Trixishexanosios Thrice six unholy By: The Numinous Nod

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Thrice six unholy
By: The Numinous Nod

Domain: Black

Realm: Qliphothic

Class: Baneful

Division: Chaos

Order: Typhonian Vampyre

Family: Diablerie

Genre: Abomination-mancy
(R/T Umbramancy)

Purpose: Jinx, Hex, Curse.
(R/T D.U.M.E.)


Add the following to your altar as you prepare your spirit:

3 forged iron nails.

Unconsecrated Communion buried in cemetery, (not graveyard), soil for three days and three nights.

Fermented or black egg or other fermented item of your choice.

Taser or other non-lethal defensive tool, those requiring a power source like a battery or electrical outlet are preferable.

With your altar prepared as deemed fit including the above additions as well as suggestions that will follow, prepare yourself for the ritual ceremony with the following practices:

13 days of abstinence from sex and any intoxicants including nicotine and caffeine including 3 full days of water only fasting. After 3 full days of fasting, vegan liquid or capsule protein supplements and/or vegan friendly meal replacement beverages only and full liquids for sustenance but only after sundown and before sunrise for the remaining 10 days. During daylight, only water.
(Do not fast without consultation, approval and guidance from a professional medical care provider).
If you are unable to fast around the clock for the first 3 days, fast according to the laws of Ramadan, (abstaining from food and drink from before the first light of dawn until the setting of the sun.) for the duration. If you are unable to fast at all, a daily almsgiving, or charitable act, can replace this step, however, a vegan diet should be maintained for 13 days with no animal products of any kind while also refraining from wearing any animal products like leather, (wool and other similar items are ok).

The following steps can be practiced for an additional 13 days in a row prior to the fasting cycle due to risks associated with the activity regimen without sustenance.

For 13 days:
Daily strenuous exercise, including your mind through study in a field of your choice, preferably of a spirtual, metaphysical, cosmological or quantum mechanical nature. Memorization of preferred and relevant lines from a source of holy or revered scripture of your choice, lines of literature or grimoires by occult, shaman or esoteric authors, especially ones used in spells. If none of those suit you then memorization of a scientific related subject, especially having to do with space, or quantum mechanics. Subjects having to do with the fundamental nature of our reality is preferable.
(Please do not engage in a new physical activity regimen or other lifestyle changes without consent and approval from of your Dr.)

During your preparation time consider the following, as tolerated, at your discretion:

Antitrinity practices:
• Seeking pain (not avoiding it). If you suffer from mental illness especially including a history of self harm please avoid this step.

• Avoiding pleasure (not succumbing to its temptation). This is including abstinence. If you have a favorite show or music, for instance, do not watch or listen to it for the 13 days of preparation. Purposefully abstain from anything you enjoy as a diversion, hobby or recreational activity.

• Consuming energy (through movement and using our energy-hungry brain). Deep long meditation, yoga, Tai Chi, Qi Gong or other similar activities can be added to your strenuous exercise regimen as your state of health and tolerance for exercise allows, ***please seek medical professional guidance from a licensed provider prior to any activities.***Testing your mental capacities in some way, even if it is just a daily crossword puzzle or brain teasers. Attending trivia contests is another example.

It is advised to be familiar with other types of umbramancy and black magick prior to undertaking this uniquely infernal and baneful, dark magick, that I have coined- Abomination-mancy; a form of Diablerie.

I call this process of abomination-mancy:


Meditate on the following concepts to be direct towards your intended target using a loathing poppet;
Amplified unvirtuous impropriety of: deprecating imprudence, morbid injustice, disconsolate intemperance, humiliating cowardice, abyssal faithlessness, anguished hopelessness and execrable avaricious hatred.

It is helpful during these meditations to have the following ingredients present on your altar in addition to the items previously listed:
Muddled sulphur, rodent bones, fish bones, chilli flakes, belladonna, wormwood, hemlock, ashes.

As you near the end of preparations on the 13th hour of the 13th day (1pm), prepare a poppet, artifact, relic, vessel or item that chooses you for this process, to be used as would a poppet.
This is what I call a loathing poppet, whether it is an actual doll or not isn’t necessary however stitching, molding, forming or in some way crafting a human form to represent the target is a potent way to empower this practice to enact the fulfillment.
The loathing poppet is to be execrated and imprecated with maledictions of:
• Pride: Exalting oneself above others, characterized by arrogance, haughtiness, and an inflated sense of self-importance. For casting vapid empty misguided damaging pride on your enemy.

