Tutorial: How to use your Energy to Implant Thoughts and Emotions in Others in 7 Easy Steps

A type of photo? This wouldn’t happen to be lewd would it?


It either was, or I wanted some random off the wall photo of something I know they have, to see how easily they’d be to control for more in-depth issues

:woman_shrugging:t3:Hard to say with me, you just never know


I can imagine both situations. You get bored one day and you figure why not see if I can get a nude off a person I hardly talk to. Or you say, hey I know X has a comically large spoon, why not see if I can get him to send me a photo of it using the mind manipulation technique. OR! As the biggest flex of power, you get them to send both.


:joy::joy::joy: Your a genius


I try my best


Honestly if you think about it though, (sorry I went to bed rather than respond last night) if you just want to check and see if the method is working, what better way thank a randomly texted photo?

In most cases nudes would be the wrong answer, especially if you’re trying to get back with the person- making them uncomfortable out of the gate doesn’t help, but I mean most people have a dog, or a nephew, or some weird thing they collect etc.

So if you want to know if you’re effecting them, or able to- push the energy to have them send you a photograph of something they normally have no reason to send you, but that you know exists. If you don’t see it within two weeks- they are either a stubborn target and you need to look at weakening their resistances or taking another approach instead of this method.


How can someone weaken one’s resistance? wIthout overdoing it and making them even more stubborn


Would love to try this, thank you for sharing! This can be done anytime of day, or would it work better if target is asleep, not working, not busy doing physical or mental things?

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Vamping them, using rituals or spirits designed to do so etc. I personally vamp or use the djinn. Camping is the opposite of giving energy, so you can drain their protective measures, have a spirit weaken their resolve etc.

Sorry typos abound when I’m on my phone and it auto corrects words it shouldn’t


I do it whenever. You can play with it and see if when they are sleeping makes a difference but usually my targets either keep odd hours or live in other time zones etc making it impossible to discern that or without fcking my own schedule

The boyfriend might be up till what is six am my time, the ex roommate would often stay up all night when I was home then go to work, my step gram has restless leg syndrome so never sleeps all night long…

I don’t really think being awake hurts anything, as most people have their mind occupied if they are awake. Honestly if your going to set off alarm bells, I think it would be more likely to happen when they are sleeping and the subconscious is in control, rather than when they are awake and the human mind is mostly in control- but I could be wrong, just the way it feels to me when contemplating the question.


Can I PM you with a question on vampirism?

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When you implant and talk to them, is it just one thought or we can do multiple ideas related to one thought?


Yep, it I may not have an answer, vampirism is part of working with energy for me but not my focus.

Either, but the fewer you have the sonner they seem to stick, probably because you devote more energy to them.

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Did you ever do a tutorial of your energy work and astral senses training ? They seem potent but I can’t find any post of your in the subject


Errr…how do i do that?^^’
Is there a way or any book on vamping/vampirism that you recommand? Or energy manipulation related books?


I didn’t, I’ve written briefly about tactile imaging as thst is the essence of how I learned to feel energy, and later learned it was someone else’s technique already. It wasn’t quite the same, but I sat on the floor of my room for hours with the same basic concepts as Robert Bruce presents so I don’t really offer anything to the table as far as learning energy work goes.

Robert Bruce for energy work, Michelle berranger (spelling) for psi vamping type work but like I said I work with it as an aspect of energy manipulation and not outside of that really or in depth.

I saw my pms guys, know your waiting but real life hit and even when everything is going exactly how you cast it to… it’s overwhelming atm and I have company until at least tonight.


Just some inboxed questions.

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More inbox stuff.


Just some random stuff from pms that I’ve been too lazy to quote over, it’s mostly subjective and based on my personal experiences anyways. :woman_shrugging:t3: