Trust the Universe?

Chinese ate poop soup as well.

Why should you trust the universe to seal your fate. Let go of the pretense of control, letting the universe guide you towards its own end. Watch and accept, whatever comes… That philosophy will not work for me or anyone really.

If you lose control and don’t fight back you could lose a lot, educate yourself and steer your own course in whatever direction. I would not let the universe dictate terms. You cannot direct a movie from the seats. You cannot write a play as a member of the crowd move forward with your own will and decisions.


Well free will and individuals can do as they want. It’s not what I’d do on a daily basis. When in nature, sure I’ll relax especially if i have nothing important to me to accomplish. Other times I create a routine and attempt to adhere to it but change it on a whim if it’s junk.

What overs do in their dwellings, cities, countries is something I overall do t care. 99.99% of the populace does not know an individual exists nor cares so perhaps I don’t really either.

Makes you wonder though… in the spirit world there must be near infinitely more beings. That 99.99% must be near infinite that does not know nor care for a sentient awareness either.

If they do not answer then the hell with them. I’ll move my own mountains and when said beings come to take credit I’ll smash them with the same mountains for being dickwads.


God I hate my phones retarded word selection. “Other” not over. It’s like wtf!?!

That is because of the power and energy released in such a sacrifice. The ritual of sacrifice itself marks the soul of the being as belonging to the deity and it is usually them consumed for power. Spirits need to eat too and the recycled souls also known as the astral bodies of living creatures contain incredible amounts of energy in order to interact and control the physical body and the make up of the energy itself is a potent catalyst.

I myself think most LHP is the same as RHP in the end just the edge lord version of ohhh look I’m so powerful and yet by my own actions I am mirroring RHP acts in serving and honoring spirits and somehow seeing them as the end all be all. That is the mentality I see and I find the distinction idiotic at best for anything other than categorizing which book is more amusing and has more things that will likely explode in it.

Why bother to follow one path or creed, do what you want and what works, ultimately the premise of both paths in my experience are extremely flawed and won’t get you very far if you try to stick to them. This whole conversation has spiralled out of control with impulsive reactionary responses based more on creed than actual forethought. People are not standing on their own. They are merged with the universe at all times it is simply failing to realize this. We are each the center of the universe and not. It is about realizing this and the laws by which we and the universe operate and then training yourself to realize this and your astral and physical bodies to serve as a medium of the power the new realizations and training of your mind bring. All things are an extension of yourself and you are an extension of all things. It is that paradox that is key in realizing that when one merges with the divine they do not cease to exist rather they become all existence and that itself does not bar you from unmerging when you want too.
I would ask that instead of being so quick to jump to the conclusions of something being bullshit because it is too much RHP or New Agey to see first what it means to you and your own practice. New Age stuff Is famously just a bunch of older knowledge misinterpreted and rebranded to a more simple audience but think of what the original meaning might be and just how similar both paths actually to where the only difference is often just how you choose to look at it.
Hell even idiots tend to spit out words that some meaning can be drawn from by your own mind and connections. Just like you can gain sudden knowledge or realization on something from a seemingly random paragraph of a fictional book with absolutely no connection to what you just gained other than some random insight and analogy your mind drew forth seemingly from nothing. That doesn’t mean the original speaker knows what the fuck they are talking about but speaks more of the a deeper meaning atleast to yourself and possibly for others if they choose to accept that or find their own meanings and analogies.

End of rant. I’m just tired of the dichotomy. Let’s just have magick be magick instead of worrying about paths. Have your categories for specific uses sure but don’t let a false schism limit how you choose to grow. It is perfectly possible to be one with the divine or source and still act independently. The important part is to make sure you are ready and trained to handle what you are dealing with and not get caught in fantasy and delusion to no affect.


@Lady_Eva Yes! Completely agree. I think just trusting the universe and sitting back because everything is the way it should be and that view of the LOA is a very passive attitude and will not help your life. It used to drive me nuts - and like you I started out very much a right hand pather. But it never got me anywhere but stepped on and used by aholes because life isn’t fair and I don’t believe in karma in the traditional sense. Otherwise everything that happened in life would be fair and just. It isn’t. And I don’t believe the Universe will make it fair without you taking an active role in making that happen. This is where magick comes in.

