Tutorial: How to use your Energy to Implant Thoughts and Emotions in Others in 7 Easy Steps

Honestly, I’ve used it for lots of things. Everything from getting someone to change their mind on a topic to purchasing the item I wanted them to, rather than whatever they would have chosen.

Yes it does, quite well actually- be it you want them to feel anger about something, start a fight, or jump off a cliff.

Yepper, but if it’s complete opposite of what they would normally think or feel, you may need to do many sessions before you begin to see results. I’d start small, something like 15-20 minutes a day for a week and work up from there if needed.

Not unless you can’t keep your own thoughts/fears from mixing with what you actually want to send.


That’s a very helpful response, thank you, Keteriya! I plan to try it out tonight and will report back with my results!

It occurs to me that I’ve had an experience with something similar in the past, although I didn’t really know what it was at the time.

A few years ago, I was finishing up my MBA, and had developed a close relationship (platonic) with one of my professors. I was about to graduate at the top of my class from one of the best business schools in the country, and I felt lost and unsure of what I wanted to do in the future. My prof recommended I attend a one week intensive leadership type program that she had done several years before herself.

I attended this program, which was a small group of 8 participants, plus the facilitator and a couple assistants. It was held at a beautiful property on the lake, and it ended up being a blend of leadership-type activities, plus spiritual teachings as well. The spiritual side was extremely new to me. At this time, it never occurred to me that magic and spirits were real. We were also supposed to keep a journal during the week, which was my first time journaling.

On the second last day of the program, all day I kept hearing the words “what would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail” over and over in my mind. I wrote these words down constantly in my journal that day. I also wrote that I had no idea why I couldn’t stop thinking this phrase.

The next day each participant had to stand up and give a mini presentation on how they believed they had gotten to the current point in their lives, and what they hoped to achieve, going forward. I went first. At the end of my presentation, the facilitator played a song that she had selected for me.

The first lines of the song were “what would I do if I knew that I could not fail.” The same words that had been running through my mind the entire day before. I was in shock. I told the woman afterwards, and she told me she had been channeling me the day before, while thinking about what song to play for me.

I had no idea that any of this was possible. In hindsight, this was probably one of the defining moments that lead me to learning more about magic and spirits, and questioning everything I thought I knew about the world.

I’ve had so much happen since then, that I hadn’t thought about that experience in years. This thread was a very cool reminder of that! I’m looking forward to putting this into practice.


So for last few weeks at bedtime I’ve been doing Laine stevens pussy whipped guided meditation for my sp- I think I feel the connection as I dream about them more. But turns out he has this week they’ve blocked me on WhatsApp?? Is that a good or bad sign?? I have been so good and not messaged them in 6 months - why would he block me now?? I’m I overpowering him with my implanted thoughts- should I back off- as I’ve feared I’ve gone too far now?? And there’s no hope?
What do you think? Should I continue with implementing the thoughts?
Many thanks


Eh depends on how you look at things. A negative reaction often means they were affected, they didn’t like what they felt so they are rejecting it all together and removing any possibility of that (whatever it was) happening. People like this usually feel to me like their emotion on the topic is just pure disgust- the reason can vary.

Now then, if you were over doing it on the texting and establishing contact and so on, that can compound the issue.

IF it were me, I wouldn’t back off, but I’d change what I was sending. I’d energetically feel them out to determine what emotions they felt about the subject, trying to divine the cause of them rejecting the stuff I was sending and then do the same thing but only with thoughts and feelings that change the current way they are feeling/reaction.

So like if I was sending that I want them to love me, and I determined they were physically unattracted and that was why they rejected the feelings, I’d back down on the love scene a bit, and start with You think I’m beautiful and push that thought and feeling before I worked on the actual goal.

Granted all of this means you are able to somehow determine the cause of the rejection to what you were sending, in one way or another.

Because on some level, possibly completely subconsciously- they felt it or were aware of it.

Hope that helps, good luck.


This does so much- thank you. x yes it make sense.
I’ll get to it xx

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Thank you for sharing this. I did a brief version to remind a friend to get online for our meeting. From your hand written snapshot, once the bridge is created… How long do you spend per step?

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I just used this technique last night on my fiancee. She has been withdrawn because of depression. I used this last night for the first time and this morning for the first time in 8 months she wakes me up with sex. I wasn’t even implanting sex on her mind. I just wanted to release her from her mental prison.


I really love this thread. The idea of implanting thoughts is something that has fascinated me for a long time. As much as I love evocation, I’d much rather be able to do the work myself to achieve my goals. Thank you @Keteriya for sharing this methodology. It looks like a lot of people are using it for love which is understandable. However, I feel like this can be used in so many more ways. To form connections, move up in a company, influence clients, ect. Personally, I’d rather use it on someone I don’t know before I would take the step of using in on someone I’m longing for. But to each their own.

Either way, very interesting thread. I’m planning to use this in a number of different aspects of my life to see where I can utilize it best. I’ll be sure to share my findings.

I’m also wondering however if this has a similar requirement to the Bengston Method where it helps to achieve your goal if you’re detatched from the result? I don’t know if it makes a difference but the thought did pop into mind.


