UFOs/aliens is There a Connection [to Magick]?

Thanks. Was there any information about this in the news?

Since I posted my first reply, I got into doing CE5 meditations, where you basically use shamanic journeying to speak to ETs. On one of these I get three greys, and after a conversation I asked them their names, which they said were Sun, Taal, and Lock. … wait, what? Sun’tal’ock?

So I have this theory now that Sun’tal’ock (from the Book of Azazel) is ET, but I haven’t get evoked him the traditional way to see if I get affirmation from him in that form yet.

But if that turn out to be a thing, I wonder how many other ETs are using channeling and gnosis through magickal currents to get their messages across.I have started randomly asking entities if they’re ETs, and some say no I’m ascended, and one, Casiel, swang around on me and stared at me like I suddenly actually became interesting, my mental image was that he became all eyes and they were all trained on me. He didn’t answer though.

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I think I got abducted one time
And a few similar things.

Definitely remember a satanic ritual with kids but it related to interdimensional stuff

OK guys, I posted a reply a few days ago. And by all means I am 100% serious. Call me crazy/liar, so be it. It’s ok with me. I will be posting some new interesting info.

As of now I’m trying to get permission to post some information. Last time I did I had to remove another thread. Just a misunderstanding.

Rudolph steiner had a statue of Ahriman which looked like a alien

OK. Someone else mentioned it on another thread 2 yrs ago. There is a 9th planet. It has been known for centuries.

9th Planet
Well, how does this relate to ephesian’s original question? A lot. UFO/Aliens are just the physical manifestation of spiritual entities. And they relate to humanity way the fk more than you think.

I have been super curious about this connection for a long time. My grandpa would often talk of both spirits and ETs, and I’m fairly certain he was in contact with some ETs. I remember once he was telling me and a friend about UFOs and how he has made contact through mushrooms, and we were a bit like “whoa but that’s crazy as hell” with our little 9 year old brains, but then he said “watch the sky, you will see” or similar and within 5 minutes we had a silent UFO fly directly over us. I want to say I remember feeling some static charge in the air, but I cant be certain on that part.

I would love to hear more peoples opinions and experiences of this. I do believe through that experience and my own (singular, so far, sadly) CE5 experience that they would/do use psychic means to connect to us.

Side note, I dont fuckin trust Steven Greer at all but what he speaks seems to be valid. Very strange conundrum there lol

Or is Magick something we don’t understand yet?

Area 53 for example.

Ok. Want to know? Get and read the book “Derech Hashem” by R. Moshe C. Luzzatto. Get the “Elucidated” version that has extensive commentary.
Specifically, Chapter 7-Concerning the Hashpaah of the Stars

I had contact experience when I was young. I followed a set of instructions from another contactee to reach out grey aliens (this no long exists as she edited her site). After about 3 weeks (about same amount of time it takes for spell to work) after following her instructions for contact there was a UFO sighting in my area. It flew right over the city and caught the attention of a local air force base who sent out fighter jets to flank it. They didn’t catch it though it left as swiftly as it appeared. The method used to contact them is basically a form of visualization that is not unlike what is done in ceremonial magcik.