To what extent are subliminals useful?

This following one seems to work well. The comments seem genuine and I have yet to try it for myself. This one is more of an aid to help you contact someone/ get someone to contact you (for literally any reason, not just love). It’s good to use visualization and based on the comments, most people listen to it as they are falling asleep and see results the following day/days. I THINK this is an example of subliminals, although the description says is binaural beats.

I’ve used subliminal videos before and they’ve worked almost instantly when just listening to them and visualizing the whole time if the video isn’t too long

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That’s awesome! Alright, I’m trying it.

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Just because u send a message to the subconscious and tell it to work, doesn’t mean it will do the work. The results of it seem useful for influencing behavior, but nothing suggests it influences reality or could be useful in magick.

Whether u consciously see something or not, it’s stored in the subconscious. The subconscious is processing what ur are conscious or and not conscious of anyways…

I know companies experienced with it in commercials, cartoons, movies etc…It seems they can influence individual behavior if he or she can be controlled by such a trigger…but i dont think its useful for spell casting.