• Envy: Resentment towards others’ possessions, qualities, or circumstances, often accompanied by a desire to possess or acquire what one lacks. To fill your enemies’ hearts with insatiable desire for things they can not and never will have.

• Wrath: Uncontrolled anger, bitterness, or indignation, which can lead to harm towards oneself or others. To cause your enemy to be easily and often infuriated with no outlet for or sojourn from their rage.

• Sloth: A lack of motivation, laziness, or indifference, often resulting in neglect of responsibilities or duties. To drain all interest in any activities. Even inactivity is unsatisfying and miserably boring yet with no desire for ambition or change, yet a yernful neediness of an unquenchable urge for something that cannot be identified and cannot be acted upon for your enemies.

• Greed: An insatiable desire for material possessions, wealth, or power, often at the expense of others’ well-being. To fill your enemy’s spirit with a deep ravenous famished hunger for things they don’t need and can’t even use, and specifically at the cost of what others around them do have a need for and use, especially those that are closest to them.

• Gluttony: Excessive indulgence in food, drink, or other pleasures, leading to overconsumption and neglect of one’s body and relationships. To create a fire that burns up all material physical resources within your enemy’s body and mind that can never be replenished to satiety no matter how much they consume. They never fill satisfied but always feel empty with a burning pining hunger.

• Lust: An intense and inordinate desire for sexual pleasure, often accompanied by a disregard for the well-being of oneself or others. To warp and pervert your enemy’s mind towards torrid impassioned stirrings causing them cravings for a sexual appetite that disgust them but can’t be resisted or ignored.

Pour all of the malice the target has inspired in your heart, with vengeful castigations and chastising bane into the loathing poppet. After which you’re poppet will be charged and can be used psychicly to curse and drain the intended target. This is especially powerful against other energy vampires that have targeted you, which is why it falls into the domain of Diablerie, a practice deemed an abomination among the culture of Vampyre practitioners. Using this esoteric spirtual alchemical dark energetic martial art requires knowledge and experience of Qliphothic and Typhonian Vampyric discipline and practices.
Typhonian Vampyre Magick and Qliphothic practices are intricate and mysterious systems that necessitate a thorough comprehension of their theoretical principles and practical implementations. Practitioners delving into these domains should handle them with care, reverence, as well as a readiness to educate themselves and adjust accordingly.

Cautions and advisories:

This is experimental and Nontraditional: Typhonian Vampyre Magick is a novel unconventional system. It’s rituals are not appropriate for most.

There is potential for Psychological and Energetic Disruption: Engaging with Qliphothic entities and manipulating life energies poses risks to mental and energetic stability even when undertaken with great care and knowledge.

It is a prerequisite to understand the vital importance of honoring the spirits: It is crucial to treat Qliphothic beings with respect and prudence, as they are widely seen as malevolent and extremely harmful.

After preparation of your loathing poppet is complete, before you break your fast, have the ingredients listed below gathered for the night and hour of Saturn, (if possible under a dark moon). This requires you to determine when the day of Saturn will coincide with a dark moon and begin your preparations 13 days prior in order to conculde on the night of the final ritual.

Have these items present:
Muddled Cloves and licorice, baneful vinegar, black peppered lemon with needles inserted into it, whiskey, muddled onion and lime, broken glass, black salt and scorpion tail, bee stinger, garlic with needles instered into it, razor blades and hot peppers, cactus needles, poppy seeds in spider’s webs, Radish, vinegar mixed with onion juice and lime juice, alum in vodka, a broken frozen lock, a tied rope, if possible-graveyard dirt mixed with ashes on a plate with honey left out for ants to take your enemy’s sweetness away.

Optional step for especially egregious outcomes:
In a cauldron dedicated only for this use; add piss and vinegar. (Boil outside with all possible safety precautions in place.)
On the night of the final rite, inscribe a unique curse from your own words for the target with their name on cellophane paper and spit on it as you throw it into the boiling mixture.
A less appalling amplifier than boiling piss and vinegar is to dedicate a key that you will throw in a river, sea or other large body of water. Throw it over your left shoulder to ensure the key to your enemy’s happiness will be forever lost in the depths.
If you want to seriously add to this then add the key to the boiling piss and vinegar and after it is safe to do so retrieve the key and then cast it over your left shoulder into a large body of water.

