This might sound kinda pointless or stupid but I don’t know what to expect with baneful magick.
Here’s the thing , I’ve had a lot of people go out of their way to harm me or be very malicious. Mostly when it comes to work/ my job. I’m a good hard worker but because im a slow learner and I have a learning disability working construction is literal hell for me.
The kicker is I actually blew up at work one day and left but luckily my boss didn’t turn my papers in because he knows my situation as does the crew and wanted to give me a second chance.
Even though they know I try my best , that I’m stressed the fuck out from being homeless and trying to get meds even though I don’t have health insurance yet they STILL continue to CONSTANTLY tear me down ALL DAYand tell me I’m a worthless pos after I come in day in and day out tearing my body up doing scaffolding.
There’s no “ oh we’re just joking bro, the crew has nothing but love for you” after you know what I’m going through and that I have to suck this shit up. This all I have for right now. Sometimes I don’t even fuck up , they just like having a reason to talk down to me like I did something wrong.
Anyway now that thats off my chest , I read very conflicted information about curses and baneful magick. Some say killing is a lot easier than you think, some say it’s extremely difficult and that your magick has to be stronger than the targets will to live.
Can you really wear someone done and kill them in a matter or weeks ?
You see with me I don’t just want to kill anyone , I want my enemies to suffer dearly and to feel complete and utter hopelessness. I want everything they have and have ever loved completely stripped away from them.
If all goes well I could see a lifelong pact with the spirit I’m choosing. I believe it’s the evilest acting spirit in the goetia.
I’m also curious, with “death” demons , is their energy heavy and feel negative ? I’ve seen mainstream occultist say they are decietful but I don’t believe this to be true. I think it’s just a negative assumption about them.