Urgent problem

I’m confused. There’s a difference between the sigils of the angels, as well as some of the demons in the two different versions of Evoking Eternity. There’s the Chthonian Edition and the normal one. Which one holds the legit sigils?

I need to evoke Raphael, a friend of mine has a severe health problem and I want to help him. He’s my best friend and he has cancer. I need to do it fast, if you understand what I mean.

Or, better yet, could someone post a picture of Raphael’s sigil here?

I’d appreciate a response, as quickly as possible, please!

Hello, it seems people get the impression that EA’s system of evocation is something someone lines up candles and incense and starts reading (with sigils). -rather than…

one uses the sigil and the name, and just "reaching out" to connect to the (and get response From the) Entity.

 In other words, in this case ArchAngel Raphiel would be first contacted "mentally" (not the best way to term it), and then via OpeningASigil &or their Name (which should resonate to/from their presence).. which seems to be the step your referring to.

and then a slight presence, then a more distinct concrete presence.. later Evoked Presence.       -the distinct that fdbk from the Entity, and even beyond the "magickal aspect" doing even the first stage can often have "ideas/insights" arise..  ie just trying to attune to Raphael (different calling that name, rather than calling upon "great and might Power, ArchAngel Raphael 

- wondering how such "Royalty" might look at your situation vs just a codeword) .. but anyway, while trying to attune to and thus beginning the "preparatory immersion" (learning about- integration to)..  you may have an idea arise, try this (or some idea could arise to your friend in their mind, or even circumstances could change, apparent synchronistically to... but as a result of this attunement, but not being the goal- 

ie goal to attune enough that this ArchAngel could step forth Physically_concretely distinct into your room, all else let go (like making arrangements for a trip/vacation/holiday… calling places, make reservation, packing luggage, make arrangements for pet sitting :slight_smile: -and the goal of your trip could be to learn about XYZ… and then before you go you might walk into XYZ info in your town, so you could cancel your trip… just as an ex) -if you try to attune to have that info or to have events shift, that makes to contact different than if just making contact to “get to know”
* * *
Thus there is a difference having an Entity “Do something” vs as their Presence becomes more drawn-near things shift just per their radiance… Without them Doing anything beyond Coming Closer to your situation (ie not closer “physically to your location- per a map” but closer in relation casually), as a part of you Calling Forth.

so hopefully the last part of my post helps (as I think it is your “real” question, but briefly the first part of my post here referenced your specific (what is the “correct” sigil- which implies a few things that could be seen in other magickal systems, but not as much in what EA writs in EvokingEternity… but that is my exper-opinion). luck

Yes, I’ve seen that sigil a lot. Is there a difference between Koetting’s Raphael and that Raphael, or are they different sigils for the same entity?

The correct Raphael sigil looks like this: [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v235/Frater_Nero/raphael-sigil.jpg]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v235/Frater_Nero/raphael-sigil.jpg[/url]

Also check this topic for a list of entities specialized in healing: [url=http://becomealivinggod.com/forum/mastering-evocation-omnipotence/evoking-for-healing-entity-list-and-references/msg7695/#msg7695]http://becomealivinggod.com/forum/mastering-evocation-omnipotence/evoking-for-healing-entity-list-and-references/msg7695/#msg7695[/url]

Ok, thanks very much!

I’ve used this sigil of Raphael a few times.

The sigil I posted above is the one mentioned in EE Ixaxaar edition - page 154

I have not used the sigils that Dimitris and TheWanderingFool have posted, but I have used the ‘angelic signature’ that Sukujin has posted above with great result.

Raphael is an amazingly powerful and benevolent spirit, from my experience with him.

Best of luck to you and your friend.

Raphael healed my friend that got paralitic with a shot on his back.
Now he can walk and talk.

It was fast, very fast for such case. I was pretty amazed and “wtf”.

I used that signature also!

I dont trust those sigils around, no offense btw…

Thanks everyone! How about the one Dimitris posted, from the EE? I’m getting very confused… I trust Koetting too, that’s why… Are they different sigils for Raphael, or are they different Raphaels? That is possible too.

What we have to remember (and I go over this in the Mastering Evocation course) is that sigils are relatively new. They make things easier for sure, but they can definitely be done without.

