have said is not available to either logic or other people’s reasoning.

So on what basis can you have assurance? You have no metaphysical basis for a strong epistemology.

As a solution, I recommend you study Neoplatonic philosophy and use it as a basis to read Iamblichus’ “On the Mysteries” and re-enter magick from a strong philosophical ground, free from post-modernism.

Greek monistic metaphysics based on a balance between Pythagoras Plato and Aristotle is your solution.

The assurance you crave comes from philosophy, not magick and not self-hypnosis. I say this to be helpful.

One thing before I start: if you have doubts you can keep on asking for assurance, at least to me if I am capable of answering.

It’s pretty normal for you bro, but it’s actually the way. Keep doubting, don’t seek assurance. You are being fueled subconsciously with philosophy, you want to find the ultimate truth and to know whose god really is. This is because of your Sagittarius, the sign of philosophy and higher knowledge in your 12th house. So your ultimate spiritual goal is to reach that.

But remember this is only your subconscious mind, it something you developed in your past life but ain’t gonna use it anymore in your current life. That’s why I told you since the beginning it’s good for you to have someone who will guide in your quest. This is gonna be his “job” . It is in your subconscious so leave the guidance to someone else. I am not saying to give up your magic. Magic is from 8th house but 12th house is house of liberation. I am taking about the 12th house which in your case is liberation through philosophy.

You need to develop your Capricorn side, meaning practicality and working hard. If you are hairy, cut that beard especially when you are in late 20s. Leave your jaw blank and clean of beard.

You have more time to know who you really are. It will take up to 35 years.

If you are being philosophical without keeping your feet on the ground, this will bring a lot of problems. Capricorn ascendant is the sign of people who does very well in worldly matters and magic too. But it’s difficult for them to find that truth that will enable them to see the world without illusion. It’s kinda of a process.

You will see when you balance on your occult/magic and your worldly projects, your life becomes easier.

This is not a sign of a monk or sorcerer who gave up the world. It’s the one that uses magic to bring changes in real world, practicality is your motto. And Saturn will not let you only operates in magic. It wants you to be in the world too.

While being busy with real world stuff you will see your philosophical side will start growing too. You will start to understand things you didn’t before



I feel for you that you have a very-I don’t want to say Saturnian-, but dark energy infused with light.

I sense for you that you have a hard time dealing with other people because they don’t see things the way you do. The important thing is that there’s no reason for you to be personally involved in the way people see you.

I also see for you that you have a hard time trying to balance your spirituality with your sense of achievement. As in, how you have to work for the things you want while keeping yourself open to spiritual experiences.

The thing is, is that you have a destiny where you want to see more of spiritual reality but you have a hard time trying to understand who you are in relation to that.

The solution to all your problems is that you need to find whatever in yourself makes you feel whole.

Focus on your emotions and work as though you already had fulfillment. Let that permeate your mind, and simply ask the Void what it is you want. You will get the answers.

That’s all I get for you.


I was wondering is someone could do a reality check for me- I recently got into an unseelie faerie court and was wondering if anyone can verify the reality or fantasy of the unseelie queene named Mortiana.

Any takers?

Thank you for the scan Bro.
But I don’t take spirituality seriously enough. I mostly do it for fun. It really not be a problem for me regarding the balance cause I said it’s more curiosity and fun stuff.

Yes Saturn is prominent too in my life

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I’ll give you a scan.

She’s real. She seems to be very connected to natural forces, close to a sense of decay but not full on embodying that energy.

I feel she wants you to meet her again.

She sees me and smiles. She wants you to go into her realm more.

That’s the useful information I got.

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@Epsilon_The_Imperial Man I really appreciate that. Sometimes things can go overboard with imagination, you know how it is.

If you wanted to scan. Is there anything I need right now?

@Post_lux_tenebrae This thread is for scanning only, NOT spirit channeling. You are off topic.

This thread is a grey area in regards to the 90 rule but that doesn’t mean any kind of reading is allowed.

@DarkestKnight My mistake. I understand. Feel free to delete. I transferred the message to a PM. Thank you for the reminder.

Please be aware that you cannot be doing any kind of reading, including channeling, in PM either as it is a violation of the 90 day rule. Please see the rule update below:

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10-4. I will delete the PM.

You only have two weeks to go before you pass the 90 day period and after that you’ll be good to do readings. :+1:

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I appreciate that, not trying to cause waves.

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I need a scan. Im going through some strange changes with my heart

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@telgega Let me take a look with intuition-

I am getting a download related to pacts or promises and the need to disentangle your energy from some entities…

Clairvoyantly- I see that there is an entity that has you wrapped up. It’s like a dark entity that has chains around the heart chakra. I see a face with a look of panic on it. It’s a sweet face and there are tears staining the cheeks with long white hair, but the face is youthful.

Claiaudiently- I hear heavy breathing, the kind arising from panic. I hear growls and low laughter. I hear the beating of a heart grow fainter, and there is an unsteadiness to it. There is a sound of metal. There is an echoing hallway. There is the sound of rain outside and the occasional rolling of thunder.

Clairsentiently- I feel the feeling of the ominous that resides in your heart chakra and emanates out from it and forms a presence. It seems there is a powerful feeling of captivity. Either an entity has captivated the heart, or the hearts captivity is symbolized by an oppressive entity. Big.

Clairgustance- There is a taste of iron, both as metal and as blood.

Clairalience- There is the smell of wet dog. There is the smell of rain. There is the smell of sweat and heat.

EmpatheticalIy- I feel a sense of tiredness and a certain amount of fear. I feel there is a sense of emotional rawness. I feel there is a sense of finality, of frustration, of wanting to be done. There is also a sense of curiosity and boredom combined with restlessness. A feeling of being frazzled and scattered into pieces and trying to pick the pieces up.

Consider each of these as energetic tarot- they may apply literally or by analogy. Let me know


I wish i could say. I keep hearing about this dark entitiy. No real idea who or what

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