Tutorial, Napoleon's "Book Of Fate" aka The Empire Builder's Oracle

I don’t know, maybe at some point in future it will become clearer.

It didn’t tell you to prepare your tomb, so you should have time to find out… :thinking:

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Oh, on another occasion when I asked about riches in business the Oracle said:
“Do riches bring content and happiness?”

What ambivalent answers…

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Sometimes, the latter may just indicate that other things will bring you more fulfilment, in the bigger picture.

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I asked, shall I live to an old age? This is what I got.
To arrive at old age, thou must avoid the causes of premature decay.
So I assume I should avoid getting ill and such, I think.

Thank you for the download link @Lady_Eva, this is pretty cool book, is it okay to ask 2 questions a day or should that be avoided? Its not the same question not even close.

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I would say that means, don’t let and creeping bad dietary habits take root, make sure to keep up a sensible amount of exercise, and remain informed about any prescribed medication.

It’s easy to let these things slide, for example you move somewhere nice but there’s less opportunity for exercise and it slowly becomes a thing of the past, or a doctor only favours one type of medication and isn’t staying updated themselves about any risks because they’re overworked, these are things that take root over years, not overnight.

Remember this is a long-term reading warning about future things, not necessarily something you can identify as happening right now. :thinking:

Go by your gut feeling, I usually say no because people will kind of worry at the Book over and over trying to get an answer they like best, but if they’re completely unrelated and so on, that won’t arise as a problem.

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Hi @Lady_Eva ,
I asked this question " 3- shall I have to travel far by the land or sea or resides in foreign climes?",
And I got this answer “thou wilt fondle over the children’s children” .
I have to admit I don’t get it :sweat_smile:.
Can you help me please?
Thank you :blush:

I can say that my divination about love was total failure.

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So I asked 3 today, two are kinda related but I didn’t want anything changing, just a deeper look into the situation.

Have I any, or many enemies?
Thou hast; But they will be discomfited

Will the marriage about to take place be happy and prosperous? Relationship
Fear not that misfortune will attend this marriage.

Inform me of all the particulars relating to my future husband. Boyfriend
Thou shalt wed a man of much substance.
3rd confuses me. @Lady_Eva can you please give me a bit of clarification is this good or bad? Im sorry but the old English is confusing my autistic brain, I understand the first 2 good, just not the third.

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Good morning, @Lady_Eva, I’d like to ask for your help to clarify a doubt about a prediction I’ve got. I asked question 28 (Shall I ever find a treasure?) in regards on knowing about some money that I do not know if is reliable. The answer from the book was “If thou payest attention to all the departments of thy calling, a fortune awaits thou, greater than any treasure within the country in which thou residest”.

Now, my doubt is as following, what does it mean with “the departments”? I apologize if is a dumb question, English is not my main language, so interpreting that is getting a bit tricky, for me. Thank you, Lady Eva!

A man with money, knowledge, power etc. A man that is well off.



Thank you for the clarification!

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Fuck… I can’t interpret the signs on the page… It led me to page L… How do I figure out my symbol

How many lines you draw on each lines?

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Can you give me the number question & the page results (letter or symbol) it gave please? :+1:

“Substance” means wealth, or success, or good standing in the community.

It means if you pay attention to all the different areas of the work or other sources of income which you are called to, you will do better than if you try to find treasure, or net a windfall through other means, where those means are not connected to your work.

So exploring aspects of your job or career is a better route to riches than games of chance or trying to find windfalls sums by other means.

Love seems to be its weakest angle and where most of the 20% happens, politics and non-romantic personal/business relationnships, career etc., are where it’s strongest. :smiley:


Thank you, Lady Eva!! I was really struggling with getting it!!! :smiley:

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@Lady_Eva it is the question number 3, I got this symbol :
and the letter is P.

Problem fixed: Q3 is, “Shall I live to an Old Age?” so your answer was that you’ll live to see your grandchildren (had you asked that) - that result for Q4 (about travel) gives “Thy jounrey will be prosperous if guided by prudence” - so, double-check plans, have a budget and extra funds available as needed, don’t take any risks, and take every precaution, and it will be fine. :+1:

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Oh my bad I wasn’t focused enough haha! :sweat_smile:
Thank you very much for your answer :blush:.

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What fame Brooks… If thou has no fortune… Or sth like thatt​:joy::joy:

Let not despair be added to the burden of thy misfortunes but hope that they will be removed in due time