Want to see your living soul inside of you? - Be scanned and Scan back! (No tarot or channeling please)

No worries.


When scanning your energy I come to your energy body which shows this more lighter brown with specks of white in your energy, not grey like last I scanned you, when I move my hand through your energy it feels like a mix of watery but also airy, Iā€™d say it reminds me of mist, the smell of your energy reminds me of a very light lavender as well, itā€™s faint but itā€™s there. The sound your energy makes is now almost really high pitched which to me tells me your energy is vibrating faster than before as well, going further into your energy body I see your chakras and they seem like very bright white suns now.


each chakra looks almost like this but brighter almost blinding, your pathways have this blue energy coating them that when I push a bit of energy towards it the pathways show much more resilience to them, and they appear somewhat larger than before, this tells me that your development is progressing more and more, I try and move past the bright orbs (kind of hurt my physical eyes too almost) towards your core and when I reach your core the same blue energy is there around a similar bright white orb, thereā€™s also specks of brown earthy energy within, the overall smell of the core is earthy, but the core has a much intenser density to it than the chakras and the high pitched noise is almost to a point of inaudible, the blue energy around the core moves around almost protecting the core but I also see that it from time to time forms symbols unknown to me but they look almost celtic in nature or more specifically Ogham symbols, but not exactly to a T.


something like this, had to find the right image and edit it lol, couldnt get the specks of brown to show much.


Thanks! What did you want scanned?

A general scan is fine

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Your Scan:

When scanning your energy, it initially comes off first as dense and a light/medium shade of brown. Visually Iā€™m shown a long path of wood that I seem to ā€œflyā€ or hover over. It looks similar to this in color, and looks.

This would be how the color of it looks

This would represent how the ā€œpath of woodā€ looked. No trees, it was just the path. Like that but just one really long straight flat path of wood. Not cut up pieces of lumber, just one long stretch of wood

In the air and around this path, there are small black, white ,and gold ā€œorbsā€ of energy throughout the entire scene. I donā€™t think that the energy is actual orbs but it takes the shape of what you would visualize a classic energy orb to look like. Although I did notice that these ā€œorbsā€ of energy were sorta dense. If you tried to put your hand through one, it would be like putting your hand through water in terms of pressure. The black orbs are cooler in temperature, the white ones are room temperature, and the gold arenā€™t hot but not as cool as the other too. Kinda hard to describe how those ā€œfeelā€.

The air itself (not the orbs in the air/image) is a smokey (but transparent) grey.

The scene changes (slightly) and as I further walk this path, I see trees (pine like trees). To the left and right of the wooden path. It appears that the scene has now incoperated a sort of small forest into it where as before I didnā€™t see anything but the air, orbs, and path. The tree trunk has deep scratch marks on them. Which look alot like this:

Except that the marks are arranged in a diagonal pattern. They are not vertical. More deeper, and bigger. The wood inside the trunk has rotted a bit too. So less fresh looking. When moving forward again. I see animal skulls, but the biggest of them all is a deer (buck) skull - with giant antlers. The other smaller (and seems less significant) skulls are of smaller animals but the deer one is more in the center.

The scene now entirely changes, and Iā€™m looking at pathways of some sort. For reference they are contained within a sortve translucent body. They look semi similar or you could compare them to the blood vessels that run throughout our entire bodies nourishing us, but these pathways arenā€™t physical and they nourish/maintain the energy body. The pathways have a grey-like energy running through them. The pathway themselves are sorta ā€œtubeā€ like most being pretty small/thin but there seems to be bigger ones in the core area of the ā€œbodyā€ compared to say the extremities.

When moving myself farther from the pathways/body to get a bigger overall view (I was kinda zoomed in inspecting what the pathways looked like and some of them were small lol) I see different creature looking being. Still sorta translucent (well I mean looks mostly solid, but not as solid as say the earth solid flesh and blood bodies). The lower half is mostly man-looking (feet to mid-shoulders) but the top half actually looks somewhat like this - more specifically the head. The chest is not rotting flesh, heā€™s in one piece donā€™t worry.

His neck doesnā€™t bend over weird like that either. Most of the body is human looking, besides the head which is very animal looking. However the whole body is prettyā€¦ Hairy. More hairy the closer to the head/chest you get but say less hairy closer to the arms/legs/waist you get. There seemed to be a grey/black/brown energy emitting from this creature. Also I suspect the creature was the cause of the claw marks in the trees I saw earlier. Seemed like his ā€œhomeā€.

also quick note, his arms and legs arenā€™t that thin and long but they do seem built alittle different from human arms and legs. To allow for greater speed and agility.



