Hello magick family.
I’ve been heavy at work in my Qliphothic working and since initiating this journey it’s been one of the hardest magical practices yet in reaching for my higher ascended self.
I’ve done a lot of shadow work and working with my ID, pulling out past traumas, and sorting through different aspects of my subconscious as well as discovering different aspects of myself.
I’ve finally been in a place in my life long enough where I am able to save my subconscious from the constant weed hacking of social masks and societal programmings. No longer in a hostile environment and separating myself from those who would seek to do me harm I’ve kinda fell into a hermit phase of my life as well as my magick practice. Being able to make a living from home I found myself no longer bombarded by the malicious energies of day to day life.
This has allowed me to come to terms with many shadows, dismantling programs that don’t serve me and allowing the true self that was always there to shine through like uncovering a pearl from the mud and muck on the ocean floor.
I’ve come to terms that I’ve been trapped in the wrong body my entire life and I refuse to keep wallowing in my despair as I watch it tick away whilst wearing a self inflicted mask to keep the outside world happy and deny or gatekeep my higher ascended self from flourishing.
I’ve currently been seeing professional assistance and therapy to help me through this battle in my psych and I recommend anyone with a similar situation to do the same and ALWAYS seek professional help.
I’ve initiated treatment for gender affirming care and hormone replacement therapy through my health team.
I will be transitioning from male to female and Astarte/Ishtar has been more than kind and supportive throughout this entire endeavor. I plan to use a shadowlog to document my process.
Currently I’m in the very center of the tree, stuck in the tunnel between A’arab Zaraq and Thagirion. In the Tarot this is associated with death according to Asenath Mason.
This makes sense as I’ve had many revelations according to life, death, rebirth, and what really matters. I’m coming to find my true self and sacrifice masks I use to appease others. The dark jester, Niantiel, will not let me pass until I shed my old self and embrace my true identity. No lie nor truth escapes Niantiel and he mockingly gets to the bottom of things even if the practitioner isn’t ready to hear it.
But first my old self has to die. I’ll be using a similar ceremonial ritual to the “Mass of the Phoenix” in Thelema as I usher in my future, higher authentic self.
I hope to keep you all posted as this isn’t an overnight endeavor and will be a long journey. But I’m ready