There isn’t a set amount of time, but the longer you spend on all of it, the more likely you are to affect the target. Is that good or bad? It really depends on the target, as like someone here recently said, they managed to be pretty sure they affected their target since the target blocked them, so good they can affect them, but bad cuz they are blocked ya know…

I personally spend anywhere from 20 minutes to 2 hours on it. It depends on if I’m carrying the emotions I want to push at the person, or if I just need to influence them and have no real personal emotional about the subject. The longer sessions tend to be things that are super unlikely, I have a lot of emotional over and work on it daily or every other day until I get results.

The shorter sessions tend to be one offs, I connect, send the message, and get on with life- usually the next day or so I see results from whatever it was. I think this is rather speedy and speaks to the fact I’ve been using this process for a while now, so I am a bit more experienced with knowing when to spend a lot of time on it, and when to just send it and let it go.

Hope that helps ya. PS, if I don’t respond in a thread, chances are I won’t in a pm either- I just am not where I have consistent service, my life is busy and answer things when I have minute to do so, which isn’t on any sort of predictable schedule.

Well, that shows you made it through and did affect her however, hopefully with repeated applications you will begin to see results in the direction you were hoping for.

Can be used anywhere, anytime, for pretty much anything. Want your boss to buy lunch for the crew today? Send him the thought that man, burgers sound good or whatever.

An example is Monday, technically a holiday here in the states, but my boyfriend chose to work anyways. He got there and was pushing the thought We are done at noon to his boss, I got the call at 11:59 he was on the way home. :woman_shrugging:

Considering he’s not read my tutorial and told me he was pushing that thought at his boss, I was kinda impressed, I was like cool, you got it lol…

I’m not familiar with that method, I think being able to detach helps however. I think if you can’t, that you can and should spend more time sending the feelings, thoughts and emotions or whatever it is for the situation to the target, because the more you expend the less you have left to feel for yourself. I tend to just do it, and move right along and forget all about it until I coincidentally get results.

Anyways, I’m off, good luck kids.


Blockquote “Well, that shows you made it through and did affect her however, hopefully with repeated applications you will begin to see results in the direction you were hoping for.”

Yes I’ve been working on her and she’s starting to improve. She’s slowly going back to how she was before depression. I have a good feeling about a mix between this and the crystal therapy I’ve been giving her.


I had figured this quoting shit out now I cant seem to get it right

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All good, I personally have trouble with utilizing the quote feature sometimes when I’m on my phone. When I minimize the box to take another quote, sometimes the first just disappears for no real reason. I try to shoot for replying from my pc, but I’m not in my personal home much anymore, so unfortunately you get all my typos and hard to read stuff :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for sharing it is intresting.

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Yesterday between 12 and 1:18 p.m. I Spent 15 to 20 minutes imagining black and red clouds of smoke filling inside of both of my target’s minds and bodies affirming words verbally like you hate each other, you are filled with paranoia and imagining it going in between them in the color black. I also imagined my person telling me that they hate the other person and that they’re having arguments and that their relationship isn’t good today I did this while holding the paper I made which contained negative sigils I also imagined red and black clouds of energy Flowing into it indicating their separation and hate for each other. So I did this method but a little different and I plan to do it again please wish me luck you can read about the paper I made here Extreme Sour Jar Breakup Spell - #50 by Killuminati @Keteriya - Do you have any input on this?, I kind of got curious about one of the things you said regarding how you could not only make people fight but with one of your people you believe that youmade them suicidal? In what way would I affirm to my person to fight with person B? and in what way how would I go about putting that thought into-person B’s head…?


very cool I am going to try, but I do know my target can be stubborn, so I used the djinn magic to lower their resistances as you suggested

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Not really sure what the question is here? I just pushed that the girl was a worthless piece of shit, everyone hates you- etc at her. I had no contact, but two people close to me worked with her, so I’d hear all about how they thought she was loosing her shit, talking to invisible things, saying odd things, scared she was going to kill them all or herself while at work.

Whatever you can feel, you can make them feel. Hate personal? Feel that hate and push it at person b.

they hate you

they are out to get you

you dislike how they talk to you

they are hiding shit from you

they are cheating on you

Idk the situation without spending more time than I have to look at what you linked and your history to try to determine what you should do, and honestly you are the operator here, so go with things thst feel right to you or divine their weak spot regarding the other person and exploit that :slight_smile:


This actually helps me a lot more and ties into a lot of what I’ve been doing with energy work. I know that one of them is going to expose themselves for something that will ruin their reputation. And I have set- goals/ help regarding it, a trusted friend actually threw in something about infidelity so I’m assuming one of them will expose themselves for that.

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This part, I do want to be careful with. Because I’m not trying to make them direct that hatred towards me instead of the other person As afterward when it’s all over I want to work on fixing things/friendship,/ relationship with one of them. However, I’m not going to be the one that will be crying over them but instead, I’ll make them do that for me


Excellent technique. I’ve tested it and it works gently enough that it can be used when you don’t want any harm to be done, but it can work extremely powerfully. It worked better than what I expected.
Thank you for posting it.


Very cool technique, I used to do something very similar to my boss in his pointless monday morning meetings. I’d make him look like even more of a bumbling fool than he already was. :joy: