Travis Scott In Lucid dream after using Liliths sigil

One night I drew Liliths sigil in blood on my 3rd eye to make a stronger connection with her during my dream state. I woke up in the dream standing by Travis Scott and a woman. He almost had the affect on me as a vampire in those old movies. I was mesmerized but I knew it was psychic connection that would drain me intuitively. So I begin calling Lilith to help me break the connection with him. It broke and he realized he couldn’t manipulate me into seduction than I woke up. Can anyone tell me why this happened? This was really crazy and hard to come up with an explanation for happening.

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It sounds like a parasite, have you tried banishing your work space?


That’s a celebrity I think? So you don’t know this person in real life, in which case it’s called a “STRAY CAT”, which is an acronym for Subconscious Transfer of Recollections (memories), Anxieties (fears), and Yearnings (what you want the target to be), to Consciously Accessible Thought - basically a representation of something that your subcoscnious is using that this person is reminiscent of.

Whatever this figure represents to you, mixed in with whatever power is represented by “vampire” is what you should look for. Something real in your life, it’s most probably not the spirit of the celeb.

What you don’t mention here is how you felt in the dream, this is usually telling and important, and if you get into trance to back into the dream to examine your feelings you can follow the intuition, get beyond the surface visuals and find out what it really means.


Yup. Travis Scott is a rapper who is notorious for poorly organizing a concert that led to the deaths of several people via being trampled to death or death by compressive asphyxiation.


Hmn, I’m seconding parasite then. Vampires are parasitic and now you have the energy of war: conflict, death, suppression, pleas for release from one side but both sides are the same: fire fighting fire using the vampiric monster lilith against another monster is interesting. No idea what’s seductive about any of that but fighting gets many people’s blood flowing, no pun intended. :slight_smile:

@khamsin_jackson I’d say look for what attracted this thing into your sphere. Banish and cleanse then ward as normal, but, look into what is happening that raises the energy of conflict, your subconscious seems to think you’re not aware that it runs as hot as it is. Just my impressions.

If banishing doesn’t help, then it may only be about your interpersonal relationships and if it does then you got rid of the parasite.

And on a final note most rap has a reputation of being always about misery, poverty, violence, death, blood, drugs, sex, guns, “bitches and limos” or whatever and the dream could just be your subconscious musing on such lyrics. So also try fasting from such content for a month to give your subconscious a break from it and see if that helps. “You are what you consume.” Trash in, trash out: protect your energy.


Yes I did after that experience.

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Great points you’ve made. I’ve been channeling about the vampiric quality of rap and the men used to push the narrative. It makes sense to me why my subconscious mind would use him as the stray cat representing the energy I was mingled within for a decade. I also realized during my reading on your reply that without proper boundaries in life from anything that feels draining, parasites will attach themselves to me. Warding is one thing but having boundaries in the physical realm are also necessary, especially when working with Lilith. She was showing me areas where I leak my energy unconsciously. A few nights ago I set the intention to drop back into the dream and I was watching a 3 some with an ex that triggered an annoying feeling inside. Then a voice said go look in the hall, at the end of the hall a back door was open as if someone has snuck out. This again reminded me to enforce boundaries within all areas of life to protect the work I’m doing on healing my feminine energy. Awesome to be in this world with ppl that aren’t just existing but reveling deeper into the true meaning of life. Thanks :black_heart:

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