Tutorial: How to use your Energy to Implant Thoughts and Emotions in Others in 7 Easy Steps

Possibly. I’m not sure what criteria it would take for that to happen, but some people have natural defenses and some people work at building their defenses and some are practitioners like us, and thusly more aware.

I think even the overall situation could cause this, because if they decided I hate you, or I am not even going to think about them or anything to do with them, they may have intentionally or not created a barrier to this type of influence.

Mmmm for the target I have in mind I better keep it at him saying “I …” instead of telling him “you …”, then.

The last time worked really well (layered work backed up by this technique), but weeks later he started resisting a bit, and then I forced the situation irl and screwed it, because he hates feeling corner bed or pressured.

Interestingly enough, months later he told me he had told me all that I had implanted on his head because of a comment that I made days before: So, kind of blaming me, saying the comment that I made messed with his head and made him think this way, feel this way and tell me all he told me.

The accusation seemed ridiculous, or would have sounded ridiculous to any adult that would have heard it (I think he even realized), but I knew he was onto something: He somehow realized that thoughts and words were not entirely his, but somehow I was the responsible for it, and the only explanation he found was a comment I made earlier.

Looks like he’s sensitive. He’s not a Magick practitioner but prays a lot, and with intent. I guess I will have to go about it in another way.


Yeah subconsciously he knew, his conscience then looked for a rational answer to basically confirm what he felt was an ungrounded feeling to the logical mind.

That logical mind thing, can make you grasp at straws lol, trying to figuring out why you think it or how it could be etc.

Or at least self aware to realize he wouldn’t normally get stuck on that type of thought.

I actually think this is why a lot of peoples love me so much or come back yesterday work, seems like goes to shit all out of nowhere.

But we also (me) have a tendency to fudge the opportunities when they do show up, by being obsessed with the other person same paging with us.

I do it still and don’t realize it usually, but man I just can’t let go of an argument until the person understands how I feel…

^Magic makes me a better person, because I realize these flaws\shadow working opportunities easier than I used to lol.


Yeah, and the explanation his rational mind gave him was hilarious. And he knew it was ridiculous so I think he’s still confused. Plus there’s a strange affinity/addiction mixed with genuine caring feelings he has for me, so that played in my favour I guess.

Mmm yeah I think that’s it. Is very self aware. And the kind of “I don’t care about anything else, I love you and can’t live without you, and whatever the consequences this have, I’ll take it” was not his style at all: Even feeling love the feels, duty and religion would always come first. It was a beautiful thing to see that part of him “love is more important”, it fed the small girl that would love Disney was real that’s still inside of me (buried deep but still alive), but I guess it was not really a part of him at all. The love is there, but other things go first.

Yeah, probably. Mine was a super quick turnaround for good (less than 2 weeks) then another super quick turnaround for bad (another 2 weeks). What is the solution tho? If we’re implanting thoughts, most of the time is because we’re fighting against the way the target thinks. Is there a way around it? Should we implant whole train of thoughts that support each other or something like that?

Hahahah I so feel you there. I’ve been accused of “looking like I sabotage things on purpose”. I get impatient :woman_shrugging:t3:

Again, I so feel you. I don’t think that’s bad tho? Maybe that’s why I continue doing it and screwing it up :joy:

That’s a very interesting side effect of Magick

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I think the solution is a different method, or to implant enough of a background that the story isn’t suspicious to the aware mind.

I’m not sure on these people what the best approach is, they aren’t going to be those that are easily manipulated with demons either imop, so I would probably take a look at a different type of spirit that could do similar but in a different way, maybe angels or genius honestly.

My observation on how demons manipulate the minds of mortals is it’s very similar to this work here, spirits of the dead will whisper in a targets ear relentlessly whatever string you give them to, so I’d toss both types of spirits out for aware targets.

I’m certain I’ve read about angels as well as genius (I know they can for sure) who can change a persons mind or get them on your side, without it being o it or character for the person. I can’t recall the exact wording however and I’d have to dig through books to find one that matches, but I’d take a look at Whitespires genius book, and him angelic books and other similar works for spirits that can get someone to take your side, or otherwise support your opinion.

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The method I’ve been using for a few years is very similar to Keteriya’s.
One thing I find is helpful for harder targets is switching the person perspective you transmit the message in. Different people seem to respond better to different perspectives.
To use your wording as an example: “You want to contact me”.
If that isn’t working on the target, switch to “You want to contact [your name]” for a while. If that isn’t working, switch to “I want to contact [your name]”. With this last one, when you push the message through, try to imagine it in that person’s own voice if you can (this can require a bit of mental juggling).

For some people, it can be more effective to push a picture of you into their mind while repeatedly and rapidly pushing through the word “Contact” or similar.

I have actually created a servitor for the purpose of aiding in telepathic operations. I’ve included some features specifically to assist with influencing harder targets.
I constructed her for the purpose of sharing with others. My intention is to share her with the members of this site if she proves effective in testing.
I’m still early in the testing phase so it may be a little while before she becomes sufficiently effective. She also needs time to grow stronger and learn her craft.

