To what extent are subliminals useful?


Okay you really need to calm down. You are desperately looking for ways to enlarge your dick by inches fast in like 6 weeks.

That is not gonna happen. I repeat, that is not going to happen. Even with all the demons and gods in this universe and signed bloodpacts, that will not happen.

You really need to understand that this is a slow biological building process, your body needs nutrients and building blocks, vitamins and minerals and the correct trainings stimulus just as in bodybuilding in order to grow larger.

I started my PE journey in 2013 or so, I could have had a monster dick by now but I didnā€™t put in the DAILY dedication and work.

I trained on and off, for months, and I slowly gained, iā€™m now almost 8 inches and it will take my a year, because iā€™m only stretching and jelqing for 60 minutes a day.

Itā€™s also for bloodflow health, erection strength, and you should start with kegels.


No he doesnā€™t mess with ā€œhidden affirmationsā€ or commands or whatever. He has work ethics and doesnā€™t want things to get out of hands.

He could do that if he wanted, but he doesnā€™t want to violate the rule of ā€œfree willā€ youā€™re not a hostage or something.

And no he wonā€™t do that, creating a 6G sub for you because he is working on other customs and regular subs that are coming out. Iā€™m actually testing his newest sub.

Custom build subs are very expensive like $5000 or so, or even more from rich entrepreneurs that are paying him to build some crazy subs

Thatā€™s not true bro. I know from experience I gained half an inch in a few weeks to a month by subliminals. They just stopped working because I messed up. Now Iā€™m looking for a new subliminal that works. The body can grow the penis anytime it wants, itā€™s a penis. Your mind and body did it during puberty, why not now. I know man that sucks I woulda had one too as I first learned about it in 2015 or 2016. I made good newbie gains but would go on & off with it because I stopped feeling anything. But honestly I think meditation would help with this and combining subliminals with jelqing and extender, canā€™t go wrong with that.

So how long do you think the wait would be for him to make a 6G version. Also is the 4G one just gonna be like a regular sub?


Learn to accept this redpill truth.

Girls have fucked a bigger dick than you. Itā€™s really no big deal. They enjoy it immensely. I know dudes that have nothing but are banging girls left and right because of their size. Most girls crave a huge dick because it stimulates them well and deep.

Enjoy your own sex with your gf, and stay positive and harvest your motivation, mold it into fuel for doing your daily penis enlargement exercises. Learn how to become healthier, stronger, more stamina, because a long soft dick doesnā€™t cut it.

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The 4G sub is worthless now because new tech is being developed and everything in store will be upgraded to 6G,

The problems most people encounter are subconsciouss fear and subconsiouss resistance to change, and heā€™s learning and testing with us to work and find ways around that fear.

What sub did you listen to? And who is the seller/company ?

Im in harmony with it, I donā€™t care if others have a bigger dick than me, I want to have a bigger dick for my own improvement. The girl I was talking about is not my gf lbs. As far as insecurities maybe I have an unconscious insecurity blocking me from making the gains. I would only be insecure enough to hesitate pulling it out infront of a group of ppl or being judged on it. Bit as far as that I like my dick. With subliminals I doubled the size of my balls in a few weeks and that you canā€™t do with exercises really.

The name was previously harmonious light foundation, then changed to neuroprogramming. The group or ā€œheā€ actually made some pretty high quality subs. Very unique ones. But started to fall off later and started to seem a bit shady like more of a business looking to profit. Anyways the channel got shut down and they deleted their email so thereā€™s no way to keep in contact with them, so I thought that was pretty shady too, but they did mention many times to me that theyā€™re secretive or want to be kept private to be fair.

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And what exactly happened to your sub? It suddenly stopped working? How and why did you messed up?

Itā€™s btw a very bad sign if a company acts like thatā€¦ And really really unfortunate, so theyā€™re in it for the profits and nothing else, well too bad.

If they just produce high quality subs and keep everything running, that will pay off better in the long-run. But yea that my humble opinionā€¦

Also if you have subconsciouss blockages, I suggest that you learn to make a bloodpact and evoke demons to help you clear out all blockages.