@Teras390 did you want me to scan you first?

I was planning on starting but if itā€™s ok you can go ahead. Letā€™s go for a general this time too if thatā€™s ok?

Donā€™t be surprised if you pick up something regarding my general mood.


Sent you a PM :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thereā€™s a strong connection from your side to her, a lot of love. She knows you and she has her eyes on you. Idk but Iā€™m getting the message that this is some mother-son relationship. It seems like you will be working with her for a while and that thereā€™s also a chance that you may have worked with her in your past life based on what Iā€™m getting. However this bond seems good, strong connection as I said butā€¦ Your love to Kali is so strong that it somehow has made you totally blindfolded. A plot twist actually. When you have a strong connection to a spirit, your senses to that spirit becomes more embraced but somehow it became more like a blockage? Iā€™m getting a huge feeling that you just canā€™t see. Like for an example. She gives you a sign to confirm to you that sheā€™s there but you just keep doubting all these small things because you strive for huge signs to confirm it. Almost like an addiction and itā€™s getting toxic for you. You know when youā€™re in love with someone and it makes you blind? Yeah something like that. Iā€™m also receiving that sheā€™s going to let you do some hard work and stop giving you these small things to make you see again. She wants the best for you and if she needs to get strict to make you learn, thatā€™s exactly what sheā€™s going to do. Donā€™t see this as anything negative, itā€™s neither that or positive but the connection is great, no doubt.

Iā€™d like you to scan my connection to Azazel. :slightly_smiling_face:


Will do, thanks for the scan

Hello hope you good , have a quick question seems Iā€™m not very much able to find this , have this spirit thatā€™s been with me for many years now , asked for an angel help when I was young and someone came but fucking hell Iā€™m still have some doubt about it have a set ideea but itā€™s possible to take a quick scan ? Relationship was not really sexual more like a helper , a teacher , trying to help me ap relax do energy work and such , is possible to trouble you with this one ? usually i like to find myself about spirits and such but and Iā€™m doing ok with it but heā€™ll this is kinda strange xD Thanks a lot
Felt them from first day they appeared but never been able to comunicate for some reason like we are many dimensions away
Also are always around me and I feel tem easily
Ǝl scan or do an incense offering or smt in your name to ur fav spirit so to Ballance :slight_smile: :hugs:

Would anyone like to give a scan, I am feeling very uncertain and confused today about me, my inside of soul . I just wanted to be scanned, But i am not still good enough to give a scan if it is alright.

I donā€™t see how a scan is supposed to help with that.

Doesnā€™t sound healthy.

Be careful not to put too much faith in the hands of others.

Scanning should be fun. Not serious.

Take it with a grain of salt and examine it. If it resonates, good. If not, thatā€™s okay.

Donā€™t go taking scans as de facto truths to base your thinking off of (no different from divination really). Question them, but have fun with it.

On the other side, itā€™s very uncomfortable to have someone asking for this kind of thing.

ā€œPlease! I need to know if X is Y??? Am I _______??? Can you tell me ______!?! Please I need to know!!!ā€

Like, itā€™s gross man.

It sets you up to used by unscrupulous personā€™s or to go overboard with your own lack of discretion, and discernment.

I see too many newbies that seem to be looking for some kind of ego boost (dopamine hits) from scans. Practically treating the folks on the scan threads like vending machines in the process.

If I wanted I could just blow smoke up your ass and send you on your way, but I ainā€™t about that.

To me it sounds like you got some personal work to do.


Damn, Bro/sis nothing was so serious maybe i sound like that when i am off or i donā€™t know how to present myself correctly , I donā€™t trust in anyone but certainly I was just asking a scan to see if there were any parasites or something.
I have all answers of why i am confused, I am just feeling too gross of myself for things i am not doing that i should be, anyway Thank u for being concerned for me.

I have certainly taken tens of scans for energy attunement and general Ones but i have never felt my ego boosted,

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Hey man, itā€™s ok. :ok_hand:

Weā€™ve all been there dude.

I was actually in a pretty bad slump for a couple months recently.

That said, if it donā€™t apply to you donā€™t worry about it. :slightly_smiling_face:

Stay strong, and keep your chin up. You got this.



We can also trade if youā€™d like :slight_smile:

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Sure. :slight_smile: general is fine.

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Of course! Iā€™ll scan you tomorrow since I got a friend thatā€™s sleeping over so I canā€™t really do it now but tomorrow Iā€™ll do it :slight_smile:

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Sure, I can wait till then to trade.