Hello- I thought I had about “how big does the circle need to be” (which might be implied in what Soundwave wrote, or in your own thoughts after reading above?) -as he mentions part to consider is your “pattern” how you get all your “pieces” to work together (how you conceive of the steps of your Workings, the incantations you use, tools and their qualities- or no tools)
All of those (both the what of each, and the say colors, measurements, thus #s could correspond to a system, or you could figure isn't important)
, but I agree with A. Crowley when he writes if you decide an aspect isn’t important to consider in to the Pattern, there should be a reason in the Pattern why it isn’t: In other words, you could have a reason for the size of the circle (see below how that can fit), or figure the size, and/or direction to face etc. Isn’t important, BUT the reason why it isn’t important is that XYZ are elements to focus on, and ABC aren’t as XYZ are sort of a complete-whole, and ABC don’t contradict any of that
(I hope that makes some sense).
So short- a good way to figure minimum size, as in your post you mention you have in mind certain requirements of your’s (wanting to sit comfortably- thus seat your self and then figure a bit larger than that, say take a rope or some string and size out a circle… then measure that… that would be tight)- you’d likely want to be able to stand, but perhaps turn and face different directions without having to shuffle your feet in place… If you have to take a step when you turn comfortably, then the circle’d need to be big enough to do so (thus the “mock-out size” via rope or string or such)
Also- not needed in the first go around.. but if you wanted to have candles inside the circle.. then that changes things, eh? but the key is going in the opposite dir: at least bigger then say a fist distance away from your outline on the ground... and yet smaller than the amount of space you have.
(if you have directions to create a 9ft circle, and you don’t have 3ft of space, clearly that isn’t usefully directions at this time- and I agree it isn’t required or the only way, although following a system in all its parts can be helpful for the resonance.)
So to example above, if you decide that say candles should go in all 4 directions? or just in "front’ of you (then how many candles 1, 2, 3?)- and which direction facing? and candles inside circle, ontop of (upon it), or outside of it-on the ground, vs outside of circle say on the wall. These could look different, and affect your layout (and if inside the circle, clearly you’d need it bigger, to give you space to not have candle near on you)… but rather than just choose one…
over time (not all at once, and not before you can begin anything)- but over time, to have a sense of ah the tools I include have certain qualities and all those qualities are significance (as Soundwave mentions QBL can use size of say 9ft and thus number 9 related to certain qualities, the sphere of… etc. but instead of 9ft it could 9 units of 8inches (rather than 12 inches)- and thus a smaller/different result (and you might find that 8inch units makes more sense… etc)
or if you figure the size of the circle, and its number, isn’t the issue- why? what arises? (perhaps the size relates to your own form, not just for practical sizing, but as it is a personal-sphere, etc. but then what are the implications of that- especially relating to other tools and the steps of Working.
Thus over time you can “gel” and see- ah I use these Words of Incantation, and the way I pronounce, the thoughts I have as I say, and why I say them then, vs steps done before or after, relates to the overall-Pattern that includes how I laid out the Working Space (Circle Size, how it is marked out, Triangle and how you see that… also if you see circle and/or triangle as “protection” vs “focusing” vs collecting-capacitor… each of those three change alot how you’d use, how the rest of your Steps work (and thus how you may form them, and what else you might need, or not need, in your space. etc.)
Even impacts how you might see Preparation and Afterward- (what do before and afterward, as a result of how you see the “during” fit together)… all potential in aspects of the laying out the space (so again, not need to get stuck on, but as a part of going over, and reasoning it through- getting the “working system” and “prep Immersion” can inspire tweaks and slight modifications that may fine-tune (and see how they work per results).
I hope that provokes some percolating and clicks- luck in your practice