Tried everything and nothing has worked for me, why?

Well my questions are: how long ago did you begin performing these rituals (how long have you waited to see any result)? And – how long of a period did you wait between spells?

And I must agree with @Verdo, “not lusting for results” != “throwing everything and the kitchen sink at a problem and then living my life and trying to be happy” (key word: trying). You say that you let it go and tried to be happy, but would I right in thinking that the minute you saw something new that you thought could work, you’d immediately throw it into the mix on top of all the other rituals you’d already done?

Do forgive me if I sound harsh – I say this because I have been in a similar situation. I was looking high and low for information and trying everything I could possibly think of to try and get someone to talk to me/want me back/whatever. I’d perform a ritual and just a few days later I’d read about some other ritual or spirit/demon/god, think “hmm well it can’t hurt to try!” and then throw that on top of the pile as well. I did so many things wrong beyond that, too. I put time limits on results. I got frustrated because I thought something “failed” if I didn’t see results or even “changes” or “signs” within ~3-4 weeks. And so on.

I actually WOULD tell you to move on, because based on my own experience, it is the best thing you can do. You mentioned you have “let it go”, but if you are not willing to even consider moving on, then you are still holding on to it. That is a direct contradiction.

In all the situations when I’ve used some type of red/love magick, as soon as I realise that I’ve been thinking less and less about the target, and that when I do my thoughts about them are neutral, THAT is when I start to see results. Yes, I have gone months and months “trying” to move on, but it is really only when I realise and accept that I will be perfectly fine with or without them in my life that things begin happening.

There are some few antidotes to lusting for results –

  1. Forgetting about something because you care so little about it,
  2. Realising you will be perfectly fine without it,
  3. Having a cultivated sense of assumption (not hope, wish, or desire, but assumption) that what you want is inevitable, and you’re simply waiting patiently for it to show up.

None of those things can be achieved by force of will. It takes time and self-reflection. And sometimes it sucks. But you will come out the other side with a much more clear view of the situation, and from there it will be vastly more easy to decide if you still want this person in your life. And if you do, well, you know your magic has worked, you have built faith, and so you can be comfortable enough to do one ritual (or a handful of layered ones), and then sit back and chill.


The thing is, magick is not all-powerful. There are even some things that are not obtainable. I don’t think there is a long practicing magician here who has not had a failure to acquire something.

We could go on and on about possible reasons for why this didn’t work, as the others have started theorizing, but we see many times people don’t follow any of these rules and acquire the things they are after, and then we don’t theorize. Rather we rejoice at the power of magick!

I could literally go on and on with theories as to why this did not work out, saying it was “lust for results”, or the spirits protecting you, or it not being in the true interest of your own spirit. And people here suddenly say it’s their Genius spirit protecting them, yet many here have killed others with curses, seemingly without intervention with their Genius spirit, because evidently this is not the primary role of the Genius spirit, at least not in that way.

We like to think we can do anything and anything is possible and that we create our own fate. But, in truth, I’ve cast around 500 Geomancy charts and I’ve never seen anyone, myself or others, change the outcome of a reading, with or without magick. Magick is not more powerful than divination.

So, if you want, you can try and try and perhaps some day they will shift to what you want. It’s a good idea to do divination on whether or not this will happen in any case.


As a very new to magick,something i have see to myself, the more desperation the more likely not to come the results.
A few lust rituals i did, they got mediocre results,but im also happy cause i got too much,even lust for results and overthinking was real.
On the other hand whatever i did for financial purposes to me and to my family,they skyrocket,and this cause im really well on this part,but needed just a boost,didnt ask to become a billionaire.
Also try different methods.try something more easy to build a momentum.i have buy 15 books and try all of them in a slow and calm pace.stil in progress not perfect.
hope my post help you.


What are the sun, moon, and ascendant in your birth chart and the partners birth chart? These are essential to know.


Some ascendants (Taurus, Scorpio, Capricorn) are too strong willed or stubborn. The ascendant is the true self, no matter where the sun or moon are placed.
Have you tried geomancy?


Last year I was in the same exact position. One minute I’m coparenting my toddler son with a man I considered my friend for 24 yrs, the next he flipped on me and turned into a monster because he met a new woman. We were never in a relationship, we just have a child together, so I didn’t understand the need for him to ghost me, it wasn’t like we were romantically involved. He stopped talking to me, stopped facetiming our son, stopped visiting and became someone I didn’t know. I’m not new to magick, but there was a sense of urgency to get him to see the light and leave this woman alone so he could go back to the man he used to be for our child so I was emotional and all over the place. I sent the Calvary after him, spirit after spirit, and nothing was working.

I came here and vented and @Verdo sent me a version of the post he wrote here. I slowed down, waited a good few weeks, did nothing, no magick…nothing. I talked to Belial since I have a good relationship with him and doors started opening up. Son’s father came out of nowhere and asked if we could talk. He apologized for everything, I heard his story (which was still bullshit and nothing but excuses) but the point is he came around. He’s pulling more of his shenanigans so we aren’t 100%, but the point is we went from I hate you, blocking each other and not speaking to exchanging pleasantries and being civil.

I suggest taking a break, working with a spirit for reconciliation, letting go and moving on.

I said it. :coffee:


Maybe it’s your own spirit guides or higher self blocking it because they know it’s not meant to be. When I was younger, I was obsessed with an individual who would have been a terrible match. In hindsight, it’s embarrassing. “What was I thinking?!”