You could also learn how to lucid dream and work in your dreams on your subconsciouss mind. Maybe you have resistance fear, or other blockages.

No the directions [quote=ā€œSpaceTravelr, post:93, topic:13473ā€]
And what exactly happened to your sub? It suddenly stopped working? How and why did you messed up?

The directions for the 1st version of the sub clearly stated to only listen twice a day.
And have atleast one hour of rest before listening a 2nd time. Also you have to listen to it all the way with no pauses. The sub is about 60 minutes long and the booster 45 min. So when you add it up it would be a total of 150 minutes for one session if you add the booster before and after(sandwich), but itā€™s optional to sandwich it, itā€™s already strong to begin with. You cannot let the earphone drop out your ear either. For me I dropped it a few times because I had apple earphones, now I have wireless Bose for this specific reason. My stupid iPhone also glitched and looped it while I would meditate and fall asleep, so that was not good. I would wake up very lethargic, This would get very tiring. Also you would have to choose which particular sub you want from 6 inch- 13inch for your end result. I chose 9 inch. This sub was special. It would speak to your concious and subconscious @ the same time. You would hear loud and clear different voices telling you, you have a 9 inch penis, while hidden ones you canā€™t hear are saying that and different affirmations to your subconscious. I noticed the 1st few days my perception was changed of my penis when looking in the mirror, I felt it different about it, I canā€™t really explain, I felt like I had a big dick even though the size didnā€™t change. Another thing it would consistently hang lower on flaccid. I would get mild growing pains everyday and sometimes while listening.

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The 2nd sub I listened to made by the same company, was very effective also. This one was just one sub and it was meant to grow your penis from wherever youā€™re at and just stop when youā€™re done. This one was called male enhancement length neuroprogramming 2. AS SOON AS I STARTED LISTENING I GOT STRONG ALMOST UNBEARABLE GROWING PAINS. This one is the one I think that gave me that half inch In a week or 2. My dick would hang much lower and I saw new skin forming at the base as if it stretched. But this one I messed up on too. This one you strictly have to finish the whole 45 min Everytime. I was doing security & listening @ work and I kept getting asked questions and had to take an earbud out. So I felt it getting less effective each time. Good thing about this one too was you can listen as much as you like.


I for sure have fear. Iā€™m already well aware of my subconscious blockages, Iā€™ve been working hard on trying to clear them but itā€™s difficult.

Fun fact for you, at one point in my life I had close to zero blockages, I was almost fully pure. And let me tell you, jelqing worked instantly at that time. Literally gained half an inch in a few days. I was Soo excited and happy. But later my vibe dropped and I started to develop fears of my own potential and greatness. I ended up fucking myself over and blocking myself from ever gaining. So I know this is mainly on belief which is crazy.



Yeah and thatā€™s why iā€™m looking into lucid dreaming and demon pacts to clear all those subconsciouss fears, I want to get rid of all fears which are blocking me.

That goes for magick, pe, and everything

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Have you tried vipassana meditation?



No, what is it? Does it work?


Yes itā€™s the purest form of practice directly from buddah. You can easily sign up for a 10 day course on itā€™s 100% free and the food is good as fuck. They let you stay in a nice room too. Depending on the center you might share a room. The best center is the Kauffman one. This meditation is most effective in that pure environment and you will be meditatating 8-10 hours a day with plenty of breaks in between. This is intense especially for a weak mind, but I promise this is the fastest way to purification other than hypnosis or subs.



And that will clear out all blockages ?

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Yes it will clear out all blockages, you just have to find them. Itā€™s gonna manifest itself as sensations.


LOL, even dicks can be pretty and ugly !!! :joy: :rofl:



For sure, I know girls talk about it, the shape of your mushroom, being cut or uncut, color, discolorizations, veins, small pencil dick or fat etc lmao they all have their preferences :joy:

Apparantly itā€™s a serious thing, for certain women