Transitioning with magickal assistance (m to f)

I want it to at least reach my shoulders. It’s so weird. I can feel a sort of psychic groundedness the longer it grows. I can feel a relationship to it almost like chi.

Also this HRT has made me less irritable, and I swear my mornings are getting easier with less and less negative spiriling.

So far its like I’ve been given a calming yet more loving and accepting magickal injection that keeps me feeling a little more sane for some reason but this is just the beginning!!!

Still getting the relaxing sensations at my crown. I bet it’s chakra oriented. And I’ve been having the most vivid spiritual dreams!!! :star:

I keep seeing the Star and Strength Archetypes falling out of my deck over and over so I’ll be placing them on my Altar :heart_hands:.


Maybe the growth of your hair is connecting you more into the feminine? That would be something to look into as go through this.


I met with my shadow again last night. They said I need to be mindful of who I have in my life. Not everyone has my best interests at heart. Closest imagery I could find to the form they chose to take.

To help stay the loneliness away, im developing a strong relationship with my demonic familiar, Desirae.

She appears very xenomorphic and is highly protective of me. Shes a cacodemon who’s been right along side me through all the traumas. All the abuse, all the death, all the hate crimes, and all the darkness. She reminds me I’m a warrior not a worrier.



Other than that though I’m doing fine. It’s been a bit rough but I’m managing :slightly_smiling_face::heart_hands: dark blessings everyone :black_heart::black_heart::black_heart:


Moloch was the god Mars oO


I started a fast on the new moon :new_moon:. Made a new devotion to myself. I’ve ceased meat consumption, THC, all sexual activity, all TV activity and have limited social media use.

Note on changes, I’m feeling super emotional. I feel like I’m processing things that have been delayed. It’s really tough right now. I can’t stop crying about my cousin who shot himself, my brother who hung himself, and being so alone right now with no family or friends.

You think people have your back and will be with you through anything. Everyones ghosted me so I deleted my fb and started a new one with only those who are worth my time. I sacrifice the old bridges of lies to my ancient Goddess’s who have my back most strongly.


I have Stalkers who are becoming very persistent so I’ve locked all my location settings on all my apps. I need to start protection magick more often. Something happened that was pretty bad and people are becoming a little imposing. I think they sense I’m alone.

I dreamed of the witches road last night. I was walking through a desolated swamp. There was a HUGE python watching me from off the trail. Some one was wrapped in it’s body and it was devouring them whole. I heard a voice whisper just above my shoulder whom sounded like Ishtar.

“Stay on the path” she said.

The python stopped eating and glared at me with yellow glowing eyes. It nodded in agreement.


Time for morning ritual :new_moon::waxing_crescent_moon::first_quarter_moon::waxing_gibbous_moon::full_moon:

Gotta set the intention before the day starts.

The morning is probably where most intrusive thoughts occur. But to prevent spiriling you have to ground yourself.

My weapons of choice are Gratitude, mindfulness and surrender.

I’m grateful that I’ve survived what I have survived, that in just under a year I can have my degree and dream job. That money flows to me while I sleep and my magick is strong and allows abundance to find me.

I’m mindful of the present and I stay present. Living in the future brings anxiety. Living in the past brings depression. But I am fully present.

I surrender to the flow of time and the world which is just happening to me, not happening because of me. This is an important discernment for preventing spiraling. There are many things in motion which I can’t control. And focusing on the negative only leads to attracting more negativity.


You are looking amazing!


Thank you so much :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:, your the best!!! I can feel Ishtars magick coursing through me!!! These are the most exciting moments I’ve had in the occult for almost the entire my life path!!! I can’t wait to record more updates and progress soon.

I’ve ritualized when I take the estradiol and testosterone blockers in a witches sabbath kind’ve ritual every morning and every night.

Mimicking how Catholics eat and drink the communion.

I had another dream with the Python spirit last night to. I was back on the witches road in the same spot I left off. The Python reappeared and I asked if it was here as an adversary. last night I saw them devouring some one off the road.

The python informed me it was devouring that which was sent to lead me astray and it would be with me down the path.

It led me down the road which entered an Oceanside cave. Fumes and steam billowed from within. I stopped hesitantly at the entrance. The sun was rising now and I had walked the road all through the night.

I was tired but hesitant to fall asleep around a predator such as a giant serpent. Ishtar and Lilith appeared at the entrance saying I can rest now everything would be safe. I know they sensed my fear.

My life has been pretty rough these past couple of weeks and I’m processing a lot of emotions I haven’t had a chance to. A lot of deaths to. Also, I had a bad experience with a stalker in the woods a couple of weeks ago and haven’t told anyone. But the Goddess’s were here to heal me and visit vengeance on the perpetrator.

I laid down in the cave and the Python wrapped me in a protective embrace. I finally slept a full night’s rest I haven’t experienced in awhile…

Hail the Divine feminine and hail the Infernal empire



A channel I follow for ritual meditation just made a video in honor of me :scream::scream::scream:.

Im in morning ritual and literally thinking to myself, “these artists probably create their own stories behind these tracks”.

Then I kinda got down and lost in thought thinking “damn now these tracks don’t feel like part of my story, I wish I had one especially for my path”

and literally I’m still sitting in circle right now and a new notification caught my ear. Holy sh** manifestation can be quick sometimes.

This artist literally posted a video in honor of me??? Just now!!! :scream::scream::scream:


Happy Valentine’s day to those who are lucky enough to have one!!! :heart:

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