Call the name of Raphael, of Azazel, or of any other spirit, and offer the sacrifice (incense, blood, etc), and the spirit will appear. The sigil is a tool, and it is to be used, not to be a device of self-imprisonment. Don’t get so distracted by the trees that you don’t even know that you’re in a forest.

lol…bird photography…or…butterfly collector ?

[quote=“E.A., post:11, topic:1361”]What we have to remember (and I go over this in the Mastering Evocation course) is that sigils are relatively new. They make things easier for sure, but they can definitely be done without.

Call the name of Raphael, of Azazel, or of any other spirit, and offer the sacrifice (incense, blood, etc), and the spirit will appear. The sigil is a tool, and it is to be used, not to be a device of self-imprisonment. Don’t get so distracted by the trees that you don’t even know that you’re in a forest.[/quote]

Some say that even a slight difference in a name means a different entity
If we don’t have a sigil to verify the identity,
and are left with only an intention and 1 version of a name
what is the deciding factor
who will respond

[quote=“Student of Goetia, post:13, topic:1361”][quote=“E.A., post:11, topic:1361”]What we have to remember (and I go over this in the Mastering Evocation course) is that sigils are relatively new. They make things easier for sure, but they can definitely be done without.

Call the name of Raphael, of Azazel, or of any other spirit, and offer the sacrifice (incense, blood, etc), and the spirit will appear. The sigil is a tool, and it is to be used, not to be a device of self-imprisonment. Don’t get so distracted by the trees that you don’t even know that you’re in a forest.[/quote]

Some say that even a slight difference in a name means a different entity
If we don’t have a sigil to verify the identity,
and are left with only an intention and 1 version of a name
what is the deciding factor
who will respond

That is what I also ponder. Unless the spirit or entities signature is different then their sigil. Only the spirit who you are calling can write their own name, right?[/quote]

It’s of course possible for these things to happen and they do at times.
The main point is that if you Intend to call a specific entity and have put your energy into the immersion then a conexion to the entity should technically be somewhat established, before some act like evocation. Outside of that, confirmations of truth and identity I’d think would come after some experience over time. I know some who only use their own sigils to evoke and connect with different entities so they are more pure.

[quote=“E.A., post:11, topic:1361”]What we have to remember (and I go over this in the Mastering Evocation course) is that sigils are relatively new. They make things easier for sure, but they can definitely be done without.

Call the name of Raphael, of Azazel, or of any other spirit, and offer the sacrifice (incense, blood, etc), and the spirit will appear. The sigil is a tool, and it is to be used, not to be a device of self-imprisonment. Don’t get so distracted by the trees that you don’t even know that you’re in a forest.[/quote]

Yes, EA, but sigils help make sure that the entity you call is the real one, isn’t that right? There might be impostors. And if you take a look at Theurgia Goetia there are several spirits with the same name and different sigils, as well as some spirits with the names of the Goetia demons.

Sukujin you’re wrong. Spirits have more than one sigil, yes, but I was talking about how two spirits have the same names as well. Read my posts carefully before replying, cause you just wrote something completely unnecessary.

For someone with so many questions you certainly have all the answers. Sukujin has been more than helpful with your urgent problem, and has given some useful information if you know what your looking at. More gratitude and less attitude seems more fitting for someone asking for others to take the time to offer you advice.

What two spirits sharing the same name are you referring to? How do you know it’s not just another aspect or face to the same spirit? I don’t know where people get this idea that spirits are some single purpose entity that only acts a certain way, humans are more complex than that so why wouldn’t a being of pure consciousness be any different?

As E.A. and UndeadGod333 have elaborated, connect to the aspect of the spirit you wish to call, make a connection and then call it to assist you.

I know a girl who claims to have interacted with two different Azazels, but she’s said some pretty questionable things in the past so I don’t know how legit that is.

If you are skilled enough to perform evocation where you will receive some feed back, visual auditory or otherwise, then you should have no trouble connecting with the correct spirit nor should you have any trouble working out if the entity you received during in ritual is the correct one. If you aren’t yet at that level then really you just have to trust you own ability to direct your will where you want and hope that your higherself is looking out for you, really there is only so much preparation one can do. Magick is after all experiential.