Undoing baneful sigil to undo baneful magic

How to undo a baneful sigil which has been charged by thousands of people ( by way of being used as banner at big festivals ) ? Most advice on reversing sigils assumes they are your own , this one is not mine , it was used against me .

You can spell out an intention to nulify their influence and make a sigil the chaos-magick way and use it in any and all ways you can think of.

Use a black mirror and your ritual blade to cut the connection.
If the sigil and spell is made up by one or just a few people (the people gazing into the sigil don’t count, they’re just unsuspecting “batteries”). Go into trance and gaze until you at least see their outline (perhaps while chantin something to your favorite deity or chanting a wish of harm to them) When their connection/ bond to you becomes visible coming through the mirror to you cut it violently with your ritual blade and visualize it snapping back to it’s origin.

As an extra precaution perhaps construct an astral mirror around you to reflect any influence from this person or these persons.
Set up wards to absorb or trap any other attempts from them on you.

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To undo a baneful sigil used against you, consider these steps:

  1. Cleansing Rituals: Perform a ritual to cleanse yourself of negative energies, such as using purification techniques or protective spells.
  2. Protective Measures: Strengthen your personal protection through amulets, charms, or spells.
  3. Seek Professional Help: Consult with a knowledgeable practitioner or expert in sigil magic for specific guidance on counteracting the effects.

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Create a servitor to specifically absorb their attacks and hexes and you can transmute it for something else for yourself.

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i may have a try at this , thankyou

that kinda sounds like AI…!!

now i have to learn how to make a servitor . i am newbie