Universe B vampire?

Hi everyone , i recently stumbled across “universal mastery” youtube channel , and it talk about “universe B vampire” , which means feeding from chaos energy which translate to removing chaos around you and pushing white energy into your surrounding which create basically a better life , the concept is interesting but i don’t know any other source , and book ( and i can’t find them ) who talk about it ? do you guys know the subject a little bit better ? what’s you opinion about it ?

video to explain it :

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Haven’t heard of it before. Sound like a new concept from these guys.

"Cosmic “vampirism” that isn’t feeding off humans but black holes… I would just call this energy cultivation as has been practiced for over 10,000 years in qigong and yoga, tbh.

Which means, as an energy worker I think this is a valid method of cultivation and worth trying out. I would watch for potential imbalances, as black holes, I would expect, would be very, very yin. So you’d want to watch for not becoming overly yin yourself at the expense of your yang. You need both in balance to function well as a human.
But, as cosmic qi is already the perfect energy source for cultivation, I don’t see this being good as a goto source for general cultivation.

I would try it I was too yang and needed to bring in more yin of this type to balance me. To do that currently, I draw form the Arctic, it’s very cold but also wet, which balances hot and dry very effectively.

The whole “embracing dark energy to die and collapse your soul” is too close to fiction to make much sense practically, to me. It’s the “lich” concept and I think it’s based in the western romanticism of vampirism, not what’s real. But imo death isn’t even a thing. Rot, now, is a thing, but you don’t want rot in your system.

But having a daily energy cultivation practice is hugely important for any human and I can’t recommend it enough. I would recommend learning more about qigong for what’s stood the test of time and and proven to work and make you healthier and live longer, not sick. Feeding off a black hole and nothing else daily for a log time will make you sick, I have no doubt about that.


Ive been saving some money to take the course on his patreon, but things that bother me is if the services give you the ability permanently or not… Since we just sit there and have him augment his astral body so he can paste it to the recipient. (From what i understanding from his video explanation)

I ask him directly in his live video but never get answer

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from what he was explaining , and as i understood it , the change is permanent and each time he perform it ( the next month ) , it "strenghten the change " but as i said i don’t know any other source who talk about it , and yes i think Qigong too can without a doubt create a strong energy cultivation , yet it is still fascinating , like it comes from where ? which inspiration ? is the kind of question that get stuck in my head when i see this.

This is almost the same thing as what John Kreiter writes with regards to consuming and utilizing “negative” energy, though this guy on the Universal Mastery channel is approaching the process from a kabbalistic (spelling?) framework.

I think you’d find comparing the info from that video to Kreiter’s material quite useful, OP. His book “The Vampire’s Way to Psychic Self-Defense” is kind of the intro/101 version, but his other books “Overcoming the Archon through Alchemy” and “The Magnum Opus” also contain relevant information, if you find the first useful to you.


Thanks, okey i’ll read the 3 books , from i see from the summary it seems to be about absorbing negative energy , the thing is “Universe B vampire” specifically refer to absorb energy from Universe B, the Universe B described from Kenneth Grant , ( Chaos energy ). But yes it depends of how we interpret “chaos” so it makes sense , i’ll check it :wink:

It’s really not a new concept. Nor is it fiction. Universe B refers to the nightside / the tree of death / the qliphoth. When you initiate through the qliphoth, the alchemical changes to your soul allow you to transmute intense negative energies into power, thus creating a metaphorical black hole effect. This type of vampire is spoken about by many accomplished occultists throughout history, most notably in the book “Nightside of Eden” by Kenneth Grant. Respectfully, you have no idea what you’re talking about. This type of vampire would not “get sick” nor are you feeding from actual black holes.


The opposite of a black hole is a white hole with the expelled energy comes out of.

thanks , i am in search for this type of vampire in books or other source of information , do you have an example of books aside of " Nightside of eden" who spoke about this process ?

Dark energy according to them is a certain ‘‘wave’’ ironic because most youtube channels are after our money and they are willing to talk about anything to hook us up. My take only, a feeling. A sort of conclusion based on experience.

There are no books dedicated solely to this process. The nightside of eden touches on it, but that is not the purpose of the book. To fully understand this process, you will need to learn about the qliphoth along with soul alchemy as a whole. A good book for the qliphoth is Asenath Mason’s book titled “Tree of Qliphoth.” For understanding soul alchemy, you will need to either understand how the soul functions through direct experience and intuition, or you can learn soul travel to literally see how the soul functions. I will give you a very basic gnosis on the soul: the soul is you in your entirety and is your energetic core which extend into all your subtle energy bodies - your consciousness is the soul’s manifestation of mind, while your soul body (aka astral body, although it is not only bound to the astral realm) is your soul’s manifestation of form. The power of a soul can be linked to its energetic resevoirs, meaning how much energy can it hold / handle, and what types. Most people cannot handle intense negative energies, specifically those from the qliphoth, without it being harmful. However initiating the qliphoth, you become a “universe b” (qliphothic vampire) because your soul’s energetic reservoirs are now able to handle and transmute intense negative energies in a way that gives you more power instead of harming you.