Uk lockdown

No homo but @A_Pariah’s calm cool hands closing my eyes if the Goddess gets me?

#goals! :laughing:

Eh, got to have a laugh! :wink:


Are you closing his mouth and nostrils too? :wink:

Don’t forget the coins for the ferryman!


I won’t die until I can astral project. or else why am I still here? i am only still here because of your teachings about second death and not being conscious after death.
If i died like that, i’d have endured this body for nothing.


lol, I mean I do agree this convo escalated rather quickly… but I thought all jokes were on that didn’t literally get the feds called on us though… I mean she HAS had jokes about nudes and other such things before…


You only assume it would be for nothing,

To paraphrase the Bard, “There are more things between heaven and hell, @anon84896414, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”


I didn’t call the feds. Just asked to be respectful we had some very confused members. I get it too. I just like being respected ya know not feel like a cheap diet. Wine and dine us and then ask for the nudes :sweat_smile:


fair enough… at least spell it out for us here, lol you forget most of us aint telepathic enough to read minds through a screen. lol


See @anon84896414 question and &
@A_Pariah’s gifs and reply to him.

Sometimes when you get something publicly it’s like ummm… how do I handle thus with out being a bitch.

No not really ones that can write withno issues yes but us that get writers block…it’s a nightmare

Sounds nasty. I can’t write for toffee. I have to give a webinar for work on Wednesday - I have no idea what to say - I’ve done 3 dry runs and they were different every time… I’ve found that when I have to come up with a speech or bit of writing, the best thing for me is to basically channel, and let the ‘universe’, energy, force or entity flow through me to create.

Tap into the energy you want to write about, and like automatic writing, just let it go. Don’t even think about it - you can edit the 2nd draft - just glurge and don’t stop until it’s exhausted.


I’ll try that

Strikeout! Lol. Should’a offered to do the dancing.
Do it round a pole to Rammstein’s “Du Hasst”, worked for me. (trips down memory lane :stuck_out_tongue: )


Soo while we’re in lockdown, I genuinely feel sorry for the entities that had to put up with my shenanigans today. @Blizzard :joy::joy::joy::joy:

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Lockdown is perfect for me this month :fire:


Ha!! Well I was just thinking of perhaps starting to play my guitar again in this lockdown and reading what you wrote there reminded me I’m sure there’s a setting on my old guitar processor called Du Hass. Yeah, a trip down memory lane for me too :slightly_smiling_face:

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Well, as everyone knows pekka means:

I’d honestly thing most magi / witches would be used to isolation and this would have little effect on them. I do get that lockdown and not leaving the home sucks if you like to go into the woods, bike, hike, etc and even shop. Bro and his wife got back from Texas with woofers (Luna the dog) and are back at the Georgia house. She is usually in Myrtle Beach. Honestly, I LOVED it when it was just me and the two cats. Even without the cats I’d be fine. I really haven’t left this house in about 6 months except for maybe a handful of times (12 tops if that). Social isolation… psh… I could be more of a social hermit if the conditions were right. Still, I’m on the net so that’s not too isolated. Many of the Japanese are turning into digial hermits living only in their apartments and some working from home never leaving. Industrial Prison Complex. Yet, you could be totally free with loads of cash and still feel isolated and alone even in a crowd. Your mental prison walls collapsing in on you as it brings you to a crushing depression and then……………

My sister in law is a social person and loves to be out so this is affecting her hard.

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Sometimes I admire you! :relieved:


Then you need John Wick! He’s the greatest assassin.

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Sorry to hear about your sister in law. Let’s hope this virus dies soon.