Want to see your living soul inside of you? - Be scanned and Scan back! (No tarot or channeling please)

Hey I.just scanned you I picked up a Sather like creature gives of a nice scent and had this “kingly vibes” projected.Pride to be precise which seems to be deserve.

Your energy sounds like a roaring ocean or when you walk on a roadside at night and a car whizzes by.
I also see cosmic like energy suspended like mist this seems to be your core .I see stars too.

Overall you seem more closed off from the normal world almost as if you “have seen all that is to be seen here” and see no need to experience further.

Earthy energies from you you have this caring almost like motherly nurturing aspect to you yet fierce about protecting your loved ones .

For some reason I get the word Nyx and also have you Been.contemplating on.working with darker aspects of magick


Sure I’m free now if you’re up for it.

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Wanna do a soul scan trade ?

It’s better if I get back to you tomorrow afternoon. As rn it’s late and it’s sleepy time. If that’s ok?

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That’s fine with me.

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want to scan me?

im up for it now if you wanna trade :slight_smile:

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i can trade

I’m up for a trade

Pretty different from most other people I’ve scanned so far for the last month. When I scanned you pretty quickly a pretty close look a like your current avatar came to the forefront of my inner vision. Except the robe it wore was more on the deep green side than the black side. Instead of your face it was that of an elk skull, and it was bony white. The image zoomed out, and I noticed behind your back an energetic whirlpool behind your back. It spun in widdershins, it didn’t spin fast or slow.

I got a chilly feeling from the imagery and thick mist appeared from all sides around you. Then the mist cleared and I remember seeing this;


Appear but not like that…the helmet was the same. The face was ashpale. The eyes were golden yellow and rose colored lips. I heard the words

  • water; well; waterfall.

My mind was drawn to the old norse poem relating to the rune Lauguz/Lögr:

Lögr er, fællr ór fjalle foss;
en gull ero nosser.

Which translates into something like;

A waterfall is a River which falls from a mountain-side;
but ornaments are of gold.

From here

That and the well of Mimir, the waterfall part I am unsure of, unless it is the branch of Elivegr.

Then I decided to take a look at your energetic make up; I only got a view of your chakra system and what’s mostly different is your energy; everything really. Overall the energy flows really, really nicely and evenly, with two exceptions your feet and your hands, where the energy is a bit more intense. The color of the aura; specifically the energy in your nadhis had a mix of the colors. The colors were a mix of emerald green, brown like earth and with a minor tint of black. This gets pretty close:

The overall feel of the energy was a mixture of opposites, what I mean is, the energy felt cold to touch but it emitted vapour, the vapour diffused outside of the pathways so to speak. The feel (touch) of the energy was lukewarm. As for the overall feel around you and your state of mind was for a lack of better word was “lukewarm” but strangely solemn.

Viewing the landscape you, It was pretty dark, or rather a dark mist on all sides. Suddenly I could hear a hollow rattling, like when your hit a stick on hollow stubble. Bones assembled into full fledged skeletons.

And the being from before raised their hands and more of these skeletons arose, until there were quite a few of them. The reading ended there.

In my head and from the outside looking in, it seems you either already have- or are currently visiting helheim. If not you’re partaking in some form of communion with dead ancestors or necromancy heck dare I even say both.

I say Helheim because of the pretty clear imagery of the goddess although it is movie adapted 8/10 she appears in a way that very akin to that. That along with the imagery of the raising of multiple skeletal warriors and mist and cold.


very nice! good to see you again! would you like to trade?

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Tomorrow I’ll get back to you.


I will return the reading here in a sec


So hm, I wanna try scanning, but I’m not sure I will get anything as it’s my first time, if anyone wants to be my guinea pig… :eyes:
You do not have to return it if I am not able to pick up anything, I just want to give it a try


try me! :slight_smile:

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when scanning you the first thing I see is your outer body silhouette which seems to be surrounded by this dark grey mist that seems to act as a shield of sorts, the mist seems to flow from beneath you and go upwards, there’s certain moments they take the form of tendrils.

When I move further towards your energy system the tendrils give me an opening allowing me to finish the reading, now looking at your energy system I see this same grey energy but it’s lighter in color and there’s this same feeling I get when I go near a graveyard, it smells like iron/blood and dirt. The energy flow is moving somewhat slow but it seems natural and not really an issue for it, your pathways has this solid white lining coating it as well, but when I listen to your energy it sounds almost like a ghostly wailing to it that seems to fluctuate in high and low sounds.
Your chakras have what looks like faint tendrils coming from them as well and looks to be pulling energy into them adding to the overall energy you already have, I follow the flow to your core which looks like this:

greys and blacks swirling around, it has a stronger gravitational pull to it than the last time I’ve seen it, going into it the first thing I notice is the change in landscape that looks a lot like a abandoned graveyard, there’s unmarked graves as well as one with tombstones but lack any writing on them, atleast any writing I can make out, the sky is pitch black but there’s light that seems to be reflecting off the ground if that makes sense.

but with no sky to see, just blackness, the area is really cold as well not to a point of freezing but darn near close, moving around the landscape I notice this large tree but the tree looks as though it’s been drained of life the branches are brittle and an ash white, when I touch the tree I notice that it gives the sensation of pulling in energy so I wanted to test something I took some ambient energy and put it near the tree to only see that the tree quickly absorbed it.

From what I gather when reading you that you have some heavy vampirism or something akin to it going on within your system as well as it reflecting on your soul landscape.


Scan trade anyone?

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Who shall go first? I’m fine either way.

Can you go first please. Also this is kind of practice for me if you don’t mind so if it’s not accurate or whatever you could maybe pass on some tips.

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