I watch a YouTube channel, Arabian Conjure. It’s like a witchy, melodramatic, potty mouth soap opera. Shareen is a talented witch who is always going off about her clients who don’t follow her love spell advice. They’re obsessed and don’t listen to her instructions. She tells them that, although she is talented at magic, everyone has free will. So when she casts a love spell, she also asks for a new love to come along if it’s for the best. When looking through her testimonials, that frequently happens. My advice would be to cast a spell for someone who is better.


Oh man…it must have been a while ago because I don’t even remember doing that for you :blush:


If you know the person’s birthplace and date of birth, you don’t need to know their birthtime, and it then is in the hands of free natal charts online.
Knowing this about yourself and the other, is a good foundation to know how to manipulate it.

I am capricorn he is piscis i consulted with an Astrology and he said like 4 months ago we were gping to be back really soon, bit nothing happened and when i talk to him still he said nothing is gpijg to change regardless of what i say to him

Hello thank you very much for your reply. I think he really has a strong will he always had but he gets manipulated by people really easy aswell, not me clearly.

I have at the moment someone talking to satan for me, if it is working i dont know as she told me i needed to wait at least 4 weeks. I am not really good at divination as i been concentrating on reading everything about demons and rituals and jinn.

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Hello, thank you very much for your reply.
I know i did evoke far to many in a space of time of 6 months, but i really tried to move on. Sometimes i am fine but sometimes is just you know the frustration of loving someone. A couple of years ago it was me who wanted to leave it but them the person beged me so much and i stayed and i felt in love again and now that is me asking for a chance he doesnt even considere to give it to me and been honest i want to know if this cpuld have worked or not and if it doesnt then i will be able to forget about it but at the moment i cant.

I really apprecuate everything you have said and i know in a lot of things ypu are right.
I am just you know a bit sad that the only think i ever asked cant be fullfill to me.

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Instead of asking spirits to give you the guy, ask spirits what is blociking your magick. If you can in fact evoke that should be Easy. Raziel the Archangel and Shemshiel from the 42 letter name would both be willing to answer. After that you can ask Haniel to awaken love in him. Angels will surely respond to you even if you are a newbie. If AND ONLY IF your love is truly genuine you could even evoke his higher self.

For his higher self a picture of him would suffice to connect for the evocation.

As for the angels, they are of Hebrew origin so simply writing their names in that language should suffice and you could find them easily on google (every letter from the Hebrew language is a sigil un and of itself)

One last thing : Raziel manages everything that has to do with magick so you could ask him what is blocking the magick, as for Shemshiel he deals with inner blockages so you should ask him if and what there is something inside of you blocking the manifestation of the result. Hell you could even ask your own Higher Self. The possibilities are I endless.

Also when you have the answer please update I’m like a 16 year old girl in front of some teenage drama I love this shit


No problem. I do hope that you find success here. I certainly understand the desperation of wanting someone so badly but running into continual resistance. If I may make a suggestion: If you do plan on narrowing your selection down to one spirit ally for this task, I do think Santa Muerte is a good choice. One of the most popular success stories on here concerning her comes from a buddy of mine named @himanshuchauhan back in 2018. You can read it here, but basically, we talked via private message about his issues bringing a particular woman to him, and his situation was arguably more complex than yours probably is. He was dealing with an arranged marriage situation where the woman he was after not only stopped all communication with him, but she was in an arranged marriage where her parents had assigned her a guy to be wed with (they come from a traditional Indian culture).

So it was a two-pronged problem of A) The person ending all contact and B) The person undergoing immense familial pressure to go in an opposite direction. Not only did Santa Muerte break her silence, this girl was also willing to go to war against her families wishes to pursue a love affair with my friend Himanshu. Now that is what I call powerful. And all it took was dedication to one entity, one method, one focus. I’m sure you can achieve a similar result, so I strongly suggest you give his story a read and see if Santa Muerte resonates with you. Speaking of my old friend, I would love to know how things turned out with this girl, so if you happen to be reading this Himanshu, feel free to message me :+1:


I understand this feeling. While working with Belial, I also asked him to clear my heart and mind of any love and emotion I felt towards son’s father because I wasn’t thinking logically or rationally and that in itself was causing more issues with why he stayed away. I’m now in a better place & feel nothing but cold indifference when I think of him.

I would call on an entity to help you work through those emotions and grief (of losing him & the end of the relationship). I’m not going to tell you it’s impossible to get him back, but while you’re doing work to get him back, make sure you’re working on yourself and anything that may have happened on your end to contribute to the breakdown of the relationship. While you’re letting go of the result, go out and live, have fun, enjoy yourself & who knows, you may even forget about the guy & meet someone else.


You’re not going to like my answer. At all.

I was where you are last year. It took 18 months to get my result. I had the most stubborn, hard headed, strong willed target EVER. You will get your results. You really do just have to be patient. Trust me i know how you feel and then some. My advice. Boost your spells but do not do them over. You will drown them and it takes longer to resurface. But don’t give up either. Keep doing NEW spells focusing on other areas. If someone is meddling, focus on them too. Not just him but his surroundings as well.


What have you been doing in the mundane world to help yourself?

I mean, let’s say your target left you because you were doing nothing with your life, you had no job and no future whatsoever. You can do all the magick you want but if you don’t go out there and get a job, it’s likely that nothing it’s going to work! You need to put on the effort on both magickal and physical world.

Hey. Can you tell us your whole story?

The bones are here. I cover most the info in this post/journal/bitch session. If you have any other questions feel free to ask me!! Telling the story would just take a ton of time here lol

My story involves two targets. Just incase its confusing.