I have some very hard targets that I have not succeeded in influencing telepathically even with considerable time and effort, so these individuals will be the benchmark. Its her version of the old “When you can snatch the pebble from my hand, you will be ready to leave the monastry” kind of thing.

If all goes well I will make her available here, but I can’t give a timeframe at this stage.


This has to do with a different subject, but I think it’s important to mention here too, as I’ve touched on it a few times.

The method presented here could be used to ultimately control a persons behavior, if you were obsessive about it- but once you stop, or take too long of a break from working on it, they usually revert to their natural self.

They may even fight it until all of a sudden it’s like a dam breaks free and whatever awfulness you were suppressing comes out way worse.

So I feel that magic is great to help ourselves and others, but just like a bad habit, if we don’t want the change we will ultimately reject it- so choosing people and things, practices etc that align with our core values and goals without the need to change them, will ultimately lead to having more energy to expend on getting pizza tonight, or rich tomorrow.

A lot of our targets are just wasting our energy.


I did your spell and it works good spell

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Interesting. This is what Lanie Stevens sells as being her Pussy Whip technique lol

How do you actually verbalize the thoughts: is is ‘You are sorry for being a jerk to me and ask for forgiveness’ or ‘you hurt me and should ask for forgiveness’

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I would say it like I would if they were right in front of me and could hear me-usually.

Usually with things like apologies I get a bit deeper into than just that though. To get them to apologize if they are heavily opinionated, highly intelligent or otherwise resistant often means you have to get them to understand why they need to.

If you already argued about it though and they didn’t get your side of the argument then, they won’t now either usually.

They’ll resist this like a continuation of the argument most times, though sometimes a cooldown period where they can just think helps too.

You’ll need to think about it, and explain it in a way that does make sense to them, or rather their subconscious.

It’ll work it it’s way out from there.

If you just make them feel like a piece of shit, it’s iffy on whether or not they’ll apologize. It depends on the persons. Get them to understand though and the odds increase significantly.

Sometimes a clarity ritual can help make this easier for you too.


Thank you . I just gave a random example. So the way you verbalize it is: ‘you apologize to me because you hurt me when you did x,y, z and I felt so bad’

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Yes that would be much better, and if you can explain to their subconscious why it hurt you so bad in way that makes it easier to get- that sometimes helps too.

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amazing, thank you!

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No problem! It’s taken me quite sometime to understand how to make this more likely to work, and it depends on the scenario! :rofl:

I wish I could update and say use this tweak every time, but that’s not how it works for me lol. :rofl:


So I tried your method last night. Today as I was watching something unrelated on line I heard the name Raum in my head and I found that bizarre. I worked with Raum in the past on a curse but i did not know why his name popped in my head now. Looked his powers up… funny he is able to bring love to friends and foes and also helps with divination and … TELEPATHY! I was flabbergasted lol. I pulled my tarot cards and asked if he wanted to help with this matter. The answer: 9 of cups, the bloody wish card! How freaky is that?

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Lol sounds like an average day to me. I’m always asking my husband if he saw or heard or caught something… because usually he’ll know exactly which ritual it relates too and is just as surprised at how the results come as I am lol.

The other day he proclaimed to someone that a course case he was interested in went exactly like he expected to, basically because his wife’s a witch and he believes it.

Lol He said it because the kind of thing you describe happens so often it’s downright flabbergasting and undeniable.

I used to worry a lot about how things would work out and would way over plan how the magic should work, but now I see just do the weird shit.

Something will happen and it will all work out, so long as I don’t twist and turn and obsess over it lol. But I still do that once in a while too…:rofl::rofl::woman_shrugging:

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@all Please note that I have updated the original post to include a newer version of remote influence.


Keteriya this my question might seems strange to you but I really need this.
How I’m I going to use this method on a target that I’m using different identity in communicating with?
I’m I going to imagine them infront of the real me or infront of the fake identity I’m using to communicate with them?


Well. Idk I’ve never used a fake identity and wouldn’t consider it conducive to anything I was doing.

I don’t think it really matters since you’re putting in different or new thoughts and emotions from what the person has and you’re doing it on a subconscious level.

But honestly the subconscious will probably recognize that your putting on a fake identity as soon as it sees you in many cases, so I’d just use the technique in whatever voice is natural.

I don’t recommend using the method to help you fake someone out or trick them tbh. It exposes you directly to their subconscious so unless your to the point you can essentially mask your energy, their subconscious is probably going pick up on the fact it’s not true, and may even discover the truth about the rest of it.

I don’t know how to explain masking your energy, it works the same as taking on an emotion you don’t feel temporarily for transmutation during ritual basically. I’ve never tried to mask my energy while influencing someone else so I can’t speak in efficiency.

I don’t know if this technique is appropriate for what you are trying to do.