Ultimate Psychic Senses Guide / Ultimate Astral Senses Guide / Ultimate Spiritual Senses Guide

All of these abilities are byproducts of hypnosis; they’re known as hypnotic phenomena.

These abilities manifest automatically at different trance levels, and can be developed to conscious use when you’re put in somnambulism.

I’m surprised more magicians don’t train these abilities with hypnosis. I’ve met three hypnotists who train these abilities in their subjects with hypnosis.

Here is a video of Ultra Depth hypnosis instructor Dong-Gyu Moon guiding a subject into profound somnambulism, In this state, Moon demonstrates that the subject can see through another human being.

You don’t have to scratch, scrape, and strain to gain these abilities. Using hypnosis, these mental faculties are automatically generated and can be trained for conscious use.

This doesn’t require any special skill on the hypnotist’s part. Any half-decent hypnotist can put you into somnambulism and generate these hypnotic phenomena. Bridging them from somnambulist use to conscious use is a matter of fractionation and setting trance triggers.