Vampyric Energy Transmutation

So a few years ago my oldest daughter was sick, and ik it sounds bad, but i decided to experiment lol.

I pointed two fingers in my right hand outward while she laid on my lap, hot from her fever, pointed them towards her and imagined the sickness as an energy. Moved my fingers in a counterclockwise circle, pulling it out of her, and reversed the circlr to clockwise, toward the window. I mustve done this for a while, she was fine by the morning, playful, no fever.

Ok so boom, i have a few books on vampyric magick, im interested, and so im learning different rites and techniques. Not sure if thats the path i want, but the techniques definitely have a place in my tool belt for sure. Im wondering if thru absorption, how maybe i could go about tranforming energy that i gather from others, whether from people or general environments. Im sure i can pinpoint the type of energy i want, but say for shits and giggles i couldnt. How would you go about it ?

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Hey cool! I use that technique sometimes as well. Although I do it more in line of the view of “the left hand takes, the right hand gives/ radiates”. So I use the left hand to draw out or siphon and the right hand to disrupt my targets energy. But whatever works, works. I think using the right hand to draw out energy could make it a lot easier to just draw it out and to not take it into your own system. I’ll have to play around with that ^^

Two things that might help to learn to transform/ transmute is when you draw energy from a target.
Don’t take it in but direct it into an object (for me it is usually a small stone or a piece of fruit or something suitable that doesn’t seem weird or is very visible when I hold it in my hand). Then try to sense the energy in that object see how it might be different and how it may be similar to your own energy.
I tried to use that energy for certain goals such as sending out baneful intents (which I find easier to form when using with the energy from someone else) or simply empower certain intents in spells by pushing in some of my own energy in the object first and forming (mainly with intent and emotion) the total into the energy I am looking for. This is mainly to get a sense of the foreign energies and to feel how it feels to mix and (trans)form energies.

When I felt I got the hang of it, I took in small amounts of energy from my target while grounding the rest or letting it flow away (like you did towards the window) and either, together with some of my own energy directed that energy back towards my target, usually as something beneficial for them or immediately radiated the energy outward with some specific intent in a short burst also together with some of my own energy since that seemed to make transmuting that energy easier.
Take it real slow with this step to make sure you get familiar with taking in negative or even foreign energy and how to deal with it. (I didn’t, to put it mildly, and it worked, but I do not recommend it at all)

I would recommend to not experiment with the last part on your (sick) daughter, but some target you have minimal (emotional) connection too, since that is first of all a little safer for your loved ones but also I find it easier to transmute energy into something else without the intent and energy of pre-existing emotions towards your target tainting or shaping it.


Thank you very much for the information, its funny i was just reading up on how people store energy in crystals to use at a later date for different intents, im definitely gonna give that a try. If i may ask, how would i go about picking a target, can it be just a random person or thing i come across ?

You may use a smoky quartz to refine the raw energy you drained.


No problem, happy to be of help.
It kinda depends on what you want from your target, but yeah basically just anyone should do.

I was mainly interested in being able to take in and transmute negative, or rather chaotic energy. So I mainly looked for people that where acting nervous, angry or otherwise gave me a sense of being influenced and/ or not being authentic.

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Thank you, im gonna add a few to my cart

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I like that, this is gonna be fun lol

What do you mean by this? You suck raw energy out of your target with your left hand, refine it inside your body, and dump the filthy energy on them using your right?

BTW you may also use an egg. Eggs contain the pure energy of life and are highly programmable. Instruct it to turn all the filthy energy it absorbs into something beneficial. That said, they’re disposable unlike smoky quartz crystals.

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The disruption of energy is not really connected to the vampirizing directly.
In a short and not complex way of putting it. I try to manipulate or disrupt by touching that energy with my own and giving it a spin in the opposite direction it wants to move.
This is a pretty baneful move, with the intend to make my target feel uncomfortable and uneasy and less in tune with themselves. So I do not use this on just any target, only those I feel deserve to have a more malefic treatment.

The uneasy and uncomfortable feeling does give me more chaotic energy to siphon.

I do also use the technique of drawing out with my left hand and pushing it out into an object with my right hand. But when I don’t necessarily want it in my system, I like to hold the object in my left hand so I can attempt to draw it out and let it flow into the object directly.


Looks like we read the same tutorial (Advanced Vampirism).

I also read elsewhere that garnets and other red stones are used in vampirism. Do you think they’re - (receiving) or + (transmitting)?


Yes, we have ^^. I have learned a lot from his youtube vids on vampirism as well.

I’m not sure about the red stones myself. The only thing I can think of is that at least visually they remind me of a connection to blood and vampires (even if it is mainly through pop culture associations)


Ill get on that book next, right now im on Energy Magick of the Vampyre, and its funny because certain basis of it ive already used before without knowing, for different reasons, but similar nonetheless

Im in a weird space as far as “path” i want to walk. Im not initiated into anything, and i dont have a set direction as of right now. Just working, practicing, studying. Think ill kind of fall in wherever i belong i guess idk​:sob::sob:

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Yeah exactly, I’ve lived in that space as well for a while. Just enjoy gaining knowledge, wisdom and have fun with the skills you gain and develop further. You’ll fall into a certain path eventually

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Thanks, i appreciate the knowledge a whole lot

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