Using magick to actively take control of your life, rather than being a victim and expecting everyone else to play fair (which they usually don’t) is a completely different thing. As others said, do the magick and then trust that the universe, the spirits or whatever you want to call it, will bring the result you have asked for in due course.


I think this is a overly passive view of the Law of Attraction and shows a complete misunderstanding of its principles.

When the classic literature talks about “trusting the Universe” they are not talking about a passive, go with the flow attitude, like some people presume.

What they are actually talking about is the very thing we talk about all the time in magick, getting out of the way of the manifestation of our desires.

The Universe is guided by our Will. It is our intentions that move It. If you want to manifest anything through the Law of Attraction, you must first exert your Will and tell It what you want (you ‘command’ it) Then, just like giving a task to a spirit, you get out of the way, and assume the task will be fulfilled and get on with your day.

You don’t dwell on the result at all, and you act as if it has already been fulfilled, just like we do with magick. The reason why most LOA authors tell you to consistently hold your vision before you is because it is too easy to slip out of the ‘wish fulfilled’ mindset when bogged down in mundane life, but you must trust the Universe to fulfill it, just like a magician must trust Lucifer or Azazel to bring about their result.


I think it depends on the authors you’re familiar with. I certainly do not misunderstand it as I was deeply in the LOA for several years.

For example, one of the biggest teachers of LOA, Abraham-Hicks, says you never have to focus on your desire. Just meditate, or just feel good, and it’ll naturally come to you. You don’t know how many clients I worked with who tried to follow their advice for months on end with no results whatsoever.

Certainly someone like Neville Goddard (assuming you know of him from some of your verbiage) was more active in his approach, but many of the modern LOA teachers today are not that way. There’s more and more of a trend towards passivity.

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That is true. I could never get into the Abraham-Hicks stuff. Since it is channelled, i felt that a lot of what i read was deeply coloured by the religious beluefs of the channel.

I am quite familiar with Neville Goddard as well as others like Claude Bristol. His book, The Magic of Believing has many good applications. The work of both authors are more active than passive.


I find this is something that really tends to address the constant battles I am going through right now.
I finally get spiritual help and often it is some word of advice like this.

Some say trusting the universe doesn’t mean not doing anything or after the magick has been done but I don’t know if this is always what is meant. I think far more it is to literally be a ship with out a rudder.

I have had pretty bad demonic entity attachment over the past few months, not very friendly either. And the people around me are like: Oh once we get rid of this it will be okay, or how did playing with black magick, where did that get you? or don’t worry everything will be okay… and things like that.

  1. I wasn’t playing with black magick… in this lifetime anyways…
    2.No it won’t just be okay,
    3.what could be worse than hearing someone say that it will be after all this time?
  2. And getting rid of the entities won’t make my life okay, the end goal has better be much more than that.

It is like everyone around me wants me to stop crying and sit in a place of trusting the universe so that I can sit in pain and not complain.

What the next step is?
Oh I seriously wish you would tell me.
Please what is?
I really don’t think it is waiting for it to get better anymore.
Heck it often isn’t even rolling up your sleeves and putting in hard work sometimes either.
Sometimes there seems to be something more stopping you from moving forward.
I guess that is a big reason as to why I am here.
I am betting it is a big reason why a lot of us are here.

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I don’t think I want to discount anything that I previously said, but I think something can be said for realizing that a lot of true power comes from knowing you don’t have to exercise it.

Getting into magick, I find it comes with the tendency to be tempted to way over use it, when it maybe better not to a lot of the time.


Thats something Jesus would probably say, or alot of RHP’er types.


Maybe but I wouldn’t say to never use it.

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I will give you a clue. The spirits were trying to give you some advice. What this means is that you possess only a limited knowledge, skill and power base and may not entirely understand how to navigate without causing problems for yourself in the grander scheme of things. Instead of doing without thinking without consequence, try asking the Gods what you can do actively to maximize your potential.

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I guess, I a little bit would like to know why it is like how it is so often of the time first and foremost.

Magick is political. There are so many forces to contend with.

Hmmm so how would I find out?

ask the gods you closely work with.

“Trust the universe” - it’s a very good starting point.

I know right.

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