As somebody who used to be christian I remember a biblical story about a demonic man who had physical power and toughness to the level where nobody could even restrain him and even if someone managed to wrap a chain around him, he’d rip right through it as if it were made of paper. I’ve simply been wondering if this was actually based on anything real
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The only Biblical story I remember involving abnormal strength was the story of Samson. It had nothing to do with demons though. He was a member of a secret religious order and the story goes that he gained his strength through his faith in God. The myth was that as long as he didn’t cut his hair, he would never be beaten. However, he was seduced by Delilah who had been hired by his enemies and she cut his hair while he slept, thus rendering him powerless.
One of the occult theories of the story, though, is that the actual source of his power was the technique of chi cultivation and semen retention practiced by his particular sect. That’s why he became weak after he was seduced by Delilah (it had nothing to do with her cutting his hair; it was because she had drained him sexually) but eventually regained his strength and was able to bring down the temple after he was chained up and blinded.
People under extreme stress can perform feats that normally would be prevented by natural limiters in the brain designed to prevent damage.
You’ve probably heard of the mothers lifting cars off babies thing. Or people on drugs like PCP taking 4 men to hold them. Posession can have this effect as can extreme rage.
They are severely tearing up thier muscles and ligaments to do this though. It’s a one off situation, and not about magick as much as the adrenaline.
To use magick to enhance strength in a repeatable way, look into martial arts like gong fu that use qi techniques. It’s technically energy working but there’s an overlap.
Okay that’s super cool but do I have to do the semen retention if I want to gain that kind of power or are there other means?
You have to do the semen retention, because in qigong it’s believed that you lose your jing or essential lifeforce when you ejaculate, and you need all of that if you’re going to be strong and live long, and further transform more of your qi into jing so you get even stronger.
This doesn’t mean no fap or that you don’t climax - you do, part of the practice is basically a sort of edging until you are able to climax without ejaculating. Mantak Chia has youtube videos on this and I think he has a book for it.
That’s actually both bizarre and incredible
Yeah. And as women don’t ejaculate living cells, in qigong, that’s the explanation for why women naturally live longer then men, despite being able to climax as many times as they like.
Yes, according to the story.
Maybe it’s true, maybe not, but what of it?
What possession would give such a level of strength?
It’s probably about the fuller use of the nervous system, where a person consciously cannot do it as a limiter against the destruction of the body. This is about the story of breaking the chains.
I’ve seen people who have achieved incredible levels of strength and endurance just through physical exercise.
Are you able to lift a heavy kettlebell non-stop for an hour, or maybe even more?
It’s not normal, but there are people who can do it through physical exercise.
Aren’t there people in the world who can do 1000 push-ups in one series?
What kind of possession could give such strength?
Certain things simply have to be cultivated.
That’s what I believe. God YHWH once told me that he can make a person physically powerful. That’s about your question. Either way, I don’t believe it will happen without work.
Inhumane strength is something that comes from the power of Darkness. It isn’t just raised “High Energy,” but rather high energy that properly feeds into the Lower Form of “Darkness.” Darkness is Light energy that has properly been cultivated on the physical level. Think of it as operating in the “Black Belt” levels.
I don’t know how to understand your statement. As for the black belts, there is indeed something powerful about them, martial arts are also a form of cultivation even if that’s not what they were created for. By exercising the body, you can exercise willpower, and that is indeed spiritual power.
The iron palm technique, a powerful grip that has the power to crush, superhuman endurance, breaking bricks. These are all skills that some people have cultivated without using any spiritual technique or dark power. These are techniqes and movements repeated tens of thousands of times and more. Life is not a fairy tale.
Okay I’m not entirely sure I understand, since I literally have no knowledge of dark force energy could you explain it to me please
(What you typed down, the first thing that came into my head was Star Wars😄)
Spare wrote that he used sigils to give him great strength at times. Certainly not superhuman. However, he was a small frail man and was able to carry large amounts of wood etc.