If possible the following can also be collected for the final rite:
Dirt from the following locations; a homeless shelter, a hospice care center, an insane asylum, from the tax collector (IRS or other government center where dues are paid), debt collector, a penitentiary, a cancer center, a junk yard, a cemetery or grave yard, specifically one that is unkempt, an abandoned building, a playground that is unkempt, a church that is vacant and abandoned, dirt from crossroads and dirt from both banks of a river or other body of water that splits the land, (keep these two soils seperate from one another). Except for the dirt to be kept seperate it can all be combined to bury your enemy’s life in the types of misfortune and misery associated with their respective origins.

Additional ingredients to consider:
Crow’s feather, used coffee grounds, black cat hair, broken peice of mirror, sharks teeth or teeth of other predators, valerian root, calamus, and 3 additional iron forged nails, (not cast iron).

Ingredients are to be used as deemed necessary for imprecation of your enemy during the ecstatic final rite using the loathing poppet. This is when you should evoke or invoke any and all spirits, entities, energies, elementals, familiars and/or deities that you work with especially those associated with Typhonian Vampyre and Qliphothic magick.

There is no right or wrong way to perform your final rite. With all the energetic work you’ve built up to this point now make the final rite your own creation.
This aspect must be made personal as this is a practice only meant for when things get personal and require the most dire circumstances of protection and energetic offense towards your anathema.

To curse another to this degree without proper justification and tremendous need will violate your own sactity causing no amount of piousness for the rest of your life to serve as recompense for this transgression. Further, your own access to any magical, esoteric, metaphysical, energies natural, supernatural or otherwise, will dwindle to the point of insignificance. Subsequently, all the curses you have ever cast, whether legitimately justified or not, will be added to this and exponentially amplified by ten to the ten to the ten to the one hundred and twenty three; In other words, multiplied by a trillion googols, to fall on not only your own head, but those of your decendants in perpetuity until broken by one of the descendants of the wrongfully cursed, but not lasting any shorter than ten generations prior to eligibility of parole from this curse. After which, if any of your decendants wrongfully access this or any other type of baneful magick, the outcomes of the curse will be redoubled and lengthened for 20 generations before it can be lifted by two decendants of those wrongfully cursed, both working in tandem. Each subsequent offense thereafter doubles the requirements for lifting (ie 40 years and 4 decendants of the victims working in tandem to lift the curse, to 80 and 8, and so and so forth.)

In other words don’t do this. Use less dark methods at all costs before resorting to this level of abomination-mancy. Only the most reviled and repugnant of souls are worthy of such disdainful contemptuous actions.

With that said, due to the radically intransigent and resilient rebounding potential for the Law of Return of this obloquy, it causes this curse to be inexorably arduous to defend against and abolish.

As an ordained and experienced practitioner I am aware that profaning of this ritual could result in potential backlash against me for being the source and soul creator of such a impetuously deviant ensorcellment, however, I have protections against any harm to me or mine for any illicit maledictions that are the result of sharing this, not the least of which is due to my astute, poignant and repeated remonstrance against misusage. In addition, I also have indemnity from any echo, reflection, retribution or other related recourse of the Law of Return for the act of sharing this, as I do so as chamberlain and high steward to act as shepard for the powerless, voiceless, paretic victims of this world. It is only to be used for the ultimate greater good. So mote it forever blessed be times three, times three, times three.

~The Numinous Nod


Thank you for this it’s super cool. I’m afraid though that we have a rule that new members need to be active and build a posting history for 90 days before doing magick, including posting sigils for others. This is to allow trust to develop that there is no malicious intent. This site is fully open to the Internet and any newbie could have unexpected effects, we don’t know, and we don’t want to find out the hard way. :smiley:

To this extent, I have removed the custom sigils in an abundance of caution. I left the sigil of Samael. blurred because the negative filter on it . When you are able to post sigils, please place them behind a spoiler blur so people can choose whether or not to view them. Thanks! :+1:

So this is inspired by the work of Michael Ford? I have his book Sekhem Apep: Typhonian Vampyre Magick, but I didn’t get into it yet. If so, would you recommend knowing something of that work before attempting to use this?

This seems to be the meat of the project. Are you familiar with E.A.'s Ritual Release of hatred? It pulls from the same dynamic. This works for sure, I’ve used E.A.'s formular more than once.


Absolutely understandable and I appreciate the abundance of caution and care. Thank you for guiding me as a new member.

Yes I highly recommend his books on the subject. I’ll look into E.A.'s ritual you mentioned. Thank you.