trapping/binding/Imprison a Demon Elemental Hybrid permanently

I have some elemental hybrids that took over a friend of mine who are proving to be a serious problem. I have looked through Binding and Trapping content here but not located what I seek to do.

Maybe its worth a standard ritual to bring them, bind them in the circle and make a deal… Though I feel more like locking them away for a time to let them sit and think like a kid in a corner lol. I’m unsure just what rout I wish to take though I have some ideas, knowledge I don’t know how I know as it were…

I am seeking to gain the freedom of my friend as they’re quite the problem with rewriting his memories and effectively binding him using pain to keep him from even thinking of certain others. quite the troop of little pricks…

But I know hybrids can be tricky especially if you don’t know what other races were combined to create them…

What rituals do any recommend? Any with experience actually trapping things? Hybrid and or Elemental being knowledge?

In thinking as I am writing I am considering evocations to see if they can get past binding wards to explore their potential strengths and weaknesses and better design the concept of a trap… then offering a deal on my terms or imprisonment as their options.

What would someone caution or advise? other ways I might explore their strengths and weaknesses a bit more under the radar as it were?

How might you consider your moves and planning if you were dealing with a pack of 4 beings working as a team to possess a human? Earth, Fire, Air, Water. Interestingly it is one of each element. But ultra powerful Hybrids.

This is also Distance work. he is across the country from me…

Go with the time tested methods first. They’re not more effort than anything else.

Entities can’t be within him without permission though, he gave them that for them to be there in the first place. So I’d ask about that when you get contact.

Why hasn’t he just done a banishing and set up better wards though? :thinking:

Always talk first and see if theres a misunderstanding or if you can negotiate, but also to get better info. There’s no need to use a sledgehammer to crack a nut… says sledgehammer lady. I’ve been heavy handed in the past and it wasn’t the best option in hindsight.


I believe you can get duped with this if you’re projecting and not retaining the memories.

I won’t swear to it, but it stands out as a possible exception to this rule.

I only mention it because I’ve had times I went to do a work and knew I made contact while projecting but could not recall what happened at all.

What if I’d reached the wrong entity or idk. Just a thought, maybe it wouldn’t happen often since we should be trying to increase our recall, but I still have times where I don’t recall where I think I should be able to.


And this new age belief causes so much trouble. It is like saying you can’t be raped without permission. This is what is known as possession not the bullshit possession of new age edgelords which is the rename for invocation but actual possession. This permission nonsense only applies for those stronger than the entity in question and aware of its actions enough to resist. You probably can’t beat down an MMA fighter unless you are stronger and more skilled or you knock him with a sucker punch or other nefarious means essentially.

@AngelousDaemonus all entities have a specific set of frequencies to their energy. You balance this out you erase them from existence and even gods can be so erased although it takes a much longer time with their mass and the people that continue feeding them but for lesser spirits it can quickly reduce their strength and destroy them or leave them in a state they can be destroyed by other means. This method is also how you neutralize any spell or influence effectively by nullifying it.

The easiest way to start with this would be if you are familiar with radionics and what is known as a balancing rate if you aren’t familiar with it read up on it a bit to understand the concept and then experiment with applying it to your preferred system or integrate a quick device for the purpose.


It’s not “new age” it’s from the mystery schools, for one thimg, which are more than several thousand years old… I don’t think this comparison is sensible or realistic and it doesn’t fit my experience. It relies on a very weak and disempowered worldview that I don’t believe is true… It denies how powerful humans really are, or that they are higher beings in the first place (waaay higher than any Earth bound parasite).

It’s like people being afraid of spiders… .or saying you can get beaten up by a rat without permission. No, not really, you just have to realise you’re quite a lot stronger than the rat.

But theres also a huge difference between having your external feiields influenced and letting the thing inside you. I don’t agree that an entty can get inside your core without permission. It can sneak in and fool you, by pretending to be something else, but as soon as you realise what’s happening, you have the higher ground and it’s a matter of time before you fix it, if you want to.

It’s a law on this planet that free will is paramount, that’s why. Physical attack trumps that, spiritual does not. Humans can override each other… entities cannot. I don’t think I’m particulalry strong or speshul and this is my experience having had parasirtes that were deeply embedded and archon attacks. If I can do it, anytone can do it. Just have some balls.

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Free will matters only so far as one possesses the power and focus to wield it. Majority do not have access. You talk as if humans are powerful but they are not. There is potential there but if that potential is not actualized then it does not matter. I also don’t believe you are pulling any accurate information from these mystery schools or doing what most like to do and misinterpreting it to suit a particular world view. Practical experience ultimately trumps theory and from what I have seen sufficiently skilled or powerful entities can completely jack a persons existence.

You seem to believe humans are at the top but they are just one primitive species largely composed of failures and defective minds and souls. There are stronger more powerful souls out there in addition to spirits but both are capable of possession and control. Likely you have only encountered entities created by human thought and thus are easy to override and control in they share the same flaws as their creators.

There is potential but wasted potential. Free will and permission only matter if you have the power to back it up and train to realize that potential. For anyone else they might as well just be an easily hacked bot on a server. This is the reason training ones mind, soul, and body is so important before dealing with any external entities at all or any serious magical practice. The only thing that separates a human soul from a lesser spirit is just a few lines of complex spiritual code and a few patterns of energy. You yank that out and you have just another demon in a greater spirits legion or another angry elemental yearning for something it can no longer remember.


I have to differ here on the subject of a person Allowing possession.

They can and they did Take possession without conventional permission. He wound up this way for trying to aid me when something was attacking someone else and then me.

But from what I have now learned about possession a yes in has a backdoor more than not. You wanna help someone? Well there’s your yes. It’s that simple.

They don’t need the kind of permission people think. I learned it first hand in my own battle very recently.

He was in bed sleeping when he woke to them all holding him down and another speaking. He had the bruises the next day on wrists and ankles.

He had been recalling astral fights prior with each one.

They can trick our subconscious too I believe as he described letting go of anothers hand while being dragged underwater to save them. In that I think he was tricked into giving up control. Letting go of himself and thinking it was another.

He didn’t let them in in any conventional understanding and he can’t get them out either. Most humans don’t seem to have that capability it seems. I fought free of the one that tried to take me over but it took close to 6 months and he threw just about everything at me too. That same being is in charge of those that have taken him over is my understanding.

The friend and what was with him tried to aid me and now what was with him and guarded him and I both is displaced too and these new ones have taken over.

I dunno if this is just all part of the throw me in the fire some more and sink or swim figure out how to put them on notice or a legit full on overthrow.

Demons are tricky and often have a twisted sense of playing teacher. It can be hard to tell. nothing is truly a game and yet some have higher stakes than others.

But hybrids can be especially dangerous and difficult. Not like a straight elemental or a halfbreed whatever.

I have to be careful because if I screw this up he pays the price again since they can make him pretty incapacitated when they seek to and have even shown they can take him over fully and lock him away without him knowing it happened until interacting with me and I go oh no heads up dude.

Add to it he now has kidney cancer diagnosed just a week ago out of the blue and is struggling anyway.

It’s really pretty easy to break a human just deny them sleep and make them nauseous and throw in migraines and bingo humans become easy to control and if needed toss in a little emotional manipulation like triggering anger etc. for most it’s that easy. Wasn’t with me though.

Been through some of that at points in the past and the one that came calling last very nearly won. He was a ruthless sob but I did come to respect his skill and tenacity before I won the fight…. I learned a great deal from the violence of the experience too.

I would talk more and ask more questions but I’m so tired I